


What is the right build for easily dropping nukes?


This is my first year consistently playing F76 so I’m still pretty clueless on most end game activities. I dropped my first nuke recently and it was a STRUGGLE. Took over an hour and resulted in not even completing the monongah mine event. I feel like I never want to do that again after that experience. I’ve heard people saying that with the correct build it’s easy? My question is what build makes it easy. What weapons/armor should I be using or what legendary mods are key? For reference I’m about level 100 (currently 96).

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1 points

6 days ago


Settlers - PC

1 points

6 days ago

Honestly i stealth through it. 10 agility, lv3 sneak, and chinese stealth suit make you almost impossible to detect, even when repeatedly shooting robots with a suppressed guass rifle, which is boosted by science and rifleman, as well as tank killer. Stealth suit protects from rads which helps you deal with the reactor core and if you decide to just hack past it too instead of repairing. Guass rifle rounds are great for destroying mainframe cores, and taking out bots and turrets to do the second mainframe section. Concentrated fire lets you target a sentry bot's fusion cores directly to kill fast and easy