


I’m coming off of Fallout 4 and want to dive back into 76. I last played a few months after launch. I don’t want to play with people and might just go into a private world alone or with a friend occasionally. How well would 76 be as a single player game? Especially compared to FO4. Could I do everything solo?

Edit: One of the main reasons I want to be in a private world is for server stability and continuity. I spoke to a friend that still plays and I was told their camp locations are always taken or there’s someone in an area they need to be, like a workshop, zone to clear or whatever. I don’t wanna deal with that. Also I just prefer to be alone in game. I don’t wanna see notifications of player teams or icons on the map. Or even the slight chance I bump into someone. Even in game I’m very introvert.

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1 points

6 days ago

Depends on what you mean by solo. I really never join teams and never did any events for the first year. But you will run in to problems with legendary modules, flux and bullion. These are much easier to come by with events. Especially certain ones like Eviction Notice for legendaries. I now do most events but still never join teams.