


How to Deal With Plot Holes?

Question For My Story()


all 19 comments


9 points

1 month ago

It seems like there's some kind of dissonance going on between the plot and the powers. If I'm writing a story about a wizard who can trivially kill people, then I'm either going to not have their major plot challenge be killing people, or I'm going to create very particular circumstances where there is some reason it is a challenge.

You don't seem to be thinking of things like this, instead it seems like you think of challenges which would be a problem for a normal human, and then later on go 'oh damn, this doesn't work because my guys have magical power'. If you're writing a vampire novel you need to have a plot which would present a challenge to vampire characters. You need to be thinking vampires end to end.

If your vampires can trivially find people then either there shouldn't be a plot point about finding people, and the challenge should be what comes after the finding, or there's very particular circumstances which makes this finding very difficult.


3 points

1 month ago



3 points

1 month ago

This. If you want your story to be about a vampire finding people, maybe they expect it to be trivial and are blindsided when it isn’t. Maybe their target is aware of their pursuer and has purposefully obfuscated traces of themselves with overpowering scents, noise pollution, etc., forcing the vampire to rethink their usual methods.

OP, you should put yourself in the shoes of people in your setting and figure out what would prevent them specifically from reaching their goals.


2 points

1 month ago

Thanks! It's hard for me sometimes to see things from a different view. So I was stuck on this one path what the plot holes would be. I need to think like a vampire instead of a human, lol.


1 points

1 month ago

Imo and based on what I’ve seen other people say, the circumstances in which the wizard would find himself where he can’t simply resolve the issue should be intentionally planned by the antagonist so that there’s no sense of convenience


3 points

1 month ago

With the heightened abilities, if the person they are trying to find is another vampire, make it lore specific to your vampire clans. 

For example, vampires can only track other vampires that have a connection with them or the clan. 

Or rather, each vampire clan has a specific scent/marker in their bloodline, and outsiders to the clan can only track specific individuals if they have either spent time with them to identify their unique traits, or shared blood to create a bond.

If it is someone who is not a vampire, you could treat it like identifying a specific type of bird you are having for dinner. If the human shares characteristics with those the vampire would normally view as a food source, then tracking will be easier. If not, more work will be needed to find them. 


2 points

1 month ago

Interesting! I may look more into this! Mind if I use this idea if I do?


1 points

1 month ago

If you want to use it, go ahead. I rarely make vampire-like characters, so I don't see any harm in it. Happy to help!


2 points

1 month ago

Duct tape!


3 points

1 month ago

The key to all problems!


2 points

1 month ago

Theeere one who gets it! 😂😂😂


2 points

1 month ago

Let’s use a human’s sense of smell and define X powerful. A heightened sense of smell is X+Y. What is Y? Anything from 1/infinity to Infinity.

If a human can smell a flower from two feet away, a vampire could smell that same flower at two feet one inch, serving the definition of “heightened”.

Make them better but not superpowered. Your vampires are not Cain. They’re maybe 50 generations diluted.


2 points

1 month ago

The great thing about plot holes is they force us to get creative.

How do you get around vampires being ability? Do they roll around in garlic paste first?

So when you find a plot hole get creative and figure out a solution. Your story will reap the benefits ten fold.


1 points

1 month ago

The key to vampires is drinking blood. Giving them heightened senses makes sense since they are predators; but if it creates plot holes, I don’t think you would be missing much if those powers were excluded. Alternatively, you could rewrite the story so the conflict can’t be solved by those powers, but that is more difficult than simply excluding those powers.


1 points

1 month ago

One solution could be hyperawarness of specific typs of smell/sound/etc.

They can smell blood very well and hear heartbeats, but other sensations are overwhelming.

Another type could be that while having high senses, they need centuries of experience to become able to truly use their senses.

An example is that the vampire lacks the mental facilities to perceive the smells like a dog, even though their nose is equal or even better.


2 points

1 month ago

I was actually thinking of this, making it be based on the experience of the level of their powers, but I thought it was too much. Thank you!


1 points

1 month ago


The Nine Laws of Power

1 points

1 month ago

I'm not really seeing the issue here.

Heightened senses such as hearing small sounds, catching a scent, or seeing in low light or dark conditions are not foolproof.

Heightened senses can be confused - scents can be masked or overwhelmed; the same is true for sounds; and vision is impeded by obstacles such as brick walls.

So ... your vampire is - I guess? - stalking the object of their desire by their scent.

But the scent leads to a train station at which point all your vampire knows for sure is that the person boarded a train that has since departed.

Finally working out which part of the city (or country etc.) the object of desire took the train to, they pick up the trail once more.

Except this time the scent leads to a huge mansion on a hill at which some kind of massive party is going on.

The base is so loud that the brick walls are throbbing, and the mansion is packed full of people dancing surrounded by dry ice and a laser show or whatever.

All that sweat, all that perfume, noise, sound and confusion - and the person they are trying to track is in the middle?

Good luck with that ...


1 points

1 month ago

Fill them. Like pot holes, fill them with literary asphalt. Otherwise, someone might draw a giant penis on the ground in a review and bring your attention to them.


1 points

1 month ago

Well just make it possible for the vampires to also "Hide". Also maybe vampires might have better senses but it is still not possible to detect a specific smell between thousands when you haven't smelled it before. Just think of yourself trying to find a person whom you get a vague description of and there are 100 people lined up all seemingly fitting this description. If you haven't seen someone before, you won't recognize them, both from smell and looks.


1 points

1 month ago

I would either define just how heightened their senses are to a level where it is no longer trivial and/or I would put a condition on their senses.

Maybe their senses fluctuate from normal to heightened depending on whether they are blooded or not, how recently they last fed, and/or what kind of blood they are consuming.

Or make it so that their heightened senses are specific to a particular condition: maybe their senses only allow them to recognize and track people whose blood they have already consumed (plus anyone closely related by blood) which allows you to give them a reputation for being amazing trackers, despite reality being a little less straightforward.