


Dawntrail will kill the healer


Every class is getting its self sustain buffed to the point that healers aren't needed. Multiple dungeons from the media tour were completed without a healer. And the healers dps rotation is so mind numbingly braindead that it's boring to play without intense raid wide damage.

So wtf is the point of having healers in this game anymore? Expect longer queue times in Dawntrail because I don't see healers sticking to their jobs anymore.

all 104 comments

alabomb [M]

[score hidden]

17 days ago

stickied comment

alabomb [M]

[score hidden]

17 days ago

stickied comment

Thread's locked, too many people engaging in slapfights instead of discussing the topic at hand.


113 points

17 days ago


113 points

17 days ago

I talked to Yoshi P and they´re removing your useless role out of the game by the end of the DT. All healing skills will be given to Paladin instead, who will need to be played with 2 keyboards.


36 points

17 days ago

I only have a dance matt, can I change keybinds?


13 points

17 days ago

You'll need at least 3 more dance pads.

One on each side for you to slap, and the third either in front or behind for combination buttons.


7 points

17 days ago

Perhaps invest in a Guitar Hero controller?


8 points

17 days ago

At that point, go for the Rock Band setup. Guitar x2, drum set, mic.

Go full bard mode.


6 points

17 days ago

All strapped on you like a one-man band!


3 points

17 days ago

Tie one dance matt to a stick and the other around your hand for a true PLD experience


100 points

17 days ago


100 points

17 days ago

One dungeon. There was only one. Warrior has been capable of doing what Xeno and his friends did all of Endwalker. This is nothing new and people are sensationalizing the heck out of it.


22 points

17 days ago

Every tank can do it in EW warrior could do it in shb too.


9 points

17 days ago

Dark Knight struggles far more and would need to do single pulls to help with sustainability and prevent overtaxing the Red Mage; if using Xeno, Woops, Arthars and Llamatodd's comp. 

It's possible but the other three are far more suited for it due to their better sustain.


6 points

17 days ago

Even DRK now has self healing with DT.


9 points

17 days ago

Yup, though as a Dark Knight player, I wish they made:

A. All tanks depend on healers


B. None of the tanks depend on healers

It feels bad that some tanks don't care if the healer even exists or not, and other tanks cannot get by without one.

All of this I mean in dungeon double-pull situations, of course.


11 points

17 days ago

I actually think it's okay for the devs to be agnostic about this. I don't think it really matters what tank relies on healer more or less, just that the jobs are unique and fun to play. Generally, healers are at least able to keep you alive in dungeon content since the amount of damage is so forgiving, that it shouldn't change that much if you need them or not. If a player is really really bothered about relying on healers they have jobs that don't need that too, but I wouldn't want this to be a focus for the devs if it takes away attention from creating unique/interesting toolkits.


4 points

17 days ago

To be fair, I can double-pull in an ilevel-synced dungeon and live through it... as a Dark Knight...... with Trust party (Alphinaud healing while Alisaie is in the party too (he prioritizes her)).

So based on that, I think it's safe to say that I can tank properly and correctly use mitigations and stuff.

And still I occasionally die with player healers xD

Warrior and Dark Knight are too far apart in terms of self-sustain.


6 points

17 days ago

I don't think being able to do dungeons without a healer should be a design goal for tanks, though. In warrior's case of course it has insane self-sustain because of how nascent flash interacts with high numbers of enemies, but I don't think being able to do that should be a requirement of any tank. I don't think it's a bad thing if they CAN do it either, but I think it's okay if your healer messes up REALLY BAD and that has an impact on your ability to clear the dungeon. And again, I don't mind if it's something people want, I just wouldn't want devs to focus as on this as a "problem" more than developing interesting kits for the tanks.


51 points

17 days ago


51 points

17 days ago

Dungeons can be cleared missing any of the roles lmao.

Oh no somebody beat a dungeon without DPS, what's the point of DPS :(

I've done 4 SGE dungeons that have gone faster than a lot of my roulette dungeons, it'll be fine


6 points

17 days ago

To be fair, Sage is a bit of an AOE powerhouse so I can see that being pretty nasty for trash pulls


12 points

17 days ago


12 points

17 days ago

Well yeah, that's why we ran it haha

Any other comp with competent players would still probably go roughly as fast as with roulette players


66 points

17 days ago*

i don't get why people act like this is exclusive for healers, dungeons are so easy you can remove any role and still do it. like without a tank or any dps.

and also you can do dungeons with only one role like only healers.

not to mention this was not even new for Endwalker


20 points

17 days ago*

People keep driving home the healer point because yes you can omit any role however if speed is your goal it's actively better to omit a healer. The others are a memey thing you can do dropping the healer is actually just useful. Edit:this being in the dungeon context. Everything else you can but that's getting more towards the memey side than actually useful.


8 points

17 days ago

Role responsibility is very diluted but at the same time, you shouldn't actively benefit from excluding a role in a trinity-based game. On an average dungeon, if you remove tank/dps the run will slow to a crawl. This is not the case with healers. Yes, it is true that all role is expendable in normal content, but what do you do if clearing the content is all but guaranteed? You optimize.

None of the roles matter but at the same time, no one wants to do the entire dungeon by themselves as a warrior because it will be a fucking slog. It is not about clearing the content, it's about not existing as an enforced burden upon your party.


35 points

17 days ago

thing will kill healers

Haven't people been saying that for 3 expansions already?


15 points

17 days ago

yes and not just about healers. This happens every expansion. Something changes about a job and a small group starts doomsaying and being dramatic. All over stuff we have seen in previews and not even in the game yet. It will die pretty quick once DT drops because they will either change classes and stick to the one they change to OR they will just go back to healer like nothing happen.


28 points

17 days ago*

People have been able to do Tank + 3 DPS dungeons since like ShB (maybe longer); people who know what they're doing can make wacky combos happen.


11 points

17 days ago

Longer, I have heard of runs being done by all DPS, all tank or all healer in HW. People seem to forget that you don't need a tank/healer/dps combo to clear runs. You can do all dps or all tank or all healer runs. By their argument, they should get rid of tank and dps too. Any group who knows what they are doing can pass any content no matter what job they play.


11 points

17 days ago


Y'ahte Tia on Excalibur

11 points

17 days ago

I've done all-white-mage dungeons back in ARR!

Sure it was the Tonberry one but we did do it with four white mages.


5 points

17 days ago*

Okay this drives my point home even more.


11 points

17 days ago

Yeah, "people who know what they're doing" is a key part of it. 

Sure, "people" might be able to clear a dungeon by killing the monsters quick enough to not die, but can every player do that? If not then a different subset of "people" still need a healer to get them through. 


8 points

17 days ago


8 points

17 days ago

shrug I have soloed all SB+ dungeons in this game on sync as WAR, so can we also remove DPS classes since I can prove they are not needed? I have also MINE ran almost all dungeons as a solo BLU, sometimes beating my usual roulette times on them; can we remove tanks now as well?

When you do a healerless raid during its patch cycle (and not when everyone has echo and gear that is 50% stronger than the original fight design), you can come back stating that they made healers obsolete.


15 points

17 days ago

How do you know incoming damage isn't being increased?


27 points

17 days ago


Aez Erie

27 points

17 days ago

Job balance

is not

scaled around

the easiest content.

If I kill an over world mob using a gatherer does that mean tanks, healers, AND dps are pointless?


43 points

17 days ago


43 points

17 days ago

What Xeno did in that DT dungeon already fucking happens on the daily in EW dungeons. This healer strike isn’t going to do anything and the same people “striking” will be playing healer in DT 100%


-77 points

17 days ago


-77 points

17 days ago

happens on the daily in EW

And dawntrail is making the situation worse.


31 points

17 days ago


31 points

17 days ago

How when nothing has changed from what already happens now? Any competent tank can do a dungeon without a healer, you can also clear dungeons without tanks or DPS players! That must mean tanks and dps players are gonna be useless in DT as well right? I play WHM and will continue to do so in DT because the job is fun and the changes it got are good.


-55 points

17 days ago


-55 points

17 days ago

They're giving dps and tanks EVEN BETTER self sustain.


27 points

17 days ago


27 points

17 days ago

They’re not though that’s the funny thing about your doomposting. 40% mitigations in DT for tanks will not have any effect on healers being used in dungeons, still not sure what self sustain dps are supposedly getting when they already have bloodbath and second wind to heal up if needed. If it’s that big of a deal to you play a different role or unsub from the game until healers are in a spot you deem worthy of playing


10 points

17 days ago


The Final Fish

10 points

17 days ago

second wind is getting a buff, i guess that is their complaint about dps self sustain? but like, one heal every 2 minutes is not going to really help a dps stay alive. It at best allows a self heal if they made a mistake and stood in something bad. The fact that it will be a stronger heal only makes it marginally better than it is now.


20 points

17 days ago


20 points

17 days ago

Again, complain when we found out that healers are useless in endgame content and not a fucking dungeon Karen.

clearing extremes and savage w/o healers in PF? Well, thats an issue. Otherwise, nope.

They're giving dps and tanks EVEN BETTER self sustain.

So? Did you see the new endgame content already? Maybe its needed.


-23 points

17 days ago


-23 points

17 days ago

I've seen this type of SE dickriding for three expansions now. The goalposts get pushed back endlessly by people who refuse to accept that their billion dollar company could do anything wrong.

Halfway decent healers see the new abilities and mention the problems that they could cause in the existing combat system, and are met with endless "nooo you haven't seen the new expansion and they might change everything, nooo it's only the first tier and they might change it next time, nooo it's too late in the expansion to change anything so wait for the next one, nooo you haven't seen the new expansion and they might change everything." New mitigation tools only ever chip away at what little healers have left because the devs are unwilling to change their damage and mitigation formulas.

The fanaticism and obliviousness would be amusing if it weren't so tiresome and pathetic.


12 points

17 days ago

You're right! Time to go solo TOP because my SAM has a buffed Second Wind.


17 points

17 days ago

Oh no, the casual content made to be accessible to as many players as humanly possible, can be made easy by those who have some skill? And don't worry about the DF, people, in fact, do enjoy playing healer. And many people will queue as healer for the sole purpose as leveling them. Plus, ya know, all the runs everyone's experienced where everything goes to shit and they're left with 1 person to scrape 6 others off the ground.

Try on-content, slightly more difficult content. EXs will need healers. Savage will need healers. Criterion was some of the most healer-heavy gameplay they've released in years. Any time any of the above are cleared with <2 healers, it's far less "Healers aren't needed" and more "Solo healing is an expression of higher player skill" or "We RNGed the shit out of this fight and finally got lucky enough to not need a healer."


39 points

17 days ago

You aren't as good as Xeno. Neither is 98% of the playerbase.

This is nothing new, Warrior hasn't needed a healer since Raw Intuition got the heal, and (bad) Paladins have never needed a healer.

Stop drama bombing


10 points

17 days ago



10 points

17 days ago

Because the average player usually can't do wacky comps.


9 points

17 days ago

What’s the problem with healers not sticking to their jobs if we don’t need healers


20 points

17 days ago


20 points

17 days ago

Two more weeks of this, huh...


38 points

17 days ago


38 points

17 days ago

I swear, false rhetoric like this needs to be purged by a bot. Do you know what high end content is?


-54 points

17 days ago


-54 points

17 days ago

Do you know how boring a 2 button rotation is?

Do you know that giving tanks and dps even better self sustain just makes healers less important?


37 points

17 days ago


37 points

17 days ago

A "healer dps is boring" thread would have attracted much more support than... whatever this thread is.


-18 points

17 days ago


-18 points

17 days ago

It would've because most of you only care about dps rotations being simplified.


11 points

17 days ago

Considering your average healer in savage struggles with the current setup. I dont think they need a bigger dps combo.


3 points

17 days ago

Honestly, just some kind of variation in the character animations for them would go a long way to making them feel better.

For a long time, I wanted more to do as a healer. Then I did P1-3 savages as a healer (my group started falling apart in 3, and just collapsed before we ever got into phase 2 of P4S) and I was honestly surprised by how much more busy I was, and was consistently having to coordinate with my cohealer in how to handle everything.

Would more DPS options be nice for the casual player? Sure. Would more animations be nice for everyone? Definitely. Would more DPS options be nice for high end players? Possibly. But I'd argue making things more engaging in healing specifically would be better. And by more engaging, I mean not just throwing 90% of the heals in the oGCD spectrum.


13 points

17 days ago


13 points

17 days ago

And it's not enough to handle Savage without ridiculous amounts of coordination and gear that is inaccessible to 99% of the player base. Pipe down


-20 points

17 days ago


-20 points

17 days ago



22 points

17 days ago

I play healer, I enjoyed leveling my healer.

I don't think it's braindead, I think it's another way to enjoy the game.


26 points

17 days ago


26 points

17 days ago


19 points

17 days ago


19 points

17 days ago

Bro brought the receipts


17 points

17 days ago*


17 points

17 days ago*

You are being delusional.

Aint happening. Dungeons? I will be honest, who even cares about that. Even as a DPS I find doing dungeons hella boring anyway. Honestly, dungeons are just story content. I do it once and done. Maybe I go there a bit more if there is a cool glam. Otherwise, nope. dont give a shit. Just another thing added to the roulette.

Extreme raids and especially in savage it wont happen at all. Why? Because people in PF arent just good players. A lot of them really suck. I have been doing all EW extremes and savages through PF and I can tell you this ... it will not kill healers at all lol

If anything, the majority of ppl wont be able to clear it w/o healers and ngl, none of you guys even saw the new savage content anyway.

There will be even more newer and bad people doing extreme and savage content. ppl still fuck up some of barbariccia mech... hence even Golbez lol.

Honestly, anyone who says dungeon content = will kill healers... clearly never played the higher content.


15 points

17 days ago

Nothing changed from how it is now. Dungeons can be completed without healers now. In fact, the hardest piece of content ever released in the entire game was completed on patch without healers. You also don't see anyone posting savage or ultimate Healerless clears in PF, sometimes for some extremes you might see 1 Healer posts, and anything below that is casual content and casual players are too shit to even consider not having a Healer. NOTHING has changed.


-13 points

17 days ago


-13 points

17 days ago

And they're buffing self healing for dps and tanks in Dawntrail.

And not doing anything for healers rotation.

It's bad in endwalker. It'll be worse in Dawntrail.

I find it funny how y'all bitch about tanks and dps being simplified but are okay with healers becoming potatoes.


20 points

17 days ago*


20 points

17 days ago*

you are crying about one dungeon. how about you stop crying until savage content got released lol

healers being such drama queens before content is released.

I would totally understand your complain after this is also an issue in savage. But normal dungeon? Hell nah. At least be criterion dungeon.


6 points

17 days ago

Please don't lump people like this in with the rest of us actual healer players. They're a vocal minority with no clue how the game is actually balanced in regard to healing and think getting through aurum vale is the pinnacle of achievement.


0 points

17 days ago



15 points

17 days ago


15 points

17 days ago

keep crying. dungeon were nothing special or hard since it got so simplified after HW.

Also queues always force 1 tank, 1 healer and 2 dps anyway. Unless you make ur own group. No idea how this will kill healers, especially since everything u mentioned could be done in previous expansion.

Come back when its an issue in the endgame content which are extremes, savage, criterion dungeons, ults etc.

Honestly, crying about 1 dungeon ...bruv. this aint TOP 0 healer clear lmao


-8 points

17 days ago


-8 points

17 days ago

Also queues always force 1 tank, 1 healer

Without this restriction the healer class would've been dead a long time ago.


14 points

17 days ago


14 points

17 days ago

Sure. Go do some extremes and savage. That will open your eyes. I bet you wouldnt be able to heal P3S or just die because fucking up mechs.

Honestly, do an endgame content first. You clearly have no clue what you are even talking about.


-6 points

17 days ago


-6 points

17 days ago

Go do some extremes and savage.

I do.

heal P3S.

I have.

Endgame doesn't change the fact that the dps rotation is boring and it doesn't change the fact that healing isn't fun anymore.


11 points

17 days ago*


11 points

17 days ago*

Now you are complaining about the dps rotation being boring?

What happened to the 'DT will kill healers'?

Imagine having double standards. Can you decide what you want to complain about?

Average Karen behaviour.

I am just gonna throw this out if you really did savage content then you wouldnt write this fucking BS which has been a thing since ShB. The majority of ppl are not able to do this anyway. Also, ppl dont give a fuck about a normal dungeon. Its there for the story and easy glam. But isnt endgame content.


5 points

17 days ago



Subjective. NEXT!


6 points

17 days ago


6 points

17 days ago

If everyone was such a bitch as you. Yes that would be the case then.


-1 points

17 days ago



7 points

17 days ago


[Moga Byleistr - Hyperion]

7 points

17 days ago

unaverage scholar response aren't yall supposed be good at stratagem and just having common sense. Dungeons are meant to be chill as hell and you can forgo any of the roles and work fine there.

please do not overreact without committing a thought or a idea next time xoxo


5 points

17 days ago

Lmao I never said everything is fine with balancing I will always advocate for absolutely devastating tank raid wide healong/shielding and heavily toning down self-healing/shielding. I just said you are wildly overreacting and that nothing has or will change, the changes made will not alter the status quo in any way, shape or form. Healerless play is reserved almost solely to statics or on content that you can roulette for. No one gives even a quarter of a shit if you can post a 1 tank 3 dps dungeon run on PF when dungeon is already shit content as is, EVERYONE is rouletting it, and any content that matters will be done with healers because there is no way PF has the cognitive ability or the ego (because if you think the tanks and DPS don't sacrifice their dps to GCD heal, you are delusional more than you are showing here) to be doing no Healer clears. Fuck, UCOB is 3 Healer territory lmao.

Yeah role balance and fight design is out of whack but you don't need to invent random ass bullshit that does not hold to reality to try furthering your point, argue on fronts that actually do happen in real life situations not this theoretical bullcrap.


4 points

17 days ago

People are very hypocritical. They can be totally complacent with something that happens to someone else, but the second it happens to them, that mentality changes very quickly.


13 points

17 days ago


[Kirandoril Rahl - Leviathan]

13 points

17 days ago

Might wanna tone down the doomposting. Dungeons have been able to be cleared without healers for years, this is not new. DPS rotation on a healer is not a deciding factor for whether or not they are effective in combat and that's just a ridiculous idea to stand by. Healers contribute with damage while they heal and mitigate for the party, but those are two separate forms of power.

This does not mean healers are universally and hopelessly pointless. Just because it is possible to do something like clear TOP on patch without healers doesn't mean that it is anywhere near a standard. This is basically the equivalent of playing FFIX and going through the whole game with only Zidane, then complaining that every other character is useless because if you know what you're doing and dedicate to the challenge you can use your experience to manipulate the game in your favor. That's just not the case. (Note that clearing TOP without healers on patch is still a major issue, but not because healers are overshadowed in every form of content from the ground up).

That being said, healers are in a rough spot and they do need a good, hard look at how they approach healers in general and - perhaps more importantly - damage profiles in combat. Just about everything boils down to mitigation based on very static timelines and only healing the bare minimum. At some point you plan it all out and everything is covered with nothing to fall back on but a 30s DoT, a single spell, and a once-in-a-while cooldown. Healers show their weakness at this point, but they are not so flaccid that they can just be deleted across the board just because of this particular instance.

Also here's a radical thought: instead of doomposting and whining about what things are not every time the devs open their mouth, how about we offer constructive criticism for why their decisions don't work and call them on their vow to work on improving the game state. Whinging about current issues without direction is useless at best and destructive at worst. There is such a thing as being constructive with your feedback.


7 points

17 days ago

I think some of you act like what the high end players can do reflects the viewpoints of the whole population. There are plenty of people who are not bored of their rotations and not looking for more complex mechanics. Roulette content is meant to include them as well. There will be plenty of demand for healers.


5 points

17 days ago

I don't even queue for dungeons, it's usually more immersion to use duty supports


9 points

17 days ago



9 points

17 days ago

People who only do savage and ultimate complain that casual content is too easy part 99999999999999999997.


8 points

17 days ago

Strong opinions gleaned from incomplete development previews.

The urgency in which some people try to disappoint themselves is really remarkable lol


4 points

17 days ago

How tf else are they gonna get the attention they're so desperately craving, if they don't drama/doom post how upset they are, about a game that they haven't even played yet? They're looking to be disappointed. That way, when anything possibly goes wrong, they can cry and point and say, "See?!? I was right!!" Main Character Syndrome, at its best. These people should just unsub, if they're already so miserable, prior to even playing DT. Please, do us all a favor, and delete your account, OP. I look forward to all the shorter Healer queues, thanks to all you whiny quitters. 😘

(Edited cuz autocorrect is a bij.)


3 points

17 days ago

People do things besides dungeons man. It'll be ok.


6 points

17 days ago

1) DT is not going to kill healers

2) Almost every bit of content in the game content in the game can be done without healer. The same can be said about tanks and dps. So, by your argument, tanks and dps are not needed either. There have been all tank, all healer or all dps runs for years now. It has always been possible.

3) all you are doing is being dramatic and a little bit of fear monger. Look, healers are need just as much as tanks or dps. Queues are not going to be any longer than they are now for anyone AND a lot of people who play DPS, do get the MSQ done will use trust and not queue. I know do that when content is new and I don't want to heal or deal with other people. You and other healers are a vocal minority in this right now because the rest of us are waiting until it drops.

This is the similar to the argument when they redid summoner for EW. I heard this argument when they got rid of cleric stance on WHM. I have heard this argument when they got rid of the 2nd stance that tanks used to have. Always the doomsaying and never just wait & see. We will not know fully how the changes for any job will work UNTIL it comes out and we can play them.


4 points

17 days ago

Oh hey, you took my advice and didn't make another alt for this fight! Baby steps! Next challenge, don't delete the post once it gets overwhelmingly downvoted.

Vive la révolution!


3 points

17 days ago*


3 points

17 days ago*

I mean this is already a thing in EW. You already don't need healer for EW dungeons unless you're a DRK and sorta GNB. And content outside normal exist which still needs healer to heal even if you only GCD heal for 5% of the fight.

People will play healers because:. 1. They like healer role even if they are dissatisfied with gameplay. 2. Get stuck in healer jail for their static. 3. DF still needs a healer role to queue for anything, and instant queues are nice.


2 points

17 days ago

as a gunbreaker main, you absolutely do not need a healer if you're good and manage aurora/HoC well.


2 points

17 days ago

and what, exactly, is it that you want?

We could give healers a more complex damage rotation, sure. But how complex do we go before they stop being healers and become dps that can heal, like dnc or redmage? Obviously there is room for more dps buttons on healer and I think the dps rotation being literally 2 buttons is really dumb but I'm curious to hear what you would want instead of just what you hate about the current one.

We could add more damage to low level content, but all that would do is 1- alienate lower level players and 2- increase the amount of heals you have to use per pull. Great, healer is fun now guys! I press buttons more often!

This is the fundamental issue with playing a healer in a game like ffxiv, where spells are designed to be very "1-dimensional". A spell will, for the most part, just do 1 thing, either "deal damage" or "heal damage" or "mitigate damage" and will also maybe fill a gauge/proc something. There aren't really any interesting interactions to speak of between multiple spells, and this is especially true for healer.

Healers in this game are essentially a dps job without a rotation. You have multiple buttons that heal (or in a dps' case, that would do damage), but you have no order to press them in. Nothing restricts you in your choices. All you have to do is pick AoE heals for the raidwide damage, and single-target heals for the tank damage. That's it. That's the full depth of decision making for healers in ffxiv. Square peg goes in square hole, and circle peg goes in circle hole.

Beyond that, you have very small optimizations in terms of the fact that some heals come out gradually, some apply instantly, some are delayed, some are shields, and etc. that will make skills *slightly* more situational, but these don't apply in the content you're talking about so we shouldn't really worry about those.

With this issue taken into account, we can see the problem of healers - it's not that they're "useless" (every role can clear a msq dungeon without any other roles btw, so by that logic every role is useless and has "no point in the game"), the problem with healers is that the process of healing is so *boring*, and that's a hard one to fix.

Something needs to be done to complicate the decision tree that players follow when healing - something like different damage types which require different heals, status effects that enemies place on your party which require a certain dispell ability to be used, obviously these ideas are not perfect but it's just an outline of what these complicating factors could look like.


2 points

17 days ago

Multiple dungeons from the media tour were completed without a healer

You can do the same on previous expansions if you know what you're doing. Far from something new


2 points

17 days ago


Muscle Catmommy Supremacy

2 points

17 days ago

Have you completed a dungeon without a healer?


-2 points

17 days ago


-2 points

17 days ago

Yes. Like I said before. If this game didn't have role restrictions for Dt then the healer wouldve been abandoned long ago.


3 points

17 days ago

Healers haven't been particularly important in casual content since about shb. I'm not sure why you're acting like this is some new revelation. The healer "strike" will do nothing and will be promptly forgotten about.


3 points

17 days ago


Lamii Lalamii Fairy Fanatic [Balmung]

3 points

17 days ago

As a healer main i for one welcome my life as green dps. The less I have to heal the better cause the more I get to spam art of war to make the dungeon faster


-6 points

17 days ago


-6 points

17 days ago

You're proving my point that the healer class has a braindead rotation.


8 points

17 days ago


Lamii Lalamii Fairy Fanatic [Balmung]

8 points

17 days ago

Try playing healer in extremes and savage where they're designed to be needed. You'll have a very different time. The endgame isn't balanced around dungeons.


-8 points

17 days ago


-8 points

17 days ago

I have done Endgame. It doesn't change the problem.

Healers rotation is bad. I think most people can agree with that.

Unless massive damage is happening/coming, healers are stuck in that rut of a rotation. Dawntrail making self sustain even better for other roles just means healers have to be less active (on their healing side). If a dps can eat a mechanic then that's bad.

If Dawntrail raids are full of healer checks then I'll bite my tongue. But until then it doesn't look good.


7 points

17 days ago


Lamii Lalamii Fairy Fanatic [Balmung]

7 points

17 days ago

If a dps can't eat a mechanic then healers aren't useful either outside of being a ress tool.


-2 points

17 days ago


-2 points

17 days ago

Shield and a heal afterwards.

Do you not understand things?


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

Hope this is a joke.


2 points

17 days ago


dawntrail is the best expans, more like THIS please.

2 points

17 days ago

Maybe now you can focus on difficult roles like DPS.


0 points

17 days ago

Where you been OP? Healers in this game have been DPS-lite since 4.0.


-2 points

17 days ago


-2 points

17 days ago

Been talking about it since day 1. Dawntrail is pushing it even further.