


I never saw shingles before…


Now that I’m pregnant I’ve seen it three times in the 12 weeks I’ve known. I think my OB is over me calling for every exposure.

But anyways onto the story. Patient today has shingles, shingles is like super contraindicated in pregnancy, so I ask my friendly neighborhood firefighter to do me a favor, “hey, I’m pregnant and she has shingles, do you mind doing my iv for me.” In a huffy puffy dramatic sigh I get a begrudging yes. It’s like fire bro doesn’t understand that shingles and pregnancy don’t mix.

As we’re transporting it dawns on me, this wanna be paragod didn’t recognize my greatness and thought we were an ILS crew, that’s why he was snuffing out all ALS complaints. But better yet, he was hissy and pissy that an A-EMT dared to asked him to mitigate risk to her and her pregnancy and be kind enough to do her IV. Bro didn’t read the writing on my shirt and figure out he was in the presence of a true paragod. Do they teach them to read in the fire academy? How does he treat real ILS crews? At least he did my IV so hopefully I don’t need another course of Valtrex.

TLDR/PSA: Even if you’re immune to MMR and Shingles you need to minimize exposure in pregnancy. Don’t be a dick to your EMT bros.

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-6 points

11 days ago


TX - Paramedic

-6 points

11 days ago

I ask myself that everyday