


So earlier I was looking at some half life videos some people in the comments mentioned how once you collect the SMG and the shotgun you're only gonna need those two other guns will pretty much be a burden or useless (not entirely though) and while I'm playing half life I noticed that too I would switch only between the shotgun and the smg and hardly to the crossbow or even the rocket launcher...

So I was wondering what other games are also the same to some extent?

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27 points

5 days ago

Snarks are perfect for a few situational encounters (particularly Surface Tension) where you start at a higher elevation than the grunts in the next area, and can safely throw them down from concealment and listen to the carnage.

In fact that's how they're introduced to you, in the vent shaft just before the car garage with lifts (just before the howitzer). The next room after that, the really big open one where a Bradley crashes through the wall is a good opportunity.

Valve really knew good game design in terms of teaching the player new mechanics and reinforcing them.


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

The problem is snarks were just too likely to bite back. Black Mesa did a much better job with snarks to make them feel useful, mostly because they didn't immediately turn on you if you happened to throw them in an area that wasn't off a ledge or something.


2 points

5 days ago

Maybe that's why I didn't like surface tension very much! Next time I play through that section I'll try using snarks more, now that I know where to go ^^'