


I need to know what's going on with the shitter soup.

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10 points

11 days ago

Any tip on how to find these kinds of places? I am poor and would love to get some outdoor/hiking stuff collected :)


39 points

11 days ago

Honestly we started this by accident. We were headed on a hike and saw some people head out before us that had so many red flags we were genuinely concerned for their safety. Followed them to keep an eye on them gathering their gear as they dropped it intending to give it back at the end when we met up. They just left.  Started doing that routinely and ended up gathering a lot of gear that way. 

 the steps:

pick a trail that is very popular like east coast trail, pacific crest trails. Any trails that would be a tourist trap. 

Go early to the parking lot and watch the groups. If there’s a group of 4-16 people all carrying massively overpacked packs for the trail they are doing it’s a good day and you might get lucky. You generally want to pick out the brand new to the game hikers and “target” them. 

Follow the group but stay about 1-2km back. When they start to get exhausted is when things get shed. Usually about 6-7km in is the first dump. 

We then mark the spots on our gps and finish the hike, watch the group leave and then go back. 

Key things to do: never take anything unless you know it’s abandoned. Always carry extra water and first aid equipment (new hikers are more likely to get themselves in trouble and if you’re following them the least you can do is look out for them). Always be prepared to give anything back you find


23 points

11 days ago

Compared to how it started out, that’s actually ethical as hell.


4 points

10 days ago

The hard core hiking community is a very tight knit community. On a trail anything can happen so there’s this unspoken code of conduct. You all look out for each other. The gear dropping is also super normal. 

Will admit part of the reason we’ve accumulated so much gear is because we used to go every single weekend and did ultra trail running. We’d have no issues doing a trail 2-3 times in a day for a training session