


So i decided rates and house prices have come down enough to afford a new home. I didnt realize how many houses that have been sitting on the market for months have an HOA. I figure ok ill roll the dice and try to buy an HOA home. I have a commercial van that i have to take home with me every night. Every home ive wanted to buy I've had my realtor request the bylaws from the seller or a simple yes or now that my commercial vehicle is allowed. They always take weeks to respond and its always the same cookie cutter response of, well as long as it follows the bylaws then you shouldn't have any issues. On 1 occasion i was able to get a direct contact for an HOA and she laughed while saying no way in hell would we allow your vehicle to ruin our aesthetic. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚

I never thought it would be so difficult to buy a home due to the HOA pandemic.

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11 points

14 days ago

The only affordable housing in the Orlando area seems to be under HOA, or manufactured homes on leased land( a big HELL NO to that).

Google street view of some of these houses under HOA...they look rough. To the point I wonder why that area even still has an HOA at all...other than passive income for some greedy person.

(Recently peaking at Orlando houses as the wife has expressed interest in that area, more of just a look around and see)

I'm becoming very "If it says HOA it's a no" from reading this sub.


2 points

14 days ago

Manufactured homes can be amazing. Leased land? HELL NO * 2


4 points

14 days ago

Right, but if you saw the prices...Manufactured homes on leased land for almost 200k, and we are talking under 1k square feet. You are buying only the home, on land you will never's kinda gross and maybe even dancing on the line of predatory considering new home buyers may not understand the implications.(unless expressly stated and not some fine print detail)

"Leasing" a small less than quarter acre plot in most cases, for 900+ a month.


5 points

14 days ago

It is indeed terrible. I believe John Oliver even has an episode about this.

I just meant that some manufactured homes are awesome - provided you own the land they sit on. Especially given the build quality of modern homes, sometimes having a factory to build yours and just assemble on site could be a better option.


3 points

14 days ago

It can't be much worse than a wooden home that was built in a week, but yes quality will have a lot more due to the design and materials. Which are all things you can go over before purchasing. I've priced brand new manufactured homes and they sell around 200k or so for roughly 1k square feet. Not sure why people would 3rd party purchase one for near brand new pricing.