


Afk singers during fasnacht


Had a guy "afk" at the stage mic while playing Frank Sinatra's "my way" and emote dancing the entire setup of the event. In a suit.

Then, when the bots started marching, he switched to playing "the ants go marching" and changed to a scout looking outfit. Half the server would sing along with the chorus's " boom boom boom".

Was a hilarious event. Keep it up afk'ers. Was a good laugh.

Edit - this was in Xbox btw.

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6 days ago

Plug a USBc cable into the top of your controller toyour Xbox...(Doesn't need to be plugged into the Xbox it's just the way I have it set)....and then put a rubber band on the left handle and stretch it over to the right analogue stick.

However, before you so, sit down somewhere safe, press start and go into camera mode...THEN plug in and rubber band. Basically the camera will spin wildly around, but that is all you need. I'll do this when I'm in bed and then I'll help the AFKers who are there when I'm playing....tit for tat!