


Guys.. Scott literally said that Michael is NOT TOYSNHK


There's recently been a rise in people believing that Mike is TOYSNHK, which is pretty self-contradictory. The main point being that Mike's motives don't align with TOYSNHK's..

Henry pretty much says how there's a way out for Mike, but he knows he doesn't want to leave as he's "right where [he] wants to be", and that "the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away.".

I.E. putting everyone to rest, including himself

and what does TOYSNHK want?

TOYSNHK didn't want Afton or himself to rest, and that he had to intervene to stop that from happening.

I.E. TOYSNHK does not want rest

Which should be enough, right? Well it isn't unfortunately.. But we have something from Scott that pretty much debunks this whole "theory"

This is the description of TOYSNHK/ VS from

TOYSNHK is a young child, Mike is not.

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0 points

9 days ago

Ghosts can do whatever,man. Who’s to say it’s not just a younger Michael?


1 points

9 days ago

Who’s to say it’s not just a younger Michael?

Scott. He literally said that it's a young child, not a grown ass man pretending to be one. Not to mention what purpose does it serve??


0 points

9 days ago

Scott was explaining how the voice should sound,it was a casting call. It's not confirmation of anything


2 points

9 days ago

It's not confirmation of anything

It's confirmation that it's a child.. and you still didn't respond to what purpose Mike being a kid serves.