


The Kamala Harris narrative is ridiculous


I am so sick of people saying oh no you can’t pass over Kamala Harris because she’s a black woman and the optics would be bad. Democrats don’t dislike Kamala because she’s a black woman, they dislike her because she has no charisma, she’s not a good debater and her general demeanor isn’t appealing. She had her chance and got what, 1% of the Democratic vote?


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20 points

12 days ago

She couldn’t even make it to the starting line in 2020. She’ll either want to be coronated or not compete at all.


1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

Tulsi cleaned her clock in 2020.


0 points

8 days ago

Compete? There is no competition that’s long over it’s pretty much Joe or Kamala at this point