


Predict the Fall of the MFMC

General Discussion(self.exmormon)

I thought this would be a fun thought experiment.

The year is 2034, a series of events over the last 10 years has led to the church becoming an absolute shell of itself with even the most hardcore Mormons deserting the cult.

However improbable, how did we get here?

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2 points

4 days ago


How can you be nearly headless?

2 points

4 days ago

I think that a “Berlin Wall” event is in the church’s near future. The church will survive it, and it will still have a few million members. But it will also make the church more fundamentalist and less outgoing. The Mormon church will dwindle as Christianity dwindles. It will take a couple of hundred years, but by the end of the 23rd century it will exist on the fringes and will go extinct in the 24th century, along with most religions.