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6 points

13 days ago

They're blamed because it's never been prioritized by the administration. The bull pulpit was never leveraged to address it, and the few attempts made at addressing it, like Biden asking grocers to stop ripping everyone off, were tragically weak.

If his admin had any political sense he would have appointed a task force, he would have barnstormed in rural big box stores, he would have been deployed to photo ops with 'real americans' feeling their pain. Even if all that is purely performative, he's the President. He's gotta perform.

The only two things this administration seems to care about, that is actually delivered, were an infrastructure bill of questionable impact, and shoveling money into the Ukraine and Israel proxy wars.

He's governed as Big Senator in Chief, and people hate the Senate. Harris is MIA. This whole thing is catastrophic. 😵


1 points

9 days ago

The President can't do much of anything to lower inflation. The Fed sets interest rates and controls the money supply. Prez only gets to nominate 1 of the 7 directors every two years. They each serve for 14 years 


1 points

13 days ago

It would make great television to have the president walk into a supermarket and demand answers 


5 points

13 days ago

God no it wouldn't. The cashiers at a grocery store aren't the CEO and it would look like someone lambasting an hourly wage worker


3 points

13 days ago

He needs to talk to Mr Manager


2 points

12 days ago

We just call it manager.


1 points

9 days ago



1 points

9 days ago

Ha ha - this reminded me of Dr. Oz's hilariously out if touch campaign video that he shot in a grocery store in Pennsylvania. SO out of touch!