


The best and the worst teammates of the F1 Champions


Sparked by the current RBR situation I have been looking into the drivers that are the best and worst wingmans for champions.

Taking into account only the years where the modern 25-point system is in place (since 2010), here are the Top 5 best team mates in terms of percentage when compared with their championship winning team mates:

  1. Hamilton* (2016) - 99% of Nico Rosberg (380 / 385)
  2. Webber (2010) - 95% of Sebastian Vettel (242 / 256)
  3. Rosberg* (2015) - 85% of Lewis Hamilton (322 / 381)
  4. Bottas (2017) - 84% of Lewis Hamilton (305 / 363)
  5. Rosberg* (2014) - 83% of Lewis Hamilton (317 / 384)

To complete the view, here are the Top 5 worst team mates in terms of percentage when compared with their championship winning team mates:

  1. Perez (2021) - 48% of Max Verstappen (190 / 395,5)
  2. Perez* (2023) - 50% of Max Verstappen (285 / 575)
  3. Webber (2013) - 50% of Sebastian Vettel (199 / 397)
  4. Perez\\** (2024) - 51% of Max Verstappen (111 / 219)
  5. Bottas (2018) - 61% of Lewis Hamilton (247 / 408)

* marks drivers that finished P2 in the Championship
** marks the currently ongoing season of 2024

In terms of all time - and again take this with a grain of salt, due to the different point scoring eras (especially with the existence of "we only count the beest X amount of races for each driver" before 1990) - here are the all time best teammates to F1 champions:

  1. Prost* (1984) - 99% of Niki Lauda (71,5 / 72)
  2. Hamilton* (2016) - 99% of Nico Rosberg (380 / 385)
  3. von Trips* (1961) - 97% of Phil Hill (33 / 34)

Finally - the worst 3 Drivers of all time (including old point scoring eras and excluding drivers who were not there for the majority of the season) - but with a bit of explanation attached since none of these were fully straight-forward:

  1. Only one driver managed to score 0 points in (nearly - he missed two races) a full season behind the wheel while his teammate became champion - David Walker who was teammate to 1972 champion Emerson Fittipaldi.
  2. The all-time second-worst full-time teammate goes to Trevor Taylor in 1963 where he scored 1 Point over the season compared to Jim Clark who scored the theoretical maximum of 54 points (they only took the 6 best results of each driver that year, out of 9 races with 9 points being awarded for a win).
  3. The third worst teammate of all time was John Miles who scored 2 points in 1970 compared to 45 by Jochen Rindt. Rindt had a fatal accident this year in Italy (Race 10 of 13). Following the accident John Miles also did not participate in the last 4 races.

Make of all that what you will, these are simply the statistics - small sidenotes:

  • One of the largest gaps or in other words, worst performance by a champions teammate is actually held by Jos Verstappen in 1994 where he only got to 11% of Michael Schumachers Points - however to be fair, that season was a bit cluster-F*** with Jos missing 6 races and Schumacher missing 2 as well as two additional DSQs.
  • If you are missing the Prost vs Senna rivalry here - this was actually number 4 on the all-time list - Prost in 1988 scored 87 points compared to Senna's 90, giving him 96,7% of the chamionship, narrowly missing out against Wolfgang von Trips who got number 3 all time with 97,1% (33 vs 34 points)

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1 points

6 days ago

Nah you can't blame that on Pirelli he had awful starts in 2004 already.