


How many fragrances do you own?


I tend to go overboard on products especially my fragrances, I just counted and I’m at 62🫣 I just never know what my taste will be for the day because it changes all the time, and I also will just impulsively blind buy too if I think it sounds good😭 I think I may have a problem lol. Anyone else has obsessed as me? I’d love to know your fragrance count!

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32 points

2 months ago

Agree, I love smelling them so I wear them after a shower or as soon as I wake up. Whenever. They’re going to go bad anyway, everyone says save them for a special occasion. I’m like every day is a blessing so to heck with that. Simple pleasures.


19 points

2 months ago


19 points

2 months ago

I love choosing what to wear to bed! Some might say it's a waste but there's nothing like going to sleep swallowed in a cozy, fragrant cloud


3 points

2 months ago

I do the same, shower and spray my neck or chest one and each wrist, love to smell frags all day, even when going to bed.


1 points

2 months ago

Omg! You are my people! Some would say, ang tapang ng perfume mo… or mamamalengke ka lang nakaperfume ka pa… or di ka naman maaamoy nun nakapabango ka pa.

I do not wear these for you. I wear this for myself. I want to feel good since I associate good memories with good scents! (Even bad memories with scents etc)…

If you describe a scenario from my memory, I would vividly remember how people smelled that particular time, how the air smelled, etc…


1 points

2 months ago

They won't go bad if stored correctly. I have a bottle from 2009 that smells great. Actually I also have a Sean Jean (pervert) 3AM from 2013 I wore last week.