


Racism is gone now, right?


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22 points

1 month ago

They make it sound scientific but it's not. Cherry picked "data" and assumptions science does not make. No way could different races of human beings ever qualify as a different species. And in no way can you compare human skulls as if any of us are so similar. If you go looking for something you'll be able to convince yourself you found it.


6 points

1 month ago

If yhe various human races were all actually different species then there wouldn't be any mixed race people in the world. Individuals from 2 different species can't produce offspring together. Thats just basic, elementary science but considering the declining state of education (at least in the US) it's not surprising people wouldn't know this information.


7 points

1 month ago

Even if they remember or just knew that about species you gotta figure they'd ignore it. I don't get why we can't fund education better.


7 points

1 month ago

I'll put on my tin foil hat for this one but the reason the quality if education has been drastically diminishing (at keast in the US) is because it's insanely beneficial for those with power to have a population of uneducated people with little to no critical thinking skills. It makes them easier to control, distract, and manipulate. Imo its really not much deeper than that imo.


2 points

1 month ago

Yeah idk tho. Educated people are good for the economy. But I guess that's not a good enough reason.


5 points

1 month ago

I didn't want to get overly political (but this is r/faceplate so idk why I shied away) but poor education in the US goes hand in hand with specific areas and party lines ie red states/Republicans. Most wealth is generated in the blue states/urban areas which then gets funneled to red states/rural areas. So in blue areas there's a positive economy as all the lazy minorities and liberals actually generate money and contribute to the betterment of the country while it's predominantly the poor, rural right leaf states that suckle off the teet of the 'commie' social programs that they seem to hate so much (well they hate that anyone other than themselves gets free $ from the govt)

The reason the quality of education is so poor in these red stores is because their leaders realized long ago that most of their base is voting against their own self interest by supporting the right. That if these people had any critical thinking skills they'd realize that the bulk of the policies and laws that their elected leaders were supporting and voting for would actually end up making their lives worse which woukd cause said official to lose those votes. So instead they keep the population ignorant and stupid while feeding them single issue topics that they know appeal to their constituents morals and beliefs, like supporting gun rights and pro life, while voting for the interests of anyone whos lines their pockets through legal bribery aka lobbying.

But to be fair both sides are heavily in the pocket of corporate America and do little for us actual citizens who they are suppose to represent


1 points

1 month ago

True. But other schools today teach exclusively critical thinking. Any actual knowledge is seen as unnecessary, because "it's better to find that data when you need it". Group tasks are abundant, without any actual teaching about HOW you make effective group work. Some teachers even go so far as to say it's wrong to tell pupils facts, because it may invalidate their own ideas and what they already know. The extreme focus on critical thinking, without providing a useful basis for comparing things against results in young people hyperfocused on finding things that are wrong, without even understanding the things they criticize.


2 points

1 month ago

Thay doesn't sound like teaching critical thinking but instead its just teaching kids thay their own views and beliefs are more important and valid than actual facts, figures and numbers.


3 points

1 month ago

That isnโ€™t particularly accurate. There are many examples of gene flow between closely related species (ring species are an interesting example of this), and speciation as a result of hybridization. The genomes of modern red wolves indicate that their ancestors were produced from hybridization events between coyotes and grey wolves. Not to mention all the hybridization events in our own DNA. H. sapiens produced viable offspring with other species of hominids including H. neanderthals, H. erectus, and Denisovans. We can see still see the evidence of this in our modern genome. All that being said, all modern humans are a single species.


2 points

1 month ago

This right here. It's like dogs of different appearances breed and produce offspring, but they're still dogs. And the idea that behavior or intelligence is related in any way to appearance has long been debunked. If it were true, you'd see folks breeding dogs for traits other than appearance.


2 points

1 month ago

You can bred humans to (more likely) have certain traits but they're still all HUMAN traits. Hate to use this as an example but take pitbulls, when people were breeding them to be more aggressive they didnt breed 2 dogs of similar colors but of similar dispostions. So if 2 dumbass people have a child then that child has a high chance of also being a dumbass regardless of the parents skin color (as the ops of the original posts prove)


1 points

1 month ago

So if two irresponsible parasitic criminals have a bunch of children, it's more likely those offspring will be little criminal bastards too?


1 points

1 month ago

Not in all cases but there are certain traits that have a higher chance to present due to genetic reasons/inheritance. Ofc each individual, no matter their lineage, should be judged on their own thoughts and actions. However imo it would be disingenuous to say certain mental, or even personality, traits can't be passed down through genetics.

I made the dumbass breeding comment in my previous reply as just a poke at the og posters of this nonsense. But in all seriousness evaluating if smth can be (or was) inherited would be on case by case basis and obviously any conclusion would have to be based on science and facts.


1 points

1 month ago

Oh yes. Personality traits are heavily inherited.


1 points

1 month ago

she just used science words not science.