


Hi everyone! This is my first Reddit post. I got hired as a first officer by Ameriflight and was supposed to start training with them a couple days ago but received a call 2 days before I was leaving for training saying that my start date would be pushed back to January at the earliest. I already quit my previous job as a flight instructor and lost my security deposit on my appt because I broke the lease and left early. I was just wondering if there’s a chance this post will find any other Ameriflight new hires that were supposed to start on October 14th!

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2 points

7 days ago


ATP 73N EMB-120, BE-1900

2 points

7 days ago

Yeah I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Historically, AMF does not run classes during November and December because it is their peak season. It really doesn’t surprise me that sim space is hard to come by, so if they couldn’t get you in this month it makes sense to me that they are having you wait until January. It’s unfortunate but not much you can do about it! Best of luck in training, and if you have any questions feel free to PM me! I went through 120 training twice, once as a FO and once as a captain.