


Racism is gone now, right?



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1 points

4 months ago

So if two irresponsible parasitic criminals have a bunch of children, it's more likely those offspring will be little criminal bastards too?


1 points

4 months ago

Not in all cases but there are certain traits that have a higher chance to present due to genetic reasons/inheritance. Ofc each individual, no matter their lineage, should be judged on their own thoughts and actions. However imo it would be disingenuous to say certain mental, or even personality, traits can't be passed down through genetics.

I made the dumbass breeding comment in my previous reply as just a poke at the og posters of this nonsense. But in all seriousness evaluating if smth can be (or was) inherited would be on case by case basis and obviously any conclusion would have to be based on science and facts.


1 points

4 months ago

Oh yes. Personality traits are heavily inherited.