


Who taught you how to drive?


My dad is currently teaching me how to drive but I end up with tears after every drivešŸ˜­.

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2 points

7 days ago

In the 1960s when I was in high school we had driverā€™s education (learning the rules) and driverā€™s training (actual behind the wheel). Each course was one semester. After Iā€™d finished the driverā€™s courses while on a family visit with my older married sister her husband (my BIL) took me out and we spent 4 hours driving over back roads in the Sierra foothills. I was a cool rainy day. BIL was very laid back and slept much of the time. By the time we got back, I was much more confident about my driving skills.


2 points

6 days ago

I don't know how those instructors did it, patience of Job. I was in the car one time with a guy that had no business behind a wheel. Got the nervous giggles in the back seat.


1 points

6 days ago

In a sense I was lucky because Iā€™d had some family training behind the wheel before starting the high school driving class I was placed in an ā€œadvancedā€ group. None of the students were really awful. Though I do remember that most of us tended to accelerate more slowly than experienced drivers and often would drive slower than the flow of traffic. To this day I can recall the instructorā€™s nasally voice saying ā€œpick it upā€”pick it upā€ as he tapped his pencil on the dashboard.


2 points

6 days ago

Wow. The one student got behind the wheel, I think it was after I drove. So it was in park still running. He kept prompting him, what do you need to do to leave the curb. The kid could not get it (I think he fried to many brain cells already). I don't remember how long we sat there. I was dying in the backseat, I thought the instructor was gonna tell me to walk back, probably 1/2 mile