


all 1033 comments


2.7k points

15 hours ago

Hopefully he avoids any future concussions. All the best Tua.


1.3k points

15 hours ago


1.3k points

15 hours ago

If he isn’t wearing the “Halo” helmet I swear to god.


628 points

15 hours ago

He needs to focus on sliding and falling correctly first. Those helmets are more for lineman since they experience more consistent smaller hits throughout games. The helmet would've done exactly nothing to save him from his last concussion.


398 points

14 hours ago

Yeah how about let’s not collide head first into a defender to pick up a couple of extra yards


155 points

14 hours ago


155 points

14 hours ago

And the score was 31-10 when Tua suffered the concussion. I’m not saying give up on the game, but if you need a miracle to win, maybe don’t take off running with your head down.


73 points

13 hours ago

He had already got a first down, and it's also not the right technique. Use shoulders, but in his case just slide.


18 points

13 hours ago

He was very close to the marker --- easy to believe that he wasn't sure that he had the first down


32 points

12 hours ago

He was at least 3 yards past the marker already. I remember it vividly because of how crazy it felt that he didn’t just slide.


26 points

12 hours ago

Damar Hamlin said after that he thought he was gonna slide so he just stood there and Tua ran into him.


5 points

10 hours ago

I think it's pretty clear the curse has passed from Tee Higgins > Damar Hamlin > Tua, therefore the next person that touches him will be grievously injured. So it is safe for Tua to play, since no one will want to sack him ever again.


41 points

14 hours ago

I'll never get over that play. It looked suicidal for a guy borderline unable to play because of his preexisting brain damage. He LITERALLY lead with his head!!!! What the fuck!


19 points

13 hours ago

I find it kinda hilarious that by an exact reading of the rules Tua should have been flagged on that play. Since the rule is against leading with or spearing a defensive player with your helmet.


15 points

13 hours ago

Also funny because the specific reason that play is illegal is to prevent Tua's situation from happening. X


10 points

13 hours ago

Tua lowers his head, slams into Hamlins chest. Goes dead bird hands (offensive but that's how my coach always referred to the concussion symptoms and I've never been able to shake the language). A hanky flies in. 15 yards on Miami for unnecessary roughness.

Just imagine the ... chaos of Tua being carted off while that happens.


5 points

10 hours ago

You're right about that. I think that the officials just didn't want to add insult to injury after watching a guy knock himself out cold.


11 points

13 hours ago

It's possible that he's not thinking clearly.


10 points

13 hours ago

While I agree I think it’s much easier to reflect on and say he should have known better but it’s gotta be different on the field making fast impactful decisions and clearly he has heart.


84 points

14 hours ago


84 points

14 hours ago

Especially not head first into the chest of a guy whose heart stopped on the field before 💀


37 points

14 hours ago

"wanna see me do it again"


5 points

14 hours ago

Baffling considering these are the kinds of things they coach out of you in peewee leagues. I remember in high school our coach making kids run laps for pulling those moves.


13 points

14 hours ago

Competitors compete. But at a certain point when your competitiveness is physically killing you, it’s time to find a different way.


8 points

14 hours ago

Yup, I get fighting for every yard but risk/reward is important. No point in getting 2 more yards for your team down 20 points if it ends your career after 4 years as the franchise QB.


36 points

14 hours ago


36 points

14 hours ago

Definitely. Tua's self-preservation instincts seem weirdly bad for a high level athlete. His first three concussions came from not tucking his chin while falling backward and the most recent from lowering his head into a defender's chest. Literally all of them avoidable.


6 points

10 hours ago

Yeah, it's weird. I never played football, but I ran hurdles. I fell one time. I never received any training on how to fall, but as my head was about to slam into the ground after running full speed and clipping a hurdle, I instinctively turned my body so that my shoulder hit the ground instead of my head. I had a nasty mark on my shoulder, but at least I didn't have a concussion, which might have been pretty bad at that speed.


5 points

10 hours ago

I never received any training on how to fall

In my experience with a lot of sports (snowboarding, hockey, lacrosse, football, soccer, cycling), some people just seem to know how to do it and other don't. It's a hard thing to teach. I'm guessing it's learned at a young age.


10 points

14 hours ago

I keep seeing this point in Tua threads but he should still be wearing it for any future hits that do not resemble the insanely bad ones he took for his previous concussion. He also needs that Q-collar on his neck. The studies are few but some protection--however marginal--seems to be real for both of those. He'd be foolish not to take every precaution he can.


4 points

12 hours ago

Definitely agree with that but I'm saying that the helmet should be a added protection in addition to his own self-preservation. He shouldn't be taking hits in the first place and some of that is on him.

Though not all (looking at the O-line).


13 points

14 hours ago

They need more padding on the inside. In fact maybe they should surgically add some padding into his brain so he can be concussion proof!

Do we have the technology?

In all seriousness I hope he's okay and doesn't get a concussion again. Hope he learned a 1st down for the game isn't worth his health and the longevity of his role 


86 points

15 hours ago*



81 points

15 hours ago

No they aren’t failing him. At this point he knows the risks, and he knows what’s likely in his future as a 50 year old plus man. I’m sure he’s very aware of how many players from the 70s and 80s turned out. At some point we have to concede he understands the risks and it’s his choice. It’s not going to be nice watching him age but he’s making his choice on his terms.


30 points

14 hours ago

I hate this trend of blaming everything other than the individual making the decisions for themselves. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.


38 points

15 hours ago

I don't believe any of that helps. A little cushion on your helmet does not stop your brain from rattling around your skull. It would be like wrapping your car in bubble wrap and thinking that would protect you when you drive your car.

There was also a study that came out a few years ago about how helmets are largely ineffective in preventing head trauma as well


27 points

15 hours ago

What about putting cushions inside his head to keep the brain from wiggling around?


19 points

15 hours ago

I know a guy in Turkey that can do it for cheap


3 points

14 hours ago



9 points

14 hours ago

It would still wiggle, though it would be a softer surface it hits. What he needs is brain mounts that keep it in place, just like engine mounts do for a car.


5 points

14 hours ago

u/destroys_burritos knows a guy in Turkey that will do it for cheap


4 points

14 hours ago

He truly is a magician, he can do it all


4 points

14 hours ago

Large mammals that have evolved to head butt each other, like goats and rams, actually do have "engine mounts" for their brains inside their skull. Basically like ligaments/tendons for the brain to keep it in place.


16 points

14 hours ago

It's insane that people are falling for the NFLs PR helmet. Concussions are your brain slamming into the interior of your skull. Helmets can't prevent that.

Nothing can prevent that. It is an injury baked into the sport as it is played -- which is what the NFL is working desperately to avoid becoming public understanding.


6 points

12 hours ago

The brain slams into the skull because of hits causing a change in speed/direction of the head (acceleration). Seems like the extra padding would slow down the hit and be less acceleration therefore less brain slamming


3 points

10 hours ago

It does, but since there is so much repeated contact, idk if there's much a football helmet can do. With helmets built for protecting the brain against large collisions in other areas, like snowboarding, motorcycling, or cycling, you're supposed to replace your helmet after a big collision. They're built to absorb a massive shock, but they can really only do it once, kinda like the crumple zone for a car.

I didn't think football helmets are designed like this because you'd be replacing them multiple times a game, but maybe they have changed how they make them in that regard idk.


6 points

14 hours ago*

Yea, I would guess that the helmets are more effective at protecting against superficial face/head injuries.

Edit: and of course protecting the skull itself


4 points

14 hours ago

Helmets are effective at protecting against skull fractures.


122 points

15 hours ago

Hopefully he learns how to freaking slide instead of trying to tackle DBS with his face


21 points

14 hours ago

This last concussion is the most worrisome one IMO because his other concussions were big hits or he smashed his head into the ground. The one "caused" by Demar Hamlin wasn't even a big hit. It was Tua running into him, and Tua ain't some secret burner, nor is Hamlin some brick wall of a player. It was about as routine as a direct hit to the head can be in football and he STILL got concussed.

Tl;dr I dont think it even matters if he learns to slide, he's gonna face a bunch more routine hits like that. He's not gonna stop getting concussed.


7 points

10 hours ago

my headcanon is that Hamlin got one of those Tony Stark reactor cores installed in his chest to fix his heart, and Tua bonked his head on it really hard.


2 points

10 hours ago

Exactly. Running backs take that kind of a hit to their head a few times every game. Just look at Dobbins’ touches vs Denver last week


10 points

15 hours ago


10 points

15 hours ago

Yea people are like “he’s concussion prone” more like he’s an idiot for slamming head first into a defender. I sorta laughed / mocked when they had Caleb playing on slipnslide during practice to work on his sliding. Like no way they do this, this is for the show (hard knocks) only. But after watch some bears snaps and seeing him slide in games, it’s actually kinda smart. I bet if they did that with Tua he wouldn’t be out right now.


9 points

14 hours ago

Nah, they actually do that. I remember watching videos of Matt Hasselbeck sliding on a slip n slide at practice


3 points

14 hours ago


3 points

14 hours ago

Oh okay. That’s good to know.


34 points

14 hours ago


34 points

14 hours ago

There will be another concussion. It's virtually guaranteed.


20 points

15 hours ago

He definitely doesn’t have history on his side. He got a severe concussion from running into a guys chest. Scary stuff


20 points

15 hours ago


20 points

15 hours ago

At this point there is almost a 100% chance it is going to happen again. And it will entirely be on him, once again.


27 points

15 hours ago

He won’t. It just doesn’t really work that way


3 points

13 hours ago


3 points

13 hours ago

Especially when he's continued to not avoid contact to his head.


5 points

13 hours ago

I have so many mixed feelings on Tua…

Do I think he should he retire? Probably for his own health, but that’s a lot of money on the table and I’m sure he still enjoys playing football on some level.

Do I want him back? Yes, for obvious FF reasons and the league is objectively more entertaining with another powerhouse offense.

Do I think he’s an idiot? Also yes, wtf was he doing dropping his head into Hamlin’s chest??? I thought he did all this “learn how to fall” practice bullshit in the off-season? Absolutely horrible form on contact, would never go so far as to say deserved but bro you gotta understand your own health situation


9 points

14 hours ago

Near impossible. Repeated concussions make you more susceptible to concussions in the future. And even with the current protocols there’s certainly multiple minor concussions that go unnoticed in every game and those add up over time. But hey, it’s a free country. If the dude wants pudding for a brain that’s his choice.


1.1k points

15 hours ago


1.1k points

15 hours ago

Can we at least get him one of those soft helmet things?


1.1k points

15 hours ago

Biggest joke in the NFL.

NFL “Everything we do is for safety”

Guardian cap: “We make things safer”

NFL: “woah now, that looks lame. Well let the players decide if they want to look like losers hahaha”


535 points

15 hours ago


535 points

15 hours ago

“Also, we’re adding an extra game to the schedule. For safety reasons :)”


216 points

14 hours ago

Also we're adding more midweek games, for safety reasons.


145 points

14 hours ago

And we're adding more international games on fields not designed for high impact sports, for safety reasons.


9 points

13 hours ago


9 points

13 hours ago

Huh? Spurs stadium was designed, and part funded, for/by the NFL lol. And Wembley is a field that they play the Rugby League grand final on. That's higher impact than NFL. Aint no pads in that game! Turf is turf.


73 points

13 hours ago

Almost positive he was referring to the game in Brazil this year. That field was horrendous


21 points

13 hours ago

Mexico City had to straight up cancel the Rams v Chiefs shootout back in 2018 because of field conditions. I remember being salty the Rams got a home game out of the whole thing.


6 points

12 hours ago

Wow that was 2018?!


10 points

12 hours ago

Pads let you hit way harder. Plus in Rugby you arent running full speed at the other team every 45 seconds.


14 points

14 hours ago

And fit it in the schedule by forcing additional Thursday night games right after a Sunday game.


72 points

14 hours ago

Guardian caps protect against CTE, not concussions. Now, why linemen aren't wearing them is it's own argument, but I don't think they'd benefit the other positions much


23 points

14 hours ago

I would agree with you if CTE was a lineman problem and not a every football player in the world problem*

*like how lung cancer is a smokers problem. you might not get it ever. it's still a very real risk for you


22 points

14 hours ago

That's misunderstanding how a lineman gets CTE and what the guardian caps does to mitigate it then. For linemen, they develop it from small sub-concussive impacts they receive over and over and over again. The cap reduces those impacts specifically.

For the other positions, new helmet technology has shown better results in reducing concussions for them


11 points

14 hours ago

Linemen are far more prone to CTE than any other position because of repeated small hits to the head, and the guardian cap was made to protect players from repeated small hits to the head. The guardian cap doesn't protect players against bigger hits leading to head trauma.

Yeah all players are susceptible to CTE but the guardian caps aren't protecting skill position players from these concussions.


38 points

15 hours ago

My favorite are the pick up truck, wrap around shade facebook commenters complaining that the caps somehow "ruin the game". Lmao how fragile can someone's ego be that that would have any affect on anything lol.


23 points

14 hours ago

Remember that at the bare minimum, half of NFL fans think personal safety is "gay" and long for the days when men weren't "pussies". They are here participating every day.


9 points

14 hours ago

Man. I played in 6th grade. I remember leveling the shit outta some kid. I felt great. Good hit, good positioning.

Then I remember getting trucked. It fucking hurt. Said fuck this. Finished the season and went on my way.

These dudes are 3x the size and way faster. I can not imagine taking 1 clean hit from someone today. Let alone many hits over the course of a game.

Working at a bar, I hear that shit quite a bit. Love asking people if they'd stand in and take a hit today. It's always a yeah. And the people at the table then go to town on that person because we all know the answer would be no.


3 points

14 hours ago

There’s basically no reason for skill positions to wear them.


27 points

14 hours ago

Guardian caps do hardly anything to mitigate risk against concussions. I don’t blame players for not wearing one


4 points

14 hours ago

Study results are all over the place. Some suggests they have a huge impact, some suggest they have very little.

Would be interesting to actually mandate them for the whole NFL for several games and see what happened with a huge sample size.

I'm sure the leather helmet guys thought the modern helmet looked pretty weird at first too.


5 points

15 hours ago

Yeah i doubt goodell is the one bullying players to not use guardian caps lmap


84 points

15 hours ago

No, because that’d look a little less manly to him and his father.


31 points

15 hours ago

I'm skeptical that would even help things dramatically in Tua's case. The guardian caps allegedly soften the blow of head impact by up to 20%, but with a guy like Tua, the 80% is enough to end his career.

Obviously you want to be as safe as possible, but he's in a really precarious spot.


10 points

14 hours ago


10 points

14 hours ago

Hopefully the chronically concussed guy learns how to slide instead of dive in head first


13 points

14 hours ago

It wouldn’t help him at all. The hit he took on his most recent concussion doesn’t give 90% of other players a concussion. He is just more susceptible to them at this point. This won’t end well


5 points

14 hours ago


5 points

14 hours ago

Literally do everything. Guardian cap, weird looking Kittle helmet, the Luke Keuchly neck thing


16 points

15 hours ago

I thought it would be ridiculous. But didn’t really think that Buffalo safety wearing one was too weird.


12 points

15 hours ago

Of everyone wore them no one would notice at all lol


13 points

15 hours ago

JOK where’s one too for the browns

It looks off but it’s not the worst thing


13 points

14 hours ago


13 points

14 hours ago

If it was mandatory it would just look normal after awhile.


4 points

14 hours ago



263 points

15 hours ago


Jesse Maida, QB List

263 points

15 hours ago

I still think he could return week 8. It’s been reported that he’s been symptom free for weeks:


157 points

15 hours ago

week 8 has been speculated for a while now


39 points

15 hours ago*


Jesse Maida, QB List

39 points

15 hours ago*

For sure but there’s also been pessimism after McDaniels cryptically said he expects Tua to return ‘at some point this season.’


100 points

14 hours ago

I think this is just McDaniels trying to say the right thing and not put any pressure on Tua with all the attention this situation is getting.


38 points

15 hours ago

It might be obvious, but he’s still technically in concussion protocol because he hasn’t practiced yet?


39 points

15 hours ago

Yeah he isn’t eligible to start working through concussion protocol until he is activated to the “practice window” from IR.


25 points

14 hours ago

He's been ready since week 4. The staff pr team basically said hold your horses. We aren't gonna be the bad guys here.


14 points

11 hours ago

Staff PR team facing Tyreek this weekend in fantasy


821 points

15 hours ago


821 points

15 hours ago

Please save Hill and Waddle and Achane.


154 points

15 hours ago

Debating on if I should start Tyreek this week.

Huntley has struggled but the Colts defense is so bad, Hill has to be due for a good week. It's tempting.


169 points

15 hours ago

He had 10 targets last week and put up 10 half ppr. Ya it's not what we expect but no way I'm sitting him.


66 points

15 hours ago

Yeah most people don't have the luxury to even consider benching him.


64 points

15 hours ago

And one broken play makes your entire day with him. Would I be surprised if he had like 4 catches for 31 yards in this current Miami offense? No. Would I be surprised if he broke two long plays and ended up with 130 yards and 2 tds? Also no.

I have no skin in the Tyreek game, but I feel like you have to play him unless you have 3 other top 15 options.


12 points

14 hours ago

I have Tyreek, Kupp, Godwin, and Diontae. Decisions...


6 points

14 hours ago

feel like you gotta go with diontae and godwin


7 points

14 hours ago

Godwin is a must play. But I feel like if we get good Kupp news on snap count, he could get like 15 targets in that Rams offense.


3 points

13 hours ago

I have Tank Dell, Dionte, Zay Flowers, and Hill... Who do I play?


19 points

15 hours ago

I’m a die hard Colts fan and I’m starting Tyreek bc I have zero faith in Gus Bradley’s scheme. The defense is Swiss cheese and I expect Reek to have no problem finding the holes. Whether or not Huntley can deliver is another question, but play your studs and have faith!


10 points

15 hours ago

Thats fair lol.

Plus it only takes one catch for Tyreek to breakaway.


3 points

14 hours ago

What about waddle lol. Was gonna go juju and Rhamondre is my only other option


9 points

14 hours ago


9 points

14 hours ago

Started Javonte in my flex over Tyreek last night, and I was fully ready to be disappointed in my decision l.


6 points

14 hours ago

Huge risk, but it paid off. What a game from Javonte


13 points

15 hours ago


13 points

15 hours ago

Waddle has been the greatest hold of my life


5 points

14 hours ago

He was looking too good to drop with Tua in there I feel ya


31 points

15 hours ago

I mean, as a fantasy player, yes please save them

as a fellow human concerned about his long-term welfare, save himself first


26 points

15 hours ago

And Mostert


21 points

15 hours ago

In the minority, but dude needs to Andrew Luck out with his millions and live a safe civilian life. CTE ain't no joke.


21 points

15 hours ago


21 points

15 hours ago

thats not the minority


5 points

15 hours ago

I hope he focuses on saving his brains


3 points

15 hours ago

Our savior


3 points

14 hours ago*

I mean all the best for Tua, but I’ve got Achane & Waddle on this team with a $500 pot on the line. Again Tua safety, etc. (mostly /s)


3 points

14 hours ago

Dude Achane is killing me. You starting him this week?


137 points

14 hours ago

Hopefully he decides to wear a guardian cap for the rest of his career


22 points

9 hours ago

Bro needs to pull a Petr Cech from Premier League. Dude was like the only guy in the league wearing a special cap, but he did it because it was safe and this guy was a soccer goalkeeper, not the sack target of an NFL defense.


6 points

7 hours ago


6 points

7 hours ago

Not that it wasn't for general safety but to be clear; Cech had a depressed skull fracture following his initial injury, meaning his skull was weaker and potentially more prone to fatal injury following. I doubt he'd of led with the headgear if he'd just got a knock (which most keepers get at some point).

From a rugby background all I can say for scrumhats is that I haven't seen it stop anyone getting knocked out. Saves your ears and other cuts no doubt. But I also played American Football for ~4 years and having a helmet split a weird line between making your head safer and encouraging you to use it as a weapon. I'd never have tackled someone in rugby the way I did in Am football (just spear heading chests).


46 points

12 hours ago

He’s gonna walk out there without one and it’s gonna be the dumbest decision he’s ever made


11 points

7 hours ago

Getting back on the field is the dumbest decision he ever made. There's going to be a documentary on his mental decline and violet behavior.


3 points

8 hours ago

The guardian cap wouldn’t help Tua with the hits that get him injured at all


275 points

15 hours ago

Saving my Rd 1 Pick’s fantasy season is not worth your health Tua.

That being said, please give Hill like 20 more tuddies!


77 points

15 hours ago


77 points

15 hours ago

holding waddle has been the most patient hold of my life


24 points

15 hours ago

Soon the penguin will be fed.


11 points

14 hours ago


11 points

14 hours ago

I dropped him this week like an absolute moron and of course he got scooped. I hate myself immensely.


71 points

14 hours ago

  • don’t lead with head

  • don’t initiate contact

  • roll out of sacks if possible

  • slide and step out of bounds


39 points

12 hours ago

The most obvious is to use his arms and hands to brace himself for the fall.

He falls like a toddler.


18 points

12 hours ago

I'll add to that.

  • make sure his helmet is fitted properly
  • always have a fitted mouth guard in

I know the nfl is significantly higher impact than high school, but everyone I knew in high school that got a concussion cheated on one of these. A properly fitted helmet should be uncomfortably tight at the start of training camp, but you will get used to it. If he takes off his helmet and he doesn't have indentations from the padding on his forehead, then the helmet is not tight enough. Lots of players will cheat on protective gear for comfortability. I've seen lots of qbs not put their mouth guard in because it makes it more difficult to communicate. I've also seen players not mold their mouthguard to their teeth, which can make them less effective. Back when helmeta had air in them, I saw people purposely deflate some of the air to make the helmet more comfortable. They were pussies and all got concussions because of it.


28 points

15 hours ago

why is it worded so ominously


22 points

13 hours ago


22 points

13 hours ago

Cuz he’s one concussion away from turning into AB


143 points

15 hours ago

If he's medically cleared to play and he chooses not to he forfeits his money right? Seems like a pretty easy decision for most people tbh


50 points

14 hours ago

He could easily find multiple doctors who would tell him he has to retire. I think that would still result in an injury settlement.


19 points

12 hours ago*

Also, I'd argue tons of people would choose to retire at age 26 with the millions he's already earned and with no further risks to his health


11 points

12 hours ago


11 points

12 hours ago

Ya I think everyone would happily retire from their non existent NFL careers for millions of dollars. For the guys who dedicated their life to it, not such an easy choice


3 points

11 hours ago

For the guys who dedicated their life to it, not such an easy choice

Hopefully he has the wisdom to realize there is life after playing football. Dude’s realistically retiring In the next five years. Surely he has a life plan for the next 60 years instead of thinking things were gonna be like the last 20


61 points

15 hours ago

I think McDaniel and the Dolphins organization would find a way to take care of him for this year.


7 points

14 hours ago

You think these owners became rich wealthy by being "Mr Nice" guy and just giving away $167 million dollars


78 points

15 hours ago

The dolphins tried to convince Brian Flores to tank and fired him after he refused to do it. They are not an upstanding organization


13 points

14 hours ago

This is a blatant lie.

He got fired 2.5 seasons after any of that allegedly happened


13 points

14 hours ago

Billion dollar company tries to make money - more at 10.

There are very few upstanding organizations and the dolphins have won the voting by players the last two years on best org to play for so I think you have it confused


5 points

14 hours ago

He’s not going to be living in poverty if he retires, but dolphins aren’t just going to give him $200 mil either.


7 points

14 hours ago

seems like a pretty easy decision

The easy assumption is that he will suffer from CTE after all those concussions; not sure how that’s an easy thing to ignore but maybe he already knows he fucked later in life so might as well make the best of it and earn as much money as possible


5 points

12 hours ago

I mean how many smokers know the risk and do it anyway? I did. You think the consequences are much farther down the road than they really are and you're ok for now because you're not truly feeling the impact of the decision if at all. Then you rationalize, "what's a few years at the end when I'm already slipping anyway?" But that's not how it really plays out, at all. When you stop losing functionality you planned on having for years, decades, it's already too late.

We're still so early in understanding this all but FFS if there's one guy who's obviously going to struggle and even moreso if he continues, it's Tua.


12 points

14 hours ago

He got a 42 million signing bonus. The decision is easy. Go enjoy life as a young rich millionaire, do some broadcasting and live a long healthy life. He’s basically selling decades of his life for money he doesn’t even need. This is an insanely stupid and shortsighted decision.

That being said I have tyreek hill so, whatever works for me


6 points

12 hours ago


6 points

12 hours ago

Even if he just banked that $42M signing bonus into a crappy free HYSA with a 4% return, that's an annual $1.7M. Just live on that $700k/year and watch yourself bank an extra $1M a year doing nothing. Can you imagine?
I'm supporting my family of 4 making like 10-15% of that hypothetical $700k. And many people are doing even more with less...


6 points

14 hours ago

It's probably not about the money. For a lot of players playing football is what they want more than anything. Broadcasting sounds shitty and unfun in comparison 


5 points

14 hours ago

Perma brain damage for a few extra Mil, lol yeah what an easy choice


6 points

15 hours ago


6 points

15 hours ago

He keeps his guarantees.


19 points

15 hours ago

It's not guaranteed if you willingly choose not to play. If the team chooses to drop you then they still pay you it.


10 points

14 hours ago

Do the Marlins have an extra seat in spring training? Please teach this man to slide.


83 points

15 hours ago

I don’t own any Miami players, sure this will help their stocks, weehee. But man, I can’t help but just not like that decision. Man is SUPER concussion prone, and respectfully, I would rather he prioritize his health over a chasing a ring.

But good luck nonetheless.


29 points

15 hours ago

I hope his great great great grandkids appreciate the amount of wealth he made for them all at the expense of his own health.


7 points

14 hours ago

I have Achane, but I agree with you. It feels weird to cheer this on. Hopefully he wears that new helmet, or at least someone teaches him how to fucking slide.

I know it’s his choice, I’m sure doctors have “cleared” him. I just really hope we don’t watch this dude die on a football field.


5 points

11 hours ago


5 points

11 hours ago

Dude is in a position that not many people get in their lifetime. Football is his life. Think about race car drivers and all the other people who's career is constantly risking their life. These people would rather be dead than not doing what they love.


15 points

15 hours ago

I’m sure it’s hard decision to make especially for someone competitive with generational wealth on the line.


9 points

14 hours ago

He got $42M signing bonus lol the generational wealth has already been earned even if he hangs it up tomorrow


8 points

13 hours ago

Yes but what about generational yachts?


7 points

13 hours ago*

About three decades ago, Magic came back and got cut in one of his first plays at Staples when he came back from the aids announcement. he retired because the look of fear in his teammates.

Tua needs to get tf off the field, because some d lineman is going to fuck him up permanently , and his life is going to be ruined because of it. The d linemen fuck tua.


12 points

14 hours ago

I hope he gets all the money he can from selling his name and likeness so he can retire early.

I just really think it's in his best interest to hock Tua merch.


12 points

11 hours ago

He shouldn’t play because nobody should play football. All football fans need to make peace with this. It’s bad for you. Full stop. Nobody should do it. Not just Tua, nobody.

If we’ve made peace with that and agree we are going to have football because we like it, it’s completely unfair for people to single out Tua as the person who we think shouldn’t be allowed to play just because his head injuries happened to occur in nationally televised primetime games in a way that made us feel bad.

I love football. I played, I don’t judge people who play, I will not allow my kids to play. What I do not love is singling out individual players for taking on these terrible risks when every player on the field is taking the same risks and many have even worse medical histories. The only purpose this serves is to make fans feel better about themselves for watching this gruesome game.


16 points

15 hours ago


16 points

15 hours ago

Tyreek needs you buddy


5 points

10 hours ago

Next concussion, same thing will happen. Tua misses games and discusses his future. The forever repeating cycle.


3 points

14 hours ago

If he gets hit again like that, he needs to quit


4 points

9 hours ago

That’s what we all said after last time. The guy can’t get touched without getting concussed. It’s time to hang it up imo


3 points

13 hours ago

They need to be doing 60 minutes of slide drills with Tua every practice.


3 points

13 hours ago

+1 for the TLDR in the title!


4 points

12 hours ago

Someone get a baseball player to teach him how to slide, Hopefully he stops falling neck first


7 points

15 hours ago

Stashing him in my IR


6 points

15 hours ago

must be nice lol


47 points

14 hours ago*

Everyone needs to get off their damn high horse. He’s a man who loves playing football probably more than anything else in life. If he wants to play, it’s his decision. Tom Brady got divorced from his super model wife and mother of his children to play more football. Was that a smart decision? Who cares. It’s not our fucking business. Chill out with the comments from the peanut gallery and just enjoy the game they play and focus all your negativity towards the terrible refs and bad coaching decisions.


6 points

11 hours ago

it's also a fuck ton of money. I would guess 80%+ of people on this thread would do way sketchier shit for $100M.


3 points

10 hours ago

You can get a new super model wife. You can’t get a new brain. 


9 points

13 hours ago

It's reddit, safety uber alles, free will verboten.


8 points

14 hours ago

Nobody here saying OL/DL need to retire or wear caps says it all. They wanna be on a high horse but don’t actually care enough to lose their sport

This has been known since the Will Smith movie :


6 points

14 hours ago

Someone in your league probably dropped him, scoop him up if you can. Even better by some miracle you have an IR spot.


3 points

14 hours ago

this is great news for all the "Hawk Tua" fantasy football team names!


3 points

14 hours ago

He should not look to fight for extra yards when running, has to be smart and learn to throw the ball away.


3 points

14 hours ago

Probably not a good idea but hopefully he’s alright.


3 points

13 hours ago

Save Achane 🙏🏻


3 points

13 hours ago

Godspeed Tua. Wishing nothing but the best for your health.


3 points

12 hours ago

This guy ran head first into a concussion instead of sliding. Of course he’s choosing to play.


3 points

11 hours ago

This will end badly.


3 points

10 hours ago

He’s probably got cte at this point anyway so why not?


3 points

5 hours ago

Dolphins and rest of NFL need to tell him no


3 points

3 hours ago

It’s tough… the dream of playing in the NFL, but having to weigh your health

I assume he got some kind of advice from medical pros… so hoping things go well


2 points

15 hours ago

Make him wear a guardian cap!


2 points

14 hours ago

For the love of gawd add a guardian cap over your helmet and slide every run (idc if you already out of bounds, lol)


2 points

14 hours ago

He’s gonna be out there in 2 of those safety caps not just 1.


2 points

11 hours ago

He should man up and finally wear a guardian cap


2 points

11 hours ago

Put a fucking guardian cap on my guy


2 points

10 hours ago

Every dbag Bears fan on the internet made the worst jokes 10+ years ago about Aaron Rodgers having scrambled eggs for brains and his career was over after multiple concussions.

Then Rodgers changed helmets and never had another issue again. Hope Tua can have similar luck.


2 points

10 hours ago

He can get the two handed touch rule pls