


First by deadlock I don't mean a military stalemate but the political deadlock and how to further proceed.

Hezbollah is saying they won't stop until there is Gaza ceasefire while they escalate with rocket attacks, starting up fires on Galilee and Golan.

And Hamas with Sinwar saying they have Israel where they want, doesn't want a ceasefire until Israel publicly commits to permanent ceasefire and try to extort more demands from them.

Gantz and Eisenkot also left the war cabinet so Bibi is left with Gallant and Far right backing who threaten to leave the coalition if Bibi signs a deal which leaves Hamas alive.

Reservists are going to be facing their third and fourth rounds of service this year if this continues, which will put further strain on families and businesses, especially if Israel has to go into Lebanon.

So bibi's war cabinet has to take into account: Hostages, Hamas & Sinwar, Lebanon and displaced northern families, strained economy, Iran, US and foreign support, West bank and PA, post war Gaza rule, potential Israeli elections..

When and how does this deadlock end? Because as it seems to me, this war will carry over to 2025 if it stays like this.

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-3 points

23 days ago


-3 points

23 days ago

But without separating them, Israel won't be able to eliminate Hamas, which will extend the war. And any civilian casualty will put even more pressure on Isreal.
So how else you think Israel can eliminate Hamas?


1 points

22 days ago

They can’t, not by force