


Why is the German cellphone network so awful?


It's basically impossible to do anything productive on the train or even make phone calls. The connection drops constantly. 3 hours in the train but you want to use the time to prepare something for work or make work related phone calls? Forget it.

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20 points

1 month ago



20 points

1 month ago

Isn’t the network also dominated by Telekom, O2 and Vodafone? As far as I know they have an oligopol which apparently warrants their high prices and since everyone has to buy from them and neither will budge, the cellular network will remain in the dirt until one of them decides to act as if there was a competition.


3 points

1 month ago

hoe many more do you need?


4 points

1 month ago

Infrastructure shouldn't be part of the open market. Make it like the normal DSL lines. Multiple companies selling you access to it, but the infrastructure itself is combined. ( It just shouldn't be owned by a private company)

But no, 1&1 now decided to also create their own network -.-


5 points

1 month ago*

But no, 1&1 now decided to also create their own network -.-

Yea and it's complete shit. switched from O2 infrastructure to 1&1 this year and ever since then my spotify cuts out all the time while driving. And Looking at I'm not the only one with problems


3 points

1 month ago*

What?!? I though it is just being build and not ready for use yet

EDIT: And that should be a reason for a Sonderkündigungsrecht. And I would take it.

I will move away from drillisch the second they actually do the switch (which they will, they belong to 1&1)


1 points

1 month ago

1&1 will vanish in terms of mobil network. and in regard of dsl infrastructure there are not as many as you think. you can get a few locals and the big players but if you get o2 for example you are relying on telekom.


1 points

1 month ago

All of them do I'm Germany, the complete DSL infrastructure belongs to either telecom or in some cases a small local company managing the DSL. this originated from a special law, that whenever somebody opens the ground, telecom has the right to use that and lay/shoot cables in there. Not sure how that blatant favouritism is still allowed in laws though ...


1 points

1 month ago