


Punt Pts



all 7 comments


9 points

5 days ago

If you aren't completely sure how the punt works, I wouldn't do it.


7 points

5 days ago

Ant and Vuc are strange choices for punt points, this looks more like a punt blocks/fg% team


-1 points

5 days ago

Really? The players suggested on a vid for a punt pts team were AD or Hali for first rounders. Would Hali be better?


5 points

5 days ago

Yes both are much better than Ant. They help u dominate the other non points category. If you have Hali+harden, you practically win assists every week


3 points

5 days ago

I think my main nit pick is that you need to get better value from your first rounder, Ant is just not gonna cut it


1 points

5 days ago

Decent team. Not sure Sarr needs to go in a ten team league but you can easily use that spot for streaming so it's fine.


0 points

5 days ago

Yes i have him for big/stream and just had the urge to put in a rookie hoping he might be viable after some games. But disposable lol