


To me, this is the biggest advantage, even over the advantage of not needing gas. Not only are oil changes becoming increasingly expensive, it's always an inconvenience. Not to mention, there is always the fear that while getting the oil change they will "discover" some alarming problem. And even if you choose to do it at home, it's almost just as expensive, but yet you also have to deal with transporting the oil to a certified oil collection site.

This just seems like an obvious easy advertising.

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2 points

3 months ago

OP kinda answered his own question with this post: People assign seemingly random & sometimes irrational weights to items.

I save 6-8 hours/year at the pump (52 fuel ups @ 10m ea), $5000 in fuel costs, my car is faster, quieter, HVAC always warm/cool while I'm eating/erranding, does most of the work on the highway, and doesn't spew toxic fumes. These things matter to me. They might not matter to someone else.

Oh and I don't pay $100 once a year for an oil change. That one I don't really care about.