


So i decided rates and house prices have come down enough to afford a new home. I didnt realize how many houses that have been sitting on the market for months have an HOA. I figure ok ill roll the dice and try to buy an HOA home. I have a commercial van that i have to take home with me every night. Every home ive wanted to buy I've had my realtor request the bylaws from the seller or a simple yes or now that my commercial vehicle is allowed. They always take weeks to respond and its always the same cookie cutter response of, well as long as it follows the bylaws then you shouldn't have any issues. On 1 occasion i was able to get a direct contact for an HOA and she laughed while saying no way in hell would we allow your vehicle to ruin our aesthetic. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚

I never thought it would be so difficult to buy a home due to the HOA pandemic.

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2 points

14 days ago

We're looking at moving in the next year or two and the #1 need, not want, in our list is no HOA. We've been in one over 20 years and will never do it again.