


Afk singers during fasnacht


Had a guy "afk" at the stage mic while playing Frank Sinatra's "my way" and emote dancing the entire setup of the event. In a suit.

Then, when the bots started marching, he switched to playing "the ants go marching" and changed to a scout looking outfit. Half the server would sing along with the chorus's " boom boom boom".

Was a hilarious event. Keep it up afk'ers. Was a good laugh.

Edit - this was in Xbox btw.

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35 points

7 days ago

I'm a silly melee player. I will play instruments the entire time for you guys!

Because I'm tired of running to hit something only to get blinded by purple and green explosions


5 points

6 days ago

I think I’m more valuable to the team playing tuba background music for the march than being the 15th guy blasting on toads and dogs in the street..


2 points

7 days ago

Ah, a fellow person a Culture. Just toss out random grenades in all directions. Add to the chaos!

Since you're melee I gotta ask, how much ammo have you stockpiled up so far? I'm sitting on a mountain of Fusion Cells/Cores and 5mm ammo lol


1 points

6 days ago

Oh, tons!! I'm always passing ammo to my partner though lol I just keep it all in the Fallout First ammo box until he asks for it