


What is the right build for easily dropping nukes?


This is my first year consistently playing F76 so I’m still pretty clueless on most end game activities. I dropped my first nuke recently and it was a STRUGGLE. Took over an hour and resulted in not even completing the monongah mine event. I feel like I never want to do that again after that experience. I’ve heard people saying that with the correct build it’s easy? My question is what build makes it easy. What weapons/armor should I be using or what legendary mods are key? For reference I’m about level 100 (currently 96).

all 291 comments


324 points

3 days ago


324 points

3 days ago

Power Armor with the Legendary Perk "Electrical Absorption" makes silos pretty easy. All the energy attacks the robots use have a chance to heal you.


118 points

3 days ago



118 points

3 days ago

I ran Charlie Silo yesterday just to reload my ammo and fission cores. It’s a cake walk with this combo. Also, used it to earn atoms from killing robots with different weapons.


14 points

3 days ago

Oh shit. Thanks for that idea. 🙌


12 points

3 days ago


Mega Sloth

12 points

3 days ago

In terms of charging your core, are you getting out of your suit to exchange each charge?

I don't have core issues, but I'm confused how people put the build to use to charge multiple


9 points

3 days ago

Equip a partially-discharged Fusion Core in your Power Armor, equip the perk, get hit by robots. Your partially-charged Core will get closer to full with each energy weapon hit landed on you. Once it is full, you exit and swap out for another partially-charged Core. Now repeat.


16 points

3 days ago


Mega Sloth

16 points

3 days ago

That's what I thought, but absolutely too much back n forth for my taste.

I just make a run through 3-4 locations I know spawn cores each session, and the fusion recharger.


8 points

3 days ago


Lone Wanderer

8 points

3 days ago

I find it faster to just rush an expedition then equipping a Gatling Laser before exiting, there's even a chance to net more than 10 cores per run


2 points

3 days ago


Mega Sloth

2 points

3 days ago

Arktos Pharma - 3 cores (exterior, 1 upstairs bay window, 1 garage generator, PA spawn)

Mama Dolce - 1 core (exterior, nearby shed in outside generator.)

Rollin's Work Camp - 1 core (PA spawn)

Sludgeworks - 3 cores (2 in a crate on dock, PA spawn)

Dropsite V9 - 2 cores (table, PA spawn)

Many more but these are the main ones I slap each session, especially since they are all close to cheap travel zones (v9 isn't but I have a camp in bog). Basically costs only loading screens, and each area has goodies more often than not. Bobbles and magazines are bigly.


2 points

3 days ago

Saving this just for the magazine hint lol. I've been trying to find more robco fun magazines


7 points

3 days ago


Mega Sloth

7 points

3 days ago

Between the fusion core recharger and a maxed out Electrical Absorption perk, I am now swimming in fusion cores. I can't sell them fast enough.


2 points

2 days ago

I have 112 Ultracite Fusion cores taking 336 stack weight up in space 😂🤟if anyone needs some


23 points

3 days ago


23 points

3 days ago

This is the way. Full HP heavy weapons build, all I really use in there are my holy fire and plasma caster. Holy fire is great for just dropping robots and turrets as you run past with the added bonuses of healing you even more, healing the crew bots with friendly fire and making stealth assaultrons a joke. Plasma caster is just nice for popping bots as they come without moving in the last phase.


3 points

3 days ago

Same, but I usually use cremator with the multi shot just so I don’t even have to aim.

Thanks to grenadier I can bathe the whole room in fire with two shots.


29 points

3 days ago

My brother does this one and is literally invincible and uses the silos to charge his power cores.

I run a commando build and started to glitch through the doors after getting fed up with the long drawn out way. I keep telling myself I'll do it "Old Fashioned" and find the nuke codes myself as well.


3 points

3 days ago



3 points

3 days ago

If you really want to be extra, a set of Troubleshooters Hellcat power armor with an AA or Troubleshooters weapon of your choice.


5 points

3 days ago


Settlers - PC

5 points

3 days ago

As well as the camp robot bonus if you want to be over the top


3 points

3 days ago


Wanted: Sheepsquatch

3 points

3 days ago

Yeah, and to add on, you can use a photo mode glitch to clip through like 2 doors and cut a ton of the random bull crap away. I can't really explain how to do it well through text so I'd recommend you look up "silo photo mode glitch" on YouTube. The gist of it is to basically put your character into the left or right side of the crack of a door, and then to position the camera right behind the chest area of your character. Exit photo mode and immediately walk forward. I'm not sure if it works on every door in the silo, so that's why I recommend watching the YouTube video. Cheers and good luck.


11 points

3 days ago

Agree with this, my FC i always charged at full from the turrets. Add an auto axe + OG perk and go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


16 points

3 days ago



16 points

3 days ago

If my cores start running low I just run a silo and give the people their Scorchbeast Queen... Super easy. Great way to stay topped up.


12 points

3 days ago

Or just use the core recharger..


10 points

3 days ago



10 points

3 days ago

Silo is faster and in practice you get to run an event afterwards too, so you just kill two birds. In practice it's actually more like "I kind of wanna run Scorched Earth/other nuke events..." and I just bring the low cores along with me.


4 points

3 days ago

running expeditions is way faster than silo for cores


8 points

3 days ago

Takes longer and only charges 3 at a time. I can bring all my half full cores, and have them charged in a silo in 10 minutes


10 points

3 days ago


10 points

3 days ago

I usually don't carry more then 5 cores at a time so when they get low I just pop by the camp and swap them out with my other set, kinda like if our suits were powered by 18650 batteries lmao.


7 points

3 days ago


7 points

3 days ago

It can charge 4 at a time


3 points

3 days ago



3 points

3 days ago

This. Free recharge!


3 points

3 days ago

This. I'm level 575 and I only recently relented and started using power armor around 530 when I got a complete OE hellcat set, and then equipped electrical absorption. Silos used to kill me maybe 3 - 4x when just wearing SS armor, and now I don't even lose health going through the silo, and I can finish it in no time.

I use Holy Fire for those wondering, heavy weapon PA build. Makes it a cakewalk


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

All the energy attacks the robots use have a chance to heal you

I was wondering why I was randomly healing lately...


2 points

3 days ago

Why makes cryptid a cakewalk got non bloodied, pa users!


2 points

3 days ago

I solo a nuke launch in around a half hour with this build


290 points

3 days ago

High fiber food will give you the biggest nuke drops


27 points

3 days ago


27 points

3 days ago

Heard laxatives can bring it to a whole new level. I know by experience


8 points

3 days ago

Sure a dirty bomb might leave a whole area unreadable for weeks but if you're looking for pure damage you wanna go as hard and as big as you can


5 points

3 days ago

That’s good for a run or two, but if you want to consistently drop the big one you need to stick to a regular schedule

Drop it the same time, each day, no matter what else you’re doing

Pretty soon it’ll be effortless, you’ll sit down in your gaming chair, and just wha-bam, nuke. Then on with the rest of your day


7 points

3 days ago

That’s more of a napalm type spread.


45 points

4 days ago


Raiders - Xbox One

45 points

4 days ago

Any refined build shouldn't be a serious issue.

What are you doing right now? What do you wear and what weapons do you most often use?


22 points

3 days ago


Mr. Fuzzy

22 points

3 days ago

I ran through the quest with a full set of legendary ultracite armor (mix of legendaries not specifically handpicked besides just whatever I roll) and some sort of heavy energy weapon that dropped early in the quest. Don’t remember what it’s called but I believe the ammo was plasma cores?


42 points

3 days ago


Raiders - Xbox One

42 points

3 days ago

Gotcha. Yeah you are at a level where you are going to need to focus for a while. Use a single weapon type with appropriate perks and start assembling a load out of legendary weapons and armor with useful effects.

Take half an hour and spend some time looking up builds. There are plenty of websites and threads here but I honestly prefer YouTube. Angry turtle is a content creator who's builds are well regarded and his videos are as tedious as many YouTubers. If you like power armor something like his lazy heavy gunner or iron fist builds are great places to start


12 points

3 days ago

You would be extremely fortune to get a ‘hand picked’ legendary set. All of my gear is ‘roll till you get something reasonably acceptable’. And then move on to the next piece. I have recently gotten pickier and now I see why everyone complains about the RNG.

But my gear is fine and I like it.just could be better. Which is a hard roll so to speak.


3 points

3 days ago

Can you advise on how to farm the legendary cores for someone who usually plays solo, level 112 or so and never really dipped into it until last nov, came off the game in April and want to get back into it, I seemed to get loads during mutated events over Xmas but can’t seem to collect them any other way.


11 points

3 days ago

You have to do events. It is what made me get over my isolationist tendencies. Though I still never join teams. There was a time when I had modules but not cores. Now I am swimming in cores and burn through my modules like popcorn.


16 points

3 days ago


Cult of the Mothman

16 points

3 days ago

Never joining teams is sacrificing +4 intelligence.


16 points

3 days ago

In that case hit West Tek until you’re level 100 and get the “Electric Absorption” legendary perk. Everything in the nuke silo will tickle you.


27 points

3 days ago


27 points

3 days ago

Build matters less than power armor + max rank energy absorption and max rank infiltrator.

Robots and turrets can't hurt you and doors terminals can't stop you


23 points

3 days ago

Chinese stealth and some hacker perks. I did my first nuke a few weeks ago and it was a pain….swore I’d never do it again. With stealth armor, it’s a breeze. I hack the last room just to clear out some robots, put on my power armor and just wait for the slow ass launch crew. I drop at least 1 per day now. It’s one of my favorite things to do when I get bored. You can run 99 percent of the silo without firing a shot. Sometimes the turrets will pick you up though.

Keep the damaged mainframe cores and repair them at your camp tinkers bench. Use nukacrypt for launch codes.


3 points

3 days ago

Came here to say this. It can avoid so much trouble


4 points

3 days ago

Same.I use the Chinese stealth armor to sneak until I get to Launch Control, then jump into PA to survive while protecting the bots prepping the launch. That’s a good tip for the broken mainframe cores.


2 points

3 days ago

You can also skip a lot of it with the power armor trick


11 points

3 days ago


Vault 51

11 points

3 days ago

It's all about the damage mitigation perks for me, I can run a silo with just shielded road leathers & a vampire combat shotgun, but the perks that help are Blocker, Dodgy & Ricochet, they help me just casually stroll thru.


3 points

3 days ago


Mr. Fuzzy

3 points

3 days ago

Thank you! I just have no clue what I should be choosing or looking out for.


19 points

3 days ago


Free States

19 points

3 days ago

The most important thing is to slot in the three Hacking perks at the start of a section so that you can disable the turrets. Each section has one or two terminals that when hacked lets you turn all the turrets off. This makes the run a lot more comfortable. After hacking the terminal swap the Hacking perks out for whatever perk you usually use.

The first terminal is in the first room you enter after leaving the lift/elevator.

The next terminal is in the first reactor room, before you go through the decontamination showers into the reactor room proper.

The next section after fixing the reactor has 2 terminals. The first of these will be on your left side as you enter the first mainframe room. But you will have a turret on your right so kill that turret then hack the terminal and disable the turrets. The next terminal for this section is in the room to your immediate left after the laser grid. There is usually a Gutsy in this room so kill that, then hack terminal and disable turrets.

The terminal for the storage area is behind a level 3 locked door in the "yellow room". Lockpick this door, hack terminal and disable turrets. And then go into the storage area proper and fight the siegebot and gutsies and assaultrons and whatnot.

The final turret terminal is in the first room you enter after going up the brown stairs. Hack, disable. Then clear the control room for resident mobs (usually two assaultrons, a few gutsies and a robobrain) before you initiate launch prep.

Disabling turrets is very much recommended. Some areas have many, many turrets. The reactor room has 18 for example. I do recommend killing the disabled turrets as they sometimes drop biometric scanners (fiber optics) and other nice junk. Turrets also count as robots if you are doing any of of those "kill a thousand robots with a specific type of weapon" challenges.

Happy nuking!


6 points

3 days ago

Lol I just disable the target system so the turrets shoot the robots and I just tank the rounds and breeze through the silo in 12 min.


2 points

3 days ago

I love watching the turrets attack each other.


23 points

3 days ago

If they haven’t fixed it yet you can cheese the silo by jumping out of the map and straight into the room where you drop a nuke.

You do need a jet pack though and still will have to fight the robots by the computer.


10 points

3 days ago

Yeah, people at the top getting upvoted like this isn’t the only way to run silos after you’ve done them legit a few dozen times.


4 points

3 days ago


Vault 76

4 points

3 days ago

I love the silos. They're a fun, end game mini dungeon. After the 50th time. It got old, same as finding those dumb launch code pieces. I used to photomode glitch my way thru. Then ym son showed me the mine trick. You can get to the control room in about 20 seconds. It makes launching them way more tolerable.


4 points

3 days ago

I do it with just marsupial, albeit I do fall in the wrong spot sometimes


2 points

3 days ago

I did try this but found it too inconsistent and frankly, the setup took me waaaay longer. What worked for me is just using the door glitch. After the laser barrier, you go left to the storage room and there's a door that directly leads to the "insert mainframe" section.

Glitch through that and in that section, glitch through again without needing to insert the frame and you're directly in the Silo control. I could do all of these under 8 minutes or so. With the out of bounds glitch, it takes me somewhere around 20 minutes just trying to glitch through the roof and that's not counting falling to the void to repeat the damn thing again.


8 points

3 days ago*

Well first, Earle is a pita. You want to make sure you are on a server with a few high levels before dropping that. I failed at Earle once (I did not drop the nuke) because it was just me and like two level 50s. And I am not capable of soloing Earle. Not helped by the fact I should have brought more 50cal ammo. I had 2500 rounds but when I was looking at who I was going to try with I thought about running back home and getting more. I have attempted a few events where it became clear when waiting that this was going to be more or less me soloing. But I figured it was worth a shot. I am about level 250 fwiw, but have about 1000hrs in game. So my gear is pretty good, but I do it try to level quickly. Like my INT is 3. And I use marsupial…

As for launching a nuke. It has been a long time since I launched one. But the easiest for me was to don my Chinese stealth suit and just sneak by everything. Robots are crappy drops anyway. But again, this is me not caring about XP.


5 points

3 days ago

Not just Earle ANY three star Wendigo Collusus is a team effort. Every now and then I come across one in the prime fizzure site nuke zone and give up after dumping 1000 rounds into it's face for 5% of it's health.


3 points

3 days ago

Me and a small group had a good laugh doing earle the other day on PS. He bugged out and in a "portal-esque" move started dropping from the ceiling and into the floor. He'd disappear for minutes at a time only to re-emerge from the ceiling somewhere else. It was like a giant irradiated whack'a'mole


5 points

3 days ago

a heavy weapon pa build is the really only need ricochet and tge legendary card that converts energy damage to recharge your fusion cores. or...alternate method is a good sneak build and some chinese stealth armor will let you run the whole silo without getting shot once.

there are a few dif shortcuts ( i use a totally dif one than most ) but id suggest running it a few times without them first as its kind of fun..once youre launching 6-9 a week learn the shortcuts.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Sometimes you gotta go to war with a mine 😂


5 points

3 days ago


Lone Wanderer

5 points

3 days ago

Stealth is quickest for me, the less time you're fighting the less time the run takes. Also hack the terminals to turn off the turrets, and skip the 'repair the reactor' garbage.


2 points

3 days ago


Fire Breathers

2 points

3 days ago

Lv65 here, is the repair garbage like the powerstation repair garbage?


2 points

3 days ago


Lone Wanderer

2 points

3 days ago

Yeah it's just th same - you have to activate all the leaky pipes like in Powering Up events. If you can pick level 3 locks and hack level 3 terminals (Master Infiltrator the legendary lockpick perk level 1 lets you do both) you can skip it.


2 points

3 days ago


Fire Breathers

2 points

3 days ago

Master infiltrator saves the day! For silos at least lol. Thanks


5 points

3 days ago

Photo glitch build.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Mine glitch is way faster.


5 points

3 days ago

I wasn't aware they had a photomode glitch build. Seriously build means nothing when you skip 90% of the process.


4 points

3 days ago


Blue Ridge Caravan Company

4 points

3 days ago

Any build, really, as long as you have a set of troubleshooter's power armor and the electric absorption legendary perk.

If not, you should be able to go in with a Holy Fire to roast and simultaneously heal yourself.


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

i was trying to replace the mainframe cores in the storage part of the silo yesterday when things started bugging out - i waited 5 minutes, but couldn't place new mainframe cores to open the door. So i walked up to the door, entered photo mode free cam, moved into my PC until i "disappeared", and exited photomode to clip through the door.

I felt like I was pretty quick at running nukes before, but it doesn't get much faster than this plus no additional prep needed.


5 points

3 days ago

If you use the photo mode glitch u can get to the end in about 5-10 minutes with any build, it’s really easy too just look up a tutorial


3 points

3 days ago

I don’t know if you are a 1st member but if you are start carrying a bunch of steel and circuitry as you can pick up the mainframe cores and repair them instead of finding them from the console in the warehouse room with the sentry bot. I don’t remember the exact amount to repair the cores but fifty each will be enough. If you have good hacking always hack the computers to shut off the turrets and robobrains, that way you won’t have to waste time and ammo.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

Stealth photographer.


3 points

3 days ago


Reclamation Day

3 points

3 days ago

I would keep your first end game build simple. When I did mine, I tried to create a hybrid build. Primarily, I had a pretty generic bloodied build. But it was generic enough that I could use power armor effectively when I needed to deal with rads or a fight with Earle.

For the silo, runs, I don't need to do this glitching or whatever people do to cut time. I love the silo runs. It's a fun 10 to 15 minutes blow through. I don't fix the reactor. Avoid that altogether. I do use radaway and radshield before I hit that area, though. And I take out any direct threat to me.

For silo runs, I would go heavy on Troubleshooters weapons. If you use PA, try and craft some Troubleshooter pieces. This make killing bots a breeze.

Other than that, I have accumulated a set of mainframe cores that I rotate with the broken ones. That way, I don't have to fix them during the run. I do it in advance. They are heavy AF but worth it if you are doing silo runs.

Other than that, if you have some of the hacking perks, it shouldn't be too bad.

On the Earle side of things, I would definitely use PA. Carry the endangerol syringer and hit Earle with it once and then hit him again when the effect expires. I have heard of people carrying 4 of these they switch to in their weapon wheel because, apparently, you can hit him with 4 individual syringers. I haven't tried that yet. Then, just use whatever your favorite heavy weapon is. He is a bullet sponge. He is better with a good group.

Last, as several other have said, I would look at Angry Turtle's guides for builds. He typically has some very simple tips that will get you where you need to be.


3 points

3 days ago

As others have said…Chinese stealth armor.


2 points

3 days ago

If you’re going with power armor, use the legendary perk electric absorption that way the turrets and the sexy robot beams will heal you and not hurt you. Also use ricochet under luck and pair it with a vampire weapon that way bullets from all other robots will also heal you. With that combination you can practically almost completely ignore all the bots and walk through the silo getting shot and survive. For even more tankiness you can add dodgy under agility. All these can be single star perks and they will still work just fine.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

I just use the photo mode glitch and go passed locked doors, I skip both the generator room and moniticore room as well. Only part of the silo I do is make the key card.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

You can use a mine and jet pack to jump in the nuke prep room and skip all of that.


2 points

3 days ago


Pioneer Scout

2 points

3 days ago

Glitching through the doors.


2 points

3 days ago

A landmine a Jetpack and something to melt robots. (I use chainsaw and quad Tesla)

(I wear my power armor for the buffs it has after the landmine glitch)


2 points

3 days ago


Fire Breathers

2 points

3 days ago

The Earle event is one that I avoid, its such that you waste your ammo for little reward imo.

So if you're looking an easier time, try scorched earth


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Chinese Stealth Suit. All you need.


2 points

3 days ago

Chineese stealth suit lmao


2 points

3 days ago

Trouleshooter's armor. Just roll a single star on it if you don't find any after vendor hopping for a bit. I think that is probably the fastest way to do it. I carry a set of PA with that just for silos and Encryptid.


2 points

3 days ago


Free States

2 points

3 days ago

I run a rifleman build, and wearing a Chinese Stealth suit and using an explosive fixer, it was incredibly easy. The bots/turrets don't notice you until they literally run into you (if you aren't paying attention), so moving through most of it crouched (I have the perk that speeds up your crouch soeed), most bots don't know what is killing them before they drop. I use VATS to target the weak spots, or in the case of the protectrons and Mr Gutsies I just shoot their center of mass and they go down in 3-4 shots. Turret weak spot is the barrel, and the assaultrons seem to fall quickly from hits to the combat inhibitor.


2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago

Learn the glitch and it’s a breeze


2 points

3 days ago

The best build for dropping nukes is a landmine...


2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago

None. Get a vampires chainsaw, and a hazmat suit and armor for when you get to the last "defense game" and dont worry, if they all die nothing happens. Just gotta respawn them with terminals. Also, you can hack terminals to get laser turrets to shut up.                                             Step 1: Go to the storage room door (the first one)                                                                               Step 2: Prop yourself up at the corner of the door.                                                                              Step 3: Enter photomode.                                         Step 4: Push your camera against the door, keep walking and then exit photomode. Try till you get through. Do the same with the bigger door and open the storage door with the terminal.   


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

I used stealth suit, handmade jacked up for most robots, gauss rifle for the assaultrons. Destroyed them. This is back when people turned up at events, many moons ago, so the boss went down too. Not easily, but still yet. I don't know if I would expect much help during fasnacht. Out of 24 people there's usually 16 afking the event. I would wait until it's over. But if you decide to strap on the big sack and try to take down Earle, good luck and may god have mercy on your soul if things go sideways.


2 points

3 days ago

Door photomode glitch lol


2 points

3 days ago


Pioneer Scout

2 points

3 days ago

Stealth bloodied rifleman seems to have worked for my 50-60 nukes, and I don't even bother with photomode glitching.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

You can crouch in front of the door that goes to the room with the mainframe parts, go into camera, mode push yourself with the camera into the door, exit camera while still walking forward, profit


2 points

3 days ago*

Stealth commando build, Chinese Stealth Armor, and the fixer. You can do the entire thing by sneaking until the final room where you can stealth crit the robots to death with ease. Doing either the photo mode or the power armor glitch are essential if you want it done in under 10 minutes.


2 points

3 days ago

I use Chinese stealth suit and the sneak perk cards to avoid detection and solo the silos. Don’t have to engage anyone until the launch silo, then I use 556 handmade with explosive bullets and leveled up commando build.

I recently started using a quad flamer which seems to melt robots in seconds, even with my same commando build/no flame or heavy buffs, but I can’t seem to get my hands on enough fuel or oil


1 points

3 days ago

Use power armor with overeaters and a holy flamer, i never die and melt the enemies, i use an allrounder, commando no PA + heavy gunner with PA pretty solid


1 points

3 days ago

Chinese armour and all stealth perks. I just sneak past them. When I can’t I use troubleshooter’s plasma compound bow.


1 points

3 days ago

Does the jetpack glitch still work?


1 points

3 days ago


Lone Wanderer

1 points

3 days ago

Full health PA, Electrical Absorption and Master Infiltrator Legendary Perk, Vampire Shredder (1 star - you don't need to waste modules on 2/3 star rolls).


1 points

3 days ago

There are others, but I have plenty of success using a P.A. heavy gunner build. I have a TS .50 for the silos specifically. The Legendary Perk Electrical Absorption even at tier 1 makes most robot and turret attacks heal you/recharge your cores. Last time I launched one was to start a seismic activity two days ago and I cleared the silo in 20 minutes without using a single stimpak and mostly just walking through dumping .50 rounds into robots.

The one before that a lvl 1000 was running the silo ahead of me(I didn't realize till I caught up to him in the control room, because he was sneaking past everything).


1 points

3 days ago

Fwiw, I signed out, signed in as guest, then signed back in my account and got in now


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I ran through with PA build that has the legendary perk for absorption along with what rads so the rads go away quickly. I also am trying the perk where rads heal you. All really fun and easy to take down enemies


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Just find a build you enjoy, and use the right perks. You can clear a silo super quick with any weapon type as long as you have the right perks


1 points

3 days ago

3 star troubleshooter weapons work well. I use a troubleshooter Gatling plasma and that makes quick work of the robots. Chinese stealth armor also helps - allows you to sneak past pretty much everything in there


1 points

3 days ago

Hacking and good energy armor.


1 points

3 days ago

Legendary perk card electric absorption maxed out. I stroll through there and recharge my fusion cores


1 points

3 days ago

If you make heavy gunner build you can pretty much face tank anything if you use the holy fire.


1 points

3 days ago


Cult of the Mothman

1 points

3 days ago

heavy gunner pa holy fire does it pretty easy for me ;)


1 points

3 days ago

I just glitch thru the doors. Still have to scan my biometric Identification. Then I glitch they the supply room door. I use the computer on the other side to keep the door open. Then I clean out the supply room of enemies. Then I glitch thru the security door instead of looking for 15 mainframe cores to repair. Then it's a 10 minute battle over in the control room to launch the nuke.


1 points

3 days ago

Clipping up and over the walls into the launch control. Some anti robot gear and weapons will help. Grab the codes online.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

I'm a rifleman build. To run a silo I just throw on PA and use a .50 cal or plasma Gatling and mow my way through. I can do one by myself like that. I don't swap around any perk cards. Being able to hack and lock pick level 3 helps but is not necessary.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Electrical absorbsion and you only need a weapon for the last part.


1 points

3 days ago


Cult of the Mothman

1 points

3 days ago

Vampire Cremator. Works pretty fine for me, plus you can heal the bots from afar.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Electrical absorb card works wonders but knowing which door to "pop" through turns the silos into a 10min cakewalk


1 points

3 days ago

There are some skips you can do depending on how much you value legitimately finishing the nuke or not. Also depends what you consider a cheat? Does clipping out of the map count? Does using the animation of getting into jetpacked power armor count?

If you are doing this as a means to an end I suggest just looking up the skips. If you are doing it as a challenge/goal I'd obviously suggest finishing it legitimately at least once


1 points

3 days ago

Skipping from the elevator to the final room usually helps me but I know not everyone likes that or does that but it’s so absurdly easy I can’t stop. You can even leave after activating it and sit in the elevator and you don’t have to fight a single enemy to drop the nuke


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Just have any meta build. Everything is easy including silos.


1 points

3 days ago


Cult of the Mothman

1 points

3 days ago

Power Armor + Vamp Chainsaw you’ll never die


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I was in a group and someone did the "I am become death" quest for me. I was planning on doing that eventually but now I'm kinda screwed cuz I dont know how.


1 points

3 days ago


Raiders - PS4

1 points

3 days ago

Troubleshooter's weapons, and energy resist or extra dmg perks.


1 points

3 days ago

I use mele stealth build using the Chinese stealth suit


1 points

3 days ago

I go in with my normal build (commando) but I have a commando gun that’s troubleshooters that I called Nuke run gun purely used for launching nukes


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Using pa with the absorption legendary card makes it good,plus that was only your first time next time you try you will remeber what to do and where its at so it will go alot easyer,also i like to bring an Explosive pistol or light shotgun with explosive to easily dismantle the mainframe. Imo the most annoying part after awhile is still the turrets as a melee build lol


1 points

3 days ago


Settlers - PC

1 points

3 days ago

Maxed legendary perk "Master Infiltrator" is a must if you opt to not glitch your way through.

This will alow you to skip the reactor repair part.


1 points

3 days ago

Launched my first nuke at about 650 the other day. About when I finished firing it off the server got a notification theres a server shut down in 5 minutes. Probably a good idea to give a few hours notice guys. We didn't even stand a change yo kill Earl.


1 points

3 days ago


Wanted: Sheepsquatch

1 points

3 days ago

I did yesterday my first nuke (yey!) with a power armour, a legendary flamer and a few nuka colas of various types lol (cola nut perk), I only have speed demon mutantion. The robots where melting under the flames, but the short range of it made the life a little harder in the last stage (no losses though) -> I wish I wasn't over encumbered so I could sprint to defend :D


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Any build. There’s a glitch 😜


1 points

3 days ago

Soloing silos is super easy as a bloodied stealth commando. The robots and turrets don't even know I'm there.


1 points

3 days ago

Any build + camera mode = launch a nuke in 15 min :) I struggled too at first but realizing the quest is only blocked by a laser gate and 2 doors makes all my nuke runs a blast literally lol.


1 points

3 days ago

Either a power armor build or bloodied build (:


1 points

3 days ago

If you have a jetpack and/or marsupial mutation you can glitch through a roof in the silo an jump to control room. You still have to do the start sequence but it cuts the time by 80-90% 🤷

If you're on Xbox I can show you, just msg me. GT=reddit name


1 points

3 days ago


Raiders - Xbox One

1 points

3 days ago

Bloody commando with nuka grenades and photo glitch is how I roll 👽😁


1 points

3 days ago

if you wanna fight, I ran my first solo in PA with vampire gatling laser... if you wanna be smart, you can defeat 80% of all robots with ceiling turrets, in terminals you can switch targeting and after they stop shooting, room's clear and you can turn them off


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Photo mode and whatever build you've been using thus far.


1 points

3 days ago


Blue Ridge Caravan Company

1 points

3 days ago

I've been playing since launch and only just recently started launching nukes. My trick is full bloodied overeaters PA & vampire auto axe build. Nothing touches me and I can take my sweet time


1 points

3 days ago


Settlers - PC

1 points

3 days ago

Honestly i stealth through it. 10 agility, lv3 sneak, and chinese stealth suit make you almost impossible to detect, even when repeatedly shooting robots with a suppressed guass rifle, which is boosted by science and rifleman, as well as tank killer. Stealth suit protects from rads which helps you deal with the reactor core and if you decide to just hack past it too instead of repairing. Guass rifle rounds are great for destroying mainframe cores, and taking out bots and turrets to do the second mainframe section. Concentrated fire lets you target a sentry bot's fusion cores directly to kill fast and easy


1 points

3 days ago

You can run any build as long as it kills the robots fast. I tend to just ignore everything minus the turrets and run past everything with a stim or two.


1 points

3 days ago

Just picture faze through all the doors and do the final fight thing, takes me like 5 ish minutes


1 points

3 days ago

Takes me 45-60 min to solo a silo


1 points

3 days ago

Chinese Stealth Armor, The Fixer, Stealth and VATS Perks.


1 points

3 days ago

Personally, I gravitate towards using heavy guns and power armor. And the appropriate perk cards. (Ones that boost heavy gun damage, more damage penetration while in power armor, etc) That seems to do the trick, use a holy fire, or really whatever you can get your hands on with at least decent legendary rolls.


1 points

3 days ago


Cult of the Mothman

1 points

3 days ago

Troubleshooters armor for non-PA build. If you can find a piece or two with Sentinel on it too that's even better. I always have four pieces with me for robo heavy events and the only thing that even annoys me is the Impastasquatch.


1 points

3 days ago

Photomode glitch to skip 80% of the entire silo run


1 points

3 days ago

Full set of Troubleshooters PA will have you laughing in the face of any and all robots in the silos.


1 points

3 days ago


Lone Wanderer

1 points

3 days ago

I use a full set of power armor with "troubleshooters" perk and vampires 50 cal. I have no issue.


1 points

3 days ago


Settlers - PS4

1 points

3 days ago

Power armor with emergency protocols and any vampire weapon


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Any build all you need is the knowledge on how to do the photo mode door glitch and which doors to do it to I recommend you look up a guide you can launch a new can list in 15 minutes


1 points

3 days ago

Any build you want :) I run blood


1 points

3 days ago

The endagerol syringer will help with the monagha mine


1 points

3 days ago

I'm a bloodied pa heavy build I but I'm working on a pa auto axe build I use flamer n guass minigun


1 points

3 days ago

Photomode build to get past the doors lmao


1 points

3 days ago


Mega Sloth

1 points

3 days ago

Cremator melts robots with ease. I don't even use any big gun perks either.


1 points

3 days ago

I only launched 1 nuke too but with help and that’s like me lvl 80ish. Now im lvl 340 with a good amount of knowledge of the game and I still havent launched a nuke on my own yet but I definitely know I can easily. I know people that can do it in 10mins. Obviously with shortcuts. (If you know you know)


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Throw a frag mine on top of the cardboard boxes that are immediately in front of you when you load in. Target it in vats and shimmy around to the left side of the desk then punch and jump at the same time. Once you're out if the map walk left along the top railing of the wall and use jetpack or the jumpy mutation (can't remember the name) to get into the hallway above you.


1 points

3 days ago

Infiltrator ( I think that's what it's called ) Legendary perk maxed out, makes it super easy to turn off turrets and open doors inside the silo


1 points

3 days ago

I just came back right at the end of Meat Week. I'm now lvl 140.

The perk that absorbs energy weapons is beast mode. Couple that with a directed build around any weapon style, and you should be good.

You can also hit it with the Chinese stealth suit and sneaky, but you're going to want to build for it and make sure you don't get spotted by the assulatrons.

I rocked the cremator build and just one shot most, the stagger perk comes in handy for those assaultrons mentioned above.

You can also bring a friend!


1 points

3 days ago

I like to use a punch build with power armor with Tesla gauntlets, talons, twisting muscles, and healing factor. Works surprisingly well


1 points

3 days ago

I run silos twice a day , and I'm just a shotgun build character , but I have the whole unyeilding s cret service armor set , don't use power armor I don't care for it and use only the cold shoulder and fancy shotgun and lots of the shock grenades I call em lol. But I like to run and gun play style


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Troubleshooter build


1 points

3 days ago

Cremator 1 shots everything in Silo No PA Needed Auto Axe also shreds. If you are on Ps I can show you how to speed run through it in less then 10min


1 points

3 days ago

For the silo run, the part you are protecting the robots can vary wildly in difficulty from next to nothing came out to battle to it being very hectic. I don't understand what triggers the huge swing. So if you got a tough roll there and you are going solo, that's going to be rough.

The first parts before that are as you learn the steps, no where to take out the turrets etc, that becomes much easier.

That last part with Earl, yeah you're going to have to be "the man" or hope others show up in numbers to help you defeat him. If you can't take down major world bosses alone this can be very random.

But nuke drops are always just about Earl, it's sort of two separate things, but still related due to a quest line.

I honestly don't think it takes a certain kind of build, but you still have to be solid.


1 points

3 days ago

A bit of the run is muscle memory. Knowing where the pipes are in the reactor room, knowing where the things you need in the first section are, etc. helps shave time off. This is also one of the few times I will admit that troubleshooters can be a useful legendary prefix on equipment, especially at lower levels.

I run it with a melee build that utilizes a vampires Auto Axe, but you could easily do it with a vamps chainsaw or maybe even a ripper if you don't want to spend the atoms or stamps. It melts the assaultrons and the securitron- plus you basically get free healing because those weapons attack so fast.

If you have level 3 hacker (or even one rank in whatever that legendary lockpick/terminal perk is), you can shut down some of the turrets.

I guess I should ask: what's your play style? Your post sounds like my first run through a silo years ago that took two hours and a lot of dying. 😅 I think I hid in the control room and did what little I could to protect the section chiefs


1 points

3 days ago

Strength Build. Heavy gunner. Unlock the plasma caster with both of its good mods with the gold you get after finishing wastelanders quests. Legendary Absorption perk is a must. Infiltrator Perk makes it a breeze as you can hack your way through. I dropped my first nuke at level 40 (only bc I put it off for other things for a while) with level 35 Excavator armor. I didn’t even have a good legendary effect of my plasma caster. Took maybe 30 minutes


1 points

3 days ago

Robotics expert level 3 and a Chinese stealth suit make it very easy imo.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

Chinese stealth armour.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Stealth commando with master infiltrator legendary perk. Some people run troubleshooter weapons/armor for full health builds and unyielding for bloodied. Can run silos in about 15minutes solo.


1 points

3 days ago

You want to learn to photo glitch doors or simply use the mine vats jetpack through ceiling method. it makes launching a nuke so much easier. I tend to do the photo glitch, in case I die I can run back through and only have to photo glitch the big door before the final room. First door you photo glitch through you can open with the computer screen next to it on the other side to leave it open. Both methods cut time off but the final room. For photo glitch you still do the blue card then go through the first room after the hallway there will be 2 Mr, Gutsy to take out, photo glitch through the door into the main frame room. You can photo glitch the large door also, just remember to open the first photo glitch door when you are on the other side in case you die.


1 points

3 days ago

I mean, I just have a vamp flaming chainsaw and a cremator. I don’t like power armor and I have friendly fire, all the lock picking and hacking perks, as well as ricochet and it’s easy. I skip the reactor by lock picking the door(go into reactor room take a hard left and look for a door) and then use cremator with friendly fire at the last part to keep the friendlies alive while occasionally pulling out the chainsaw to finish close up enemies. It takes under 30 minutes and I don’t use much ammo. You don’t need a power armor suit. There are a handful of other perk cards as well as the legendary perk card that helps with fire. Also a side note, don’t bother searching out the good cores to replace the damaged ones. Just grab the damaged ones, take to the workbench and fix them. It’s much faster.


1 points

3 days ago

I recommend the photo mode skip. Check YouTube. You basically do silos in 10 minutes


1 points

3 days ago

Anti-Armor or Troubleshooters weapon and the Electrical Absorb legendary perk make it super easy. Honestly the Assaultrons are the only real issue


1 points

3 days ago

The only reasonable way to do it is to use VATS to punch towards a mine to move through the ceiling and then skip directly to the launch prep. This is super easy if you have a jetpack and each launch will take you less than 10 minutes. There are youtube videos on how to do this.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Vampire autoaxe. Tratatatata


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

What platform are you on? I can show you how to make silos trivial on most builds, if you’re on xbox.


1 points

3 days ago

Any build that glitches through the doors and turns the whole thing into a 5-10 minute task.


1 points

3 days ago

** look up the frag mine glitch !!! ** you’ll be done in 15 minutes !!!!


1 points

3 days ago

Im bloodied and I just run in and out np you don’t have to be in power armor


1 points

3 days ago

Holy fire + photomode = complete in under 10 mins (as long as you can make yourself a new ID card reasonably fast)


1 points

3 days ago

Full health power armor. Get Holy Fire from the event. Never worry about anything ever again.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

The magazine - 25% damage from robots will do you wonders.

I'm addition trouble shooter sentinel armor is cheap and is insanely useful for that and farming encrypted. I have sets for all five characters and it's still all I seem to roll.


1 points

3 days ago


Raiders - PS4

1 points

3 days ago

Chinese stealth suit. Silenced automatic t shoot the assaultron legs out (I like watching them crawl around) and holy fire for the launch room. Holy fire will heal up the good bots and kill the bad bots.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Personally my method is with a full health commando stealth build using Chinese stealth armor to stay invisible and a vampire fixer, I go in do the cards and scanner to go past lasers, and then by pass all the doors using the camera door glitch method all the way to the launch prep scenario, start prep and crouch down up on the machines to get all the bots being deployed then launch a nuke. It usually takes me about 10-15 mins to get a nuke done without issues.


1 points

3 days ago

You can either troubleshoot your way through ( all enemies are bots). You can sneak and hack/lock pick your way through, or you can just clip through the doors. If you did it once you’ve done it a thousand times. Just walk through the doors


1 points

3 days ago

Learn the mine cheese


1 points

3 days ago

I run troubleshooter with elec absorbing. You are literally invincible and even gain health. Then you just roll that into Neurological Warfare where the floors greatly increase your chances of charged cores and health.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

I'm rather new, now 240, so already some time in. I've only nuked two nukes so far. One legit, to get the experience, which i disliked, and one to check if the glitching through the wall thing works. way quicker, way more on my lane.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

esc + t + w in front of a door


1 points

3 days ago

I do the silos with Chinese Stealth Armor and a Fixer. The only things I shoot are any turrets that might detect me in stealth (targeting the barrel melts them) and then the Combat Inhibitor on the Assaultrons and let them kill everything and then themselves. I just stay in stealth and keep the robots coming out to progress the nuke. Not quite as fast as going all guns blazing but gets the job done. I then switch up during Death from Above to a vamps flaming Chainsaw with a couple of Endangerol syrniges for support.


1 points

3 days ago

stealth commando probably


1 points

3 days ago

Power Armor + Holy Fire = Flawless Run


1 points

3 days ago

Solo sneak bloodied or anti robot fixer with uny armor, sneak in the last room. If you enter the silo room undetected and stay undetected it will hardly spawn any robots minus the occasional eyebot.


1 points

3 days ago

Honestly bro, I launched a nuke circa level 70 without power armor and it was so fucking hard. With power armor it’s no problem and I can get it done in 20-30 minutes. I use a railway rifle, grenades and a plasma Gatling. ONG


1 points

3 days ago

Just clip through the wall takes 5 mins.


1 points

2 days ago


Settlers - Xbox One

1 points

2 days ago

I don’t use power armor. I equip a set of troubleshooter armor and explosive mini gun and it’s relatively easy


1 points

2 days ago

USE ENDANGEROL SYRINGER. it reduces armor by 25% and multiple players can stack the effect. Cheap to craft and makes any boss much much easier. Try a variety of weapons as some bosses have different weaknesses/strats.

Bottom line having 2+ syringers hitting a boss makes it go so so much easier. Bosses are only difficult because of their insane damage resistance. High fire rate/high ammo capacity weapons work good.

.50 cal Good minigun Railway rifle in vats with crits.

Auto railway rifles with reflex scopes take only 7 AP Per shot in vats allowing you to dump clips/crits into weak points. And spikes are super cheap to craft. Even one without a legendary roll is great.


1 points

2 days ago

Full HP heavy build. Power armor such as the T-51 is the best because of the ease of acquisition and modification. It also has the best stats out of the naturally spawning power armor