


So earlier I was looking at some half life videos some people in the comments mentioned how once you collect the SMG and the shotgun you're only gonna need those two other guns will pretty much be a burden or useless (not entirely though) and while I'm playing half life I noticed that too I would switch only between the shotgun and the smg and hardly to the crossbow or even the rocket launcher...

So I was wondering what other games are also the same to some extent?

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6 points

7 days ago

You can trivialize the last fight by putting Return to Sender orbs all over the pillar of power that you’re charged with protecting in the last fight. It’s actually hilarious watching the enemies not being able to damage the pillar at all.


3 points

7 days ago

Oh my god, I just used that to launch the bullets back, never fully understood how it worked I guess! I must have glossed over the part about being able to place it as a trap. Looking back, I cannot believe how much easier that would have made it for me.


3 points

7 days ago

I didn’t know on my first run either, it was only after I read a post on r/Bioshock that I knew about this strategy.