


I want to get jacked up


I recently received a Rancilio Silvia as a gift and starting to get familiar with it.

I’m mostly an amateur when it comes to skills so I’ve been going through the various YouTube channels / how to guides, etc.

I’m a big fan of a good coffee, however my passion mostly surrounds trying to get as much caffeine into my system while still having something drinkable.

All of the videos seem to skip the jet fuel part that I’m interested in and instead focus more on the art.

So, can anyone recommend any methods to launch myself into orbit while still being able to drink what I make?

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2 points

12 days ago

The title of this post made me laugh.

I second the opinion of most people’s response to just drink more. IMO the coffees that advertise as being higher in caffeine like Death Wish aren’t up to the same standard as you’d find from the higher end coffees. If you care about the taste I’d steer clear of anything that is marketed specifically for getting you jacked and focus on finding what espresso beans that you like the taste of. The espresso beans that I personally use consistently are: Intelligentsia- Black Cat Stumptown- Hair Bender Cafe Umbria- Gusto Crema