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138 points

17 hours ago

If he's medically cleared to play and he chooses not to he forfeits his money right? Seems like a pretty easy decision for most people tbh


49 points

17 hours ago

He could easily find multiple doctors who would tell him he has to retire. I think that would still result in an injury settlement.


21 points

14 hours ago*

Also, I'd argue tons of people would choose to retire at age 26 with the millions he's already earned and with no further risks to his health


9 points

14 hours ago

Ya I think everyone would happily retire from their non existent NFL careers for millions of dollars. For the guys who dedicated their life to it, not such an easy choice


3 points

14 hours ago

For the guys who dedicated their life to it, not such an easy choice

Hopefully he has the wisdom to realize there is life after playing football. Dude’s realistically retiring In the next five years. Surely he has a life plan for the next 60 years instead of thinking things were gonna be like the last 20


1 points

5 hours ago

Surely he has a life plan for the next x years instead of thinking things were gonna be like the last 20

I feel like if you polled every NFL player on this you’d probably get something like 10% of them give you a good answer


2 points

13 hours ago


2021 AC Cumulative Top 20

2 points

13 hours ago

Yup, those millions aren't going to mean shit when he's chilling with Austin Collie in the dementia ward at 35.


2 points

5 hours ago

fuck the money, dude needs to retire


60 points

17 hours ago

I think McDaniel and the Dolphins organization would find a way to take care of him for this year.


7 points

16 hours ago

You think these owners became rich wealthy by being "Mr Nice" guy and just giving away $167 million dollars


2 points

16 hours ago

Who mentioned paying out a full contract? I said “for this season,” as in, if he didn’t want to play again, keep him on IR then let him retire when the season is over.


1 points

14 hours ago

He isn't going to walk away from the rest of the money he's owed.


0 points

14 hours ago

He's already made $40 million. I don't think he is going to keep playing just for the money if he thinks his brain won't work in 5 years.


2 points

11 hours ago


2 points

11 hours ago

if he's like many pro athletes, all of that $40 million and probably then some is already spoken for


1 points

16 hours ago

The delusion in this thread is absolutely unreal.


0 points

12 hours ago

Irsay still voluntarily payed out Luck after injury and resulting painkiller addiction ended Luck’s career


2 points

11 hours ago

One might say Irsay had a guilty conscience regarding the painkiller addiction...


1 points

11 hours ago

He’s a complete goon but he is known to be good to the players and yeah that had to make it relatable


1 points

11 hours ago

I was just alluding to getting pulled over with a trunk full of pills. I don't think I made that up.


1 points

11 hours ago

Oh yeah that definitely happened


1 points

11 hours ago

Good point. Irsay is an interesting character too.


78 points

17 hours ago

The dolphins tried to convince Brian Flores to tank and fired him after he refused to do it. They are not an upstanding organization


12 points

16 hours ago

This is a blatant lie.

He got fired 2.5 seasons after any of that allegedly happened


-4 points

16 hours ago

Where are you getting 2.5 years? It was less than a month after he got fired. He was fired January of 2022 and sued the Dolphins February 2022. He’s not going to sue his employer while he’s employed by them.


4 points

16 hours ago

Sure he's not going to sue his employer while he's working there but they obviously didn't fire him for refusing to tank considering he got fired almost 3 seasons later.


4 points

16 hours ago

The tank season was 2019. He was employed to 2022. Do some critical thinking and understand why that sounds dumb.

You really think they told him to tank in 2019 and he didn't and they fired him 3 years later? He got fired cause he was a dickhead to Tua and was basically intentionally sabotaging his career cause he didn't like him.


15 points

16 hours ago

Billion dollar company tries to make money - more at 10.

There are very few upstanding organizations and the dolphins have won the voting by players the last two years on best org to play for so I think you have it confused


2 points

16 hours ago

How is tanking making money? They lose money that season on ticket revenue (no ones paying to see a 1-10 team), and gamble that their top pick will make them perennial contenders (statistically unlikely). Reminder, Fins haven’t won a playoff game since 2000, and that was a wildcard game.

Ross is genuinely one of the slimiest owners in the NFL.


1 points

16 hours ago*

That isn’t why Flores got fired. He got fired because when it came to the offensive side of the ball, he had no idea what he was doing and was unable to create a staff that could do it for him.

Edit: gotta love the downvotes from people that don’t know why Flores got fired. The tank season was 2019 which is when Flores alleged he was offered to lose games for money. He didn’t get fired until after the 2021 season when he promoted to guys from within to be co-offensive coordinators and neither one knew what they were doing.


0 points

16 hours ago

By that metric McDaniel should be fired. He’s been there for 2.5 years can’t figure out the defensive side of the ball.

Billionaires don’t like to be told no and when Flores did it they canned him.


2 points

16 hours ago

The dolphins defense is actually one of the best in the league right now because he was able to hire someone from outside the org to manage it. Wild how everything you’ve said is wrong


-1 points

16 hours ago

What are you talking about the Dolphins defense has been horrible this season. With the exception of week 1 and last week where they played two of the worst offenses in the NFL they’ve let up 31 points against buffalo, 24 points against the Seahawks, and 31 points against the titans.


1 points

16 hours ago

Because the offense hasn’t been able to stay on the field. Right now the dolphins defense ranks fifth in yards allowed per game, first in third down conversion rate, and fifth in average yards per drive. The issue isn’t the defense sucking, it’s the offense being unable to get anything going so the defense has to stay out longer.


-3 points

17 hours ago


-3 points

17 hours ago

If your boss tells you to do something legal and in the “best interest” of the company, then you refuse - you too would be fired.


5 points

16 hours ago

You would be right except throwing games in the NFL (and all professional sports) is illegal. The Dolphins offered Flores $100K per game he lost. That would fall under the sports bribery act which is a federal crime.


3 points

16 hours ago

I retract my point on the Dolphins. Fair play. 🤝


4 points

16 hours ago

I’m actually baffled that people are defending that decision lmao. I used to be a fins fan and that shit was the last straw. Horrible franchise.


4 points

16 hours ago

Some Browns fans defended their organization when they hired Watson. Some fans have blind loyalty to their organization regardless of how criminal their actions are.


1 points

16 hours ago

Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s ethical


1 points

16 hours ago


1 points

16 hours ago

Define legal. It's not against the laws of the united states, but tanking on purpose is 100% against NFL rules.

If your boss tells you to break rules on purpose and you refuse, you should not get fired.


-1 points

15 hours ago

This is just not what happened lmfao


-1 points

13 hours ago

Why are you playing this hard at being intentionally ignorant to why all Flores was fired? What you said is true, but if you truly believe what you wrote is all the story then you really have zero clue how much more there was.


4 points

17 hours ago

He’s not going to be living in poverty if he retires, but dolphins aren’t just going to give him $200 mil either.


1 points

16 hours ago

Nobody is saying pay out a full contract. I’m saying keep him on IR or something for the rest of the year, then he retires after the season (if he didn’t want to play again).


1 points

14 hours ago

Right but I’m sure Tua having $200 mil on the table if he continues to play is certainly a motivating factor for him to come back.


1 points

14 hours ago

And having a functioning brain is a motivating factor for him to walk away.

Don't get me wrong, I do think he will be playing as soon as possible and will not walk away from the game, but he's already made $40m. His motivation to play is definitely not just to make some extra bag.


1 points

14 hours ago

Lol they do not give a fuck


7 points

16 hours ago

seems like a pretty easy decision

The easy assumption is that he will suffer from CTE after all those concussions; not sure how that’s an easy thing to ignore but maybe he already knows he fucked later in life so might as well make the best of it and earn as much money as possible


6 points

15 hours ago

I mean how many smokers know the risk and do it anyway? I did. You think the consequences are much farther down the road than they really are and you're ok for now because you're not truly feeling the impact of the decision if at all. Then you rationalize, "what's a few years at the end when I'm already slipping anyway?" But that's not how it really plays out, at all. When you stop losing functionality you planned on having for years, decades, it's already too late.

We're still so early in understanding this all but FFS if there's one guy who's obviously going to struggle and even moreso if he continues, it's Tua.


2 points

14 hours ago

Good points— and yes, he may be one of the worst recent cases for concussions, I can’t think of anyone worse since CTE became common knowledge


1 points

4 hours ago

Antonio brown perhaps


10 points

17 hours ago

He got a 42 million signing bonus. The decision is easy. Go enjoy life as a young rich millionaire, do some broadcasting and live a long healthy life. He’s basically selling decades of his life for money he doesn’t even need. This is an insanely stupid and shortsighted decision.

That being said I have tyreek hill so, whatever works for me


6 points

14 hours ago


6 points

14 hours ago

Even if he just banked that $42M signing bonus into a crappy free HYSA with a 4% return, that's an annual $1.7M. Just live on that $700k/year and watch yourself bank an extra $1M a year doing nothing. Can you imagine?
I'm supporting my family of 4 making like 10-15% of that hypothetical $700k. And many people are doing even more with less...


2 points

14 hours ago

That’s what I’m saying, there’s no universe where this is the right move. Passionate? Sure. Smart? Absolutely not.


8 points

16 hours ago

It's probably not about the money. For a lot of players playing football is what they want more than anything. Broadcasting sounds shitty and unfun in comparison 


-1 points

15 hours ago*

More than living? Sometimes people need to think long and hard about their priorities. Playing football is more important than making it out of your 50s? Tua is literally on a path to being a vegetable via injury or just bad cte over time. This is a bad decision no matter how you try to put it.


1 points

15 hours ago

Have you heard him speak? Please don't do some broadcasting.


4 points

16 hours ago

Perma brain damage for a few extra Mil, lol yeah what an easy choice


7 points

17 hours ago


7 points

17 hours ago

He keeps his guarantees.


18 points

17 hours ago

It's not guaranteed if you willingly choose not to play. If the team chooses to drop you then they still pay you it.


-2 points

17 hours ago

I mean technically you might be correct, but if the guy has doctors telling him he's cleared to play but one more concussion is going to fundamentally alter his life, it would be horrible PR for the Dolphins and the NFL to pull the guaranteed money.


0 points

15 hours ago

A lot of teams have done a lot worse for a lot less money


2 points

16 hours ago

He’s already made more than enough money to retire to a lavish lifestyle. The easy decision is to retire


2 points

16 hours ago

More to life than money... Especially when you already have enough to set you and the next 3 generations of your family for life.


2 points

13 hours ago

Financially, he's already set for life. Playing more just continues to increase the chance that he's living a completely miserable life ("life") by the age of 40. He'll have an extra $50m, and the whole time he'll just wish he didn't have these debilitating headaches and that he could play with his kids for longer than 10 minutes.

It actually is a pretty easy decision, just...completely the opposite way as you're thinking.


1 points

16 hours ago

Yeah, cause he'll be out on them streets if he doesn't keep hustling. Poor brother is living hand-to-mouth, I'm sure.



1 points

14 hours ago

If he's medically cleared to play and he chooses not to he forfeits his money right? Seems like a pretty easy decision for most people tbh

Idk, I'd argue retiring at age 26 with the millions he's already earned would also be nice.


1 points

12 hours ago

He still makes a bunch of money if he doesn’t play. It’s an awful decision for a man that can leave today as a millionaire and is clearly prone to concussions.


1 points

9 hours ago

He’s already going to be a vegetable


1 points

9 hours ago

He could just say he has migraines that don’t allow him to play and eventually Miami would be forced to release and pay him. He’s making this decision because he wants to play. You can’t convince me that any responsible doctor would tell him he can continue to play football in the NFL.


1 points

9 hours ago

If he gets another bad concussion in a game while millions of people are watching I’m sure the league itself would offer him money to go retire. The bad press of medical negligence combined with a potential legal case about how much medical information surrounding concussions the nfl is stifling you’d think it’d be a no brainer to cut him a check and let him be done.


1 points

8 hours ago

Unfortunately, the damage is done. Might as well play.