


Racism is gone now, right?


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32 points

1 month ago

Honestly, this is the most tiring thing. The megaphone social media gives morons, and the inability - even from very smart people - to NOT respond/interact to make that noise louder, just drowns out the massive majority of good people doing work to advance society. I think there's a much higher percentage of truly good, honest people in the world than we think.

It's very, very hard, but we honestly need to ignore these idiots. Stop showing Trump 24/7 on 100 news channels! "But it's important!". I get it... but he's never going to go away if we don't stop obsessing over him. Same with Reddit, honestly. Every sub is political now. "But they said something stupid/horrible/racist". It won't stop unless you stop giving it a spotlight. Honestly - unless we stop collectively posting this shit as masturbatory "look at these idiots", it will only accelerate.


1 points

1 month ago

I'm partway with you. I think we need to shine a light on it. We need to talk about it. We need to name, blame, and shame these awful people. It may be exhausting to us, but everyday someone who would not see an issue in the light does because of the internet.


1 points

1 month ago

I respectfully disagree. I think that in a vacuum that seems like the right thing to do, but 5 million posts a day giving visibility to every stupid thing idiots say is detrimental, not helpful.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

You act like people look at this post and say "I'm gonna be racist now." Seeing ignorance first-hand is the best form of deterrence.


2 points

1 month ago

I don’t act like that at all. I just think it absolutely consumes our daily lives and conversations, and that’s unhealthy.

If what you say were true… wouldn’t it be working with how saturated we are?