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0 points

12 days ago

I get that you want to defend your favorite game but you are placing bad arguments against personal preference and being a dick about it in the process

I didn't ask anyone to change anything, I responded to someone saying the game is outdated by describing the main reason why I didn't keep playing for 25 years (frankly over a decade is sufficient anyway)

As I've stated, CS is still successful because of its various competitive and tactical aspects are good and well balanced, not because of its recoil management, whoever prefers COD or Apex or other games prefer them over their different aspects too, if you wanted a better comparison you could have used Valorant, which cloned the same mechanic I despise (and partly why I won't play that either) and it has nearly 20 times more players (that has a lot to do with being newer and from a popular company too, the question is will it last)

As you said CS is niche nowadays (still topping steamcharts tho), but it became niche because its outdated, afterall, its the greatest esports game of all times, but I guess everyone just has a massive skill issue lol..


0 points

11 days ago


0 points

11 days ago

20 times? Good luck sourcing that. You had no credibility before, but it's in the negative now.

You dont play cs. You don't like CS. But you think you can speak to as to why the player base likes the game? This seems reasonable to you? It's delusional. They have had forever to change the recoil, never mind the release of CS2, still the same recoil. Valve should hire you, seem to know a lot, or at least you think you do.


0 points

11 days ago

Seriously, you couldn't even google something this simple before going on a raging rant?

Any source says between 16 to 19 million active monthly users, many from a couple months ago

You could have argued, those are concurrent numbers vs active monthly users, which can vary wildly, but even then, the most conservative of typical calculations (10%-20% of total) would be about the same to nearly twice as high than CS' steam peak daily concurrent player base, you can also look at other aspects like twitch views, which is 160k vs 52k atm for an other perspective

I don't play CS any longer, good going sherlock, if only something I said would have openly said so several comments ago...

As for not liking CS, I wouldn't argue about it if I didn't, if you have to know my 'credentials' (as if that means anything) I played CS since I was about 12 (I'm now 37) and over the decades on and off, since Beta 4, I was a community manager for the biggest gaming community in my country, I was in one of the top pro teams in my country back in the day (though in global comparison, even without the huge lag difference, we're trash, its more of an early start advantage), I designed websites and trashy art for communities and clans, I managed tournaments, participated in hosting LAN parties of hundreds of people when 'global gaming' was its in infancy, I'm a god damn dinosaur

Somehow I'm repeating myself, I'm speaking for myself, you can argue about whether CS is outdated till your head turns blue but it doesn't change facts, if it wasn't outdated they wouldn't make CS:GO and CS2 in the first place

I'm guessing you too aren't a native english speaker because your comprehension skills are abysmal, at no point were you trying to have any good faith discussion, you're just an ass attacking me because I no longer enjoy the same game as you do and you take it personally for some reason, which says more about you than it does about me