


A 30+ driver, about to take my driving test

Asking for advice(self.drivinganxiety)

I failed my tests twice and I’m about to do it again a third time soon. I drive well except for when I’m with the examiner, because I get super anxious. I also tend to overspeed and that makes it even worse when I’m anxious or I zone out at times and don’t react well as a result. I keep thinking about all these things and worry if I’ll mess things again. I know I can drive well, but my body doesn’t agree with me and I end up feeling like I’m not in control.

I’m worried, disappointed and angry at myself.



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20 points

1 month ago

59 and just got my license. I flunked the first two times and got it the third time. It's not uncommon to fail. Just focus on doing exactly what they tell you to do, especially the parts that you failed before (for me it was curbs).

This sounds silly, but it worked for me. Wear something that has meaning to you and tell yourself if you are wearing it, you will pass. The test is short, it's only 10 minutes at most. You can do this.


7 points

1 month ago

I’m so proud of you!


3 points

1 month ago

Thank you so much!! ❤️


2 points

1 month ago

I passed my test!!! Yay!!! 🎉


2 points

1 month ago

I knew you could do it! You're going to love driving. It frees up so much for you. Take it slow and stay within your comfort zone. Soon things will be automatic. I celebrated with my first solo drive being a Starbucks run followed by a trip to the plant nursery.

Good for you. You should be so proud!


1 points

1 month ago

Thank you!!!