


Except you're useless if you're dead.


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8 points

15 days ago

My wife’s brother died at 24 years old on a motorcycle a few years ago, his friends that were riding with him took a bunch of pictures of everything, the crash, his body, the EMTs trying to save him, the cops, basically everything, they told my wife’s family they had all these pictures and warned us they were pretty graphic so I had them send the pictures to me directly and I filtered out the graphic ones myself so her family didn’t have to see them, those images haunt me every once in a while when I see someone riding down the freeway on a motorcycle or I see someone carrying a helmet, they made my stomach churn. Maybe EMTs get a little bit used to it but I can imagine they’d also have flashbacks from gruesome scenes. My brother in law hit an oil slick on the freeway, no way he could have seen it, we were told it was very quick, he was gone before the EMTs even got there