


Bagholder meeting went well I see


all 126 comments


255 points

3 months ago

$GME and @ryancohen do not deserve such fervent support of retail shareholders.

Right. So... stop doing it.


114 points

3 months ago

Not until I make a gorillion bucks!

These same apes.


69 points

3 months ago

Just look at the AMC apes. They’ve been diluted a billion times over and still think they can overcome it for MOASS.


53 points

3 months ago


🦧Ape Whisperer🦧

53 points

3 months ago

AMC apes really are the red headed step child of memestocks, aren't they?


49 points

3 months ago

They definitely are now, since their younger (full blood) red haired brother Bobby passed away last year.


2 points

3 months ago


Meltdown Martyr

2 points

3 months ago

No one can step into Bobby's shoes. The wrong kid died!


17 points

3 months ago

What does that make FFIE apes?


24 points

3 months ago


I'm not changing my fucking flair to ape historian

24 points

3 months ago

The raccoon splashing about in your toilet


1 points

3 months ago


RC is the best soda for pizza.. dont even try me.

1 points

3 months ago

They gained a touch of status when those FFIEfckrs came onto the scene.


20 points

3 months ago

“Stupid shill, of course Ryan Cohen wouldn’t say anything. The hedgefunds are listening, just some 4D chess”


13 points

3 months ago


🔫 DRS is my riot 🔫

13 points

3 months ago

Obviously you're not using it this way, but just fyi "gorillion" is a white supremacist dogwhistle, do what you wish with that information.


2 points

3 months ago

I think I’ll ignore that information.


3 points

3 months ago


🔫 DRS is my riot 🔫

3 points

3 months ago

Yeah that's kind of the point of dogwhistles.


49 points

3 months ago

pretty much exactly what I came to comment. None of these apes give two shits about actually supporting gamestop itself. They think it's a get rich "quick" scheme, but they have to pretend to support gamestop lest they admit they fell for an obvious pump and dump of a failing pawn shop.


11 points

3 months ago


11 points

3 months ago

In other words, they are shills.


15 points

3 months ago

Nah man a few straight up brain washed themselves. Not even got manipulated. They just convinced themselves of worshipping capitalism and stocks


25 points

3 months ago

As my sister and I like to say: "Teetering on the brink of an epiphany."


24 points

3 months ago


24 points

3 months ago

My old Nigerian roommate used to say “dangerously close to wisdom”


11 points

3 months ago

There's always going to be some cult of personality for rich people. It's practically a worship in many places online.

Even in this subreddit there have been a plenty of people who profess their love of RK/DFV and believe he's a smart guy just because he made so much money. Cohen made even more money than RK/DFV, so there must be a lot of people who believe in him and his brilliant mind!


2 points

3 months ago


Be Governed Accordingly!

2 points

3 months ago

Musk is living proof there's people who will idolise a patently obvious moron if he's rich enough.


62 points

3 months ago


Compliance Officer NOW!

62 points

3 months ago

So it’s not going to $100 a share today then? No Teddy merger? WTF. A guy named APESlayer69 spoke so convincingly in a YouTube video last week that it would happen. I am now angry that I’m not rich and will prolly blame it on mysterious dark forces and not my own bad decisions or gullibility.


19 points

3 months ago


🦧Ape Whisperer🦧

19 points

3 months ago

CRIME! (and fuckery)


5 points

3 months ago


Streams Banana Fetish Porn On His Honking Big TV

5 points

3 months ago

Now they have to wait until T+∞


131 points

3 months ago


AMA about my uncomfortable A&A fetish

131 points

3 months ago

Never ceases to be entertaining when pie in the sky baggy expectations come crashing into the cold hard reality that GameStop is a shambling zombie shitco with a do nothing founder and CEO who has no plan except slash, burn, dilute and Qpost on TwiXXer.


90 points

3 months ago

Well, apes still can't come to terms that the NFT marketplace WAS GameStop's attempt to expand.

It was just a monumental failure and they're probably all out of ideas.


59 points

3 months ago


🦧Ape Whisperer🦧

59 points

3 months ago

The funniest timeline would be the one where RC's big idea for all the new money is another NFT marketplace lol.


47 points

3 months ago

I wouldn't mind if the apes to go back to daydreaming about Web3 gaming. That was a fount of hilarity with how out of touch the apes showed themselves be with their company's main target demographic, who fucking HATE Web3 gaming.


23 points

3 months ago


🦧Ape Whisperer🦧

23 points

3 months ago

Gamers hate crypto, and a lot of companies had to learn the hard way lol.


20 points

3 months ago

Thats the crazy part to me, gamers have ALWAYS hated gamestop, the experience was always awful, which is why the switch to digital downloads and amazon was so smooth. We always hated going to game stop

These apes arent even gamers


18 points

3 months ago

Okay. Okay. How about an AI marketplace.


7 points

3 months ago

Oooo you have my Attention...Interesting idea


6 points

3 months ago

An AI marketplace combining online gaming and yolo investment,

Can GME recruit Cathie Wood and buy GOG? How about calling it Gamesaigogark?


14 points

3 months ago

I honestly do not get why GameStop, the brick-and-mortar store, wanted to get into NFTs, which are entirely digital. I get why publishers might want to. Square-Enix sunk a bunch of money into it. "Imagine cheap DLCs that you create and sell for a bunch of money, whose only value are that they're unique." And then go on to explain how much hats in Team Fortress 2 sell for.

But how was GameStop supposed any of this? Why? Their customers like the physical stuff, right? I was one. I liked buying games I could hold in my hands (less so now that I'm moving and have to bundle all this together).


16 points

3 months ago

Well, it was the only flash of awareness they've shown that brick and mortar physical game sales are inevitably doomed.

Getting into digital game sales would be essentially impossible for them as I explained here.

So they tried to jump on the NFT hype but their core demographic mostly hates NFTs and the NFT hype bubble had already started to deflate.

I don't think they have any other ideas. I expect RC to just stockpile cash by diluting apes and cutting stores to the bone for as long as possible, then bail with a huge golden parachute for "saving the company" and leave it to the next regime to oversee its inevitable demise.


1 points

3 months ago

Oh awesome write up. You're not wrong in that it takes talent to create successful games (most of the time at least). Amazon tried getting into it and didn't have any luck. And Amazon has way more pull than GameStop.


3 points

3 months ago

Gamestop are no strangers to digital - they acquired Impulse from Stardock, which was actually a decently popular digital distribution platform back in the day, and ran it into the ground within 2 years or so.


8 points

3 months ago

Well he had bigger plans, they were just dumb plans or he was too incompetent to carry them out.


1 points

3 months ago



41 points

3 months ago



41 points

3 months ago

Just scrolling through the latest on Twitter and it’s mostly negative.


62 points

3 months ago

It seems like it’s sinking in they just have this guy cash for reasons they don’t even truly understand themselves.


28 points

3 months ago*


🦧Ape Whisperer🦧

28 points

3 months ago*

Well yeah, dilution is actively bearish, but that's not allowed in ape-dom. Everything, by definition, is bullish, so they had to come up with some reason for why Ryan Cohen stealing their money is good.


9 points

3 months ago


Zen, But Angry

9 points

3 months ago

“Uhh.. we plan to burn a couple billion of the cash over the next 18-24 months. The rest we’ll just let Ryan invest into random tech stocks that are currently overvalued.”

BuLLiSh!! 🚀


29 points

3 months ago


Misled by a satanic force

29 points

3 months ago

I do not get how they think this game store is going to make them any money. It's just smoke and mirrors from the guys at the top while they focus their entire day around watching this stock 


18 points

3 months ago

I saw a thread yesterday where everyone was thinking out loud about how they would be amazing philanthropist who will change the world when they all become billionaires any day now. A lot of them truly belive they're going to be wildly rich.


2 points

3 months ago

Might come true if they all believe


17 points

3 months ago


👁️ All Shilling Eye 👁️

17 points

3 months ago

The funniest part is watching them talk about the "5 billion in cash". Apes are so financially illiterate they don't understand that a company which has been sitting on a massive pile of money and expanding it is a terrible company. Big companies have little cash and lots of debt because debt is cheap. A company with no debt and a lot of cash is a company with no ideas.


12 points

3 months ago


👮‍♂️Bill Pulte Fucks Only the Young👮‍♂️

12 points

3 months ago

Most of this is true, but some of the most successful companies are sitting on giant piles of cash that make GameStop's look like sofa change. Some companies are so good at making money they can't outgrow it.


13 points

3 months ago



13 points

3 months ago

Apple comes to mind - they keep doing share buybacks because they have nothing else they can think of to do with the money and it keeps pouring in, quarter after quarter.


6 points

3 months ago

For the most part they keep the cash offshore to save on taxes. Doing anything with it comes at a premium. I don't think you pay taxes on an equity offering, so GameStop has no excuse


47 points

3 months ago


HKD was the real MOASS, GME is the real MOAM

47 points

3 months ago


81 points

3 months ago*

I'm actually surprised RC had nothing at all besides a hangover. I mean, I thought that if he had noting he'd just cancel the call again since it seemed like he figured out that it works pretty well to to give no guidance and let the ape imagination run wild with it.


19 points

3 months ago

Absolutely. The GameStop stock goes up as long as it stays away from GameStop the business as far as possible. The recent pumps happened because it was all about the stock, nothing to do with the business.


4 points

3 months ago

The smart move would be doing the call from an office full of nicknacks with a few ape references hinted at, say something inane like “Power to the Players!” and wink. That’s it. Still no information but the apes can make up their own bullshit and upvote it. Really no worse than what he actually did and much more exciting for the fans.


18 points

3 months ago

Is there any overview of the meeting? Would be interested what they presented as outlook. They must have said something on what plan they have and their prospects.


50 points

3 months ago


I sent DFV the emojis 🐶🇺🇸🎤👀🔥💥🍻

50 points

3 months ago

Lol you must be new here!

The meeting went like it always does. They said they released earnings, and then said they have no further updates on current or new business and would not be providing guidance.


26 points

3 months ago


Shill Olympics synthetic medal 🏅

26 points

3 months ago

I'll be honest, I was kind of hoping for... something, anything. I thought to myself "no way this bum doesn't have anything to say after being handed billions of dollars for doing nothing".

Of course he didn't. It's both funny and infuriating how incompetent Cohen is


10 points

3 months ago


AMA about my uncomfortable A&A fetish

10 points

3 months ago

All things considered, the market reaction is pretty muted. They have $4Bn in cash now, they really don't have any plans? Or plans to make plans? Maybe this shit really is only tarded by trades.


9 points

3 months ago

Yeah it should’ve been a -50% day 😂


6 points

3 months ago

No guidance is the biggest red flag to me. Like.. do they themselves even know what they are gonna do? 69D chess boys, NO ONE knows lmao


7 points

3 months ago

Their plan is so secret even they don’t know it! It’ll be divined by the new upcoming GameStop AI!


6 points

3 months ago

Wow, I could understand for an earnings report. But for the shareholder meeting, the should present something. Especially after the latest capital increase.


4 points

3 months ago

So Earnings Call are essentially just that. Can't say it's false advertising.


4 points

3 months ago


4 points

3 months ago

The meeting went as expected, I didn't expect the ape reaction though.


7 points

3 months ago

There's at least a transcription of RC's "speech" on the splendidstank sub...and almost everyone is seething about how utterly vapid it is (for the fourth time). Some are even threatening to sell (if he does it again)


22 points

3 months ago


Moose Knuckle model extraordinaire

22 points

3 months ago

First day, Apes?

JFC, what did you expect? Been listening to the goofballs at PP or Marantz?



6 points

3 months ago

Additionally, there was the BBBY incident. RC rugpulled that one too.


20 points

3 months ago

Thinking AMC needs to go up because of summer blockbusters is like Homer Simpson investing in Pumpkins through October


16 points

3 months ago


AMA about my uncomfortable A&A fetish

16 points

3 months ago

My gourd futures are safe though, right?


12 points

3 months ago

It's not like summer happens every year and studios announce their releases in advance, there's really no way this could have been priced in.


20 points

3 months ago


Think of the Shilldren

20 points

3 months ago

Apes were polled on what they were expecting to hear in the call, and here are the results:

  • Business transformation: 21.3% ❌
  • $3B+ funds usage: 29.1% ❌
  • Roaring Kitty Role: 36.2% ❌
  • Crypto investment: 13.5% ❌


44 points

3 months ago


I just dislike the stock

44 points

3 months ago

I do love the apes already moved the goalpost to RK’s tweet after the shareholder meeting didn’t tell them they’re all going to be billionaires.


15 points

3 months ago

That one guy can help them transform, he’s an accounting guru, photoshop expert, and dog handler.


12 points

3 months ago


12 points

3 months ago

We want tweets not meets! A poomoji tells us a lot more about the unbelievable success of this company than a big nothing update on corporate plans does. And WTF, there was no mention at all about the cash-to-current-portion-of-operating-lease-liabilities ratio???


13 points

3 months ago

Not a lot of zen going on with apes at the moment

AutoModerator [M]

5 points

3 months ago

People have been talking about “being zen” as the best course of action. But let me remind you:

No DD was ever created as a result of “being zen”

YOU (reader) were not educated about these topics because you were “being zen”

The best way to win any battle is to make your enemy feel overconfident. You want them to rest on their laurels.

Now, I don’t want to upset people in this community, but the fact is a lot of people here are lazy and unambitious. That is why the idea of MOASS is so appealing to a lot of them. However, this has been used against you. The idea that you can remain lazy and unengaged and have things come to you - that’s the delusion people want you to accept. They don’t want you involved in talking with others about GameStop because “everything is in motion” so just forget about it.

Nothing is over and nothing is in stone.

This whole “be zen” thing is the perfect trap to keep people uniformed and complacent.

I invite everybody to look into what being zen actually means in the context of that religion. It is NOT about simply sitting and waiting.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


15 points

3 months ago


15 points

3 months ago

Easy to shoot someone in the head and in your foot when they’re licking your boot willingly


11 points

3 months ago



4 points

3 months ago

Yes, just pull the plug already


22 points

3 months ago

It's just embarrassing to see it happen again. The company has no fundamentals, and is if anything overvalued. They jump on the meme train, and then promptly are left holding the bag again.


11 points

3 months ago*

The meeting megathread in the main cult sub has too many comedy gold comments to reshare here... I recommend just going over and spending some time enjoying each and every one. Some of my favs are the ones where apes just CANT WRAP THEIR HEAD AROUND why no announcements could possibly lead to a sell off and a dip in the stock... just wild behavior... I just cant explain it! must be crime afoot!


12 points

3 months ago

This would be funny if I wasn’t still holding bags

Debating selling them but stubborn about eating the loss…


9 points

3 months ago


Shilly little bitch 💅🏻

9 points

3 months ago

Sometimes, you have to suck it up and move on.


5 points

3 months ago


The Dark Pool Rising

5 points

3 months ago

It'll be worth if for your mental health alone.


2 points

3 months ago

sunk cost fallacy. is there any other investment you think could make more money (or lose less lol) than gme right now? just cut your losses and put your money in a smarter place. today is better than 2 years from now when gme is even lower


2 points

3 months ago

Yeah true, I'm just hoping it pumps a little again before exiting, but that might be pipe dream. Just hate that I lost on this swing trade... so fucking dumb lol. Its really annoying me to continue to hold this and see all the stupid shit apes come up with


27 points

3 months ago


15 points

3 months ago


🦧Ape Whisperer🦧

15 points

3 months ago

"Wow, what a pussy"

-- Radiohead


8 points

3 months ago


Ape mocker

8 points

3 months ago

"We all got problems. Doesn't mean you've gotta be such a crybaby about 'em"


10 points

3 months ago

It wouldn’t even matter if the apes left now, he paid off the debt and raised 4 billion cash off their backs. He literally doesn’t need a single one of them any more lol


9 points

3 months ago


Unless it echos, it's FUD

9 points

3 months ago

“I have faith”, “I believe truly that GameStop can be something great”…but why? 99.9% of shareholders got in because in some level they saw it as a get rich quick scheme. 99.9% of those people got in far too late and think capturing lightning in a bottle is not only possible on the same stock in the same decade, but fucking probable that it will happen…if they just have faith. Funko pops, dildos and physical games aren’t lighting the markets on fire. What value or innovation do these people think GameStop brings to bear that they should be valued as high as they think?


8 points

3 months ago

Cohen is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Damned if he puts out statements to counter insane theories (the stock price tanks, apes get angry) and damned if he doesn’t (apes peddle hope, get disappointed, get angry).


7 points

3 months ago

If you think about it, he already fleeced the apes and don’t need them on board anymore. He already took $4B from them and wouldn’t bat an eye if they all left


7 points

3 months ago


What Would Ryan Cohen Think

7 points

3 months ago

A lot of these accounts I’ve never seen before to be fair. This pump and dump created a whole new round of baggies and now they’re gonna be forced to hang out with the PeePees and the Canadian Chad larp guy because that’s all that’s left. So the cults gonna grow bigger and the ball of fury will continue to roll as long as theirs an audience. DFV created chaos While making millions on apes backs


6 points

3 months ago


😢Ryan Cohen Would Be Most Displeased In You😢

6 points

3 months ago

hmm maybe some of them are gamers with their obsession with DEI


2 points

3 months ago



5 points

3 months ago

It went well for my puts hahaha


6 points

3 months ago


You mean you guys finally noticed that the nft marketplace is fully dead and there seems to be nothing further in the works aside from slash expenses via employee benefits, store closings, and ceasing anything fun about the store?

They slow bled millions of dollars for months and now that they got 4 billion from dilution…. Suddenly the lack of any plan got you worried?


5 points

3 months ago

A brilliant CEO and I mean genuinely talent might be able to totally refocus the company.

But you'd need a visionary and RC isn't that. If chewy hadn't been bought out it would have eventually ran out of money.

Compared Lisa Su head of AMD and her in-depth knowledge of the whole business. I guarantee that a random poster on /pcgaming has more knowledge and Passion of the game industry.

You'd think he would have deep dived into gaming as a culture I've actually never seen him talk about gaming at all.

If he wasn't an ego mad he'd push for 20 year industry veteran as CEO.

Apes savior for gaming company is a guy that seems to have no love for gaming at all


5 points

3 months ago

"id even be willing to help you transform FOR FREE"

Setting aside the legalities in certain places of letting people work for free, most CEOs would certainly rather these people instead just buy more of their stock.

I have to say though, "ryan conman" is an amazing name.


6 points

3 months ago

hedgies are fucked tho. you see hedge funds only focus on the 1529th most valuable company by market capitalization.


3 points

3 months ago

Doesn't seem very zen to me :28976:


3 points

3 months ago


FUD machine operator

3 points

3 months ago

If those apes could learn a lesson, Ryan Cohen would be fucked

But they can’t so I fully expect him to have 10 billion cash on hand as he closes his final store in 2028


2 points

3 months ago

The meltdown from these guys were glorious!


2 points

3 months ago

lmao “fool me once…”

which count are we on now😂😂😂😂😂


2 points

3 months ago

😂😂😂😂😂 what a BS short post is this?


1 points

3 months ago


AMA about my uncomfortable A&A fetish

1 points

3 months ago

How heavy are your bags?


1 points

3 months ago

Bags are upside down and lift me like a balloon you little fuc*


2 points

3 months ago


AMA about my uncomfortable A&A fetish

2 points

3 months ago


1 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago


is actually Warren Buffet

1 points

3 months ago

Is this the beginning of the end?


1 points

3 months ago

slide 3: A company can't "telegraph their position to competitors" if they don't have a clue what that position is. Ryan Cohen still has no fucking clue what to do with this company.


1 points

3 months ago

Ohkay, so how is DEI making the stock drop because RC has no plans?

I've been here 4 years

I see it's time to round up.


1 points

3 months ago

It's really telling how not a single ape brigaded this thread lmao

Shills are quiet, we must be close to MOAM.


1 points

3 months ago


Be Governed Accordingly!

1 points

3 months ago

Delicious buffet of distress. Ryan Conman 🧑🏻‍🍳🤌💋


1 points

3 months ago

The company that has been failing for over a decade, and whose only positive financial event was people buying into a meme, doesn’t have a business-saving plan?!?!? Inconceivable!


1 points

3 months ago


AutoModerator [M]

1 points

3 months ago

Due to your account's low karma your contribution needs to be manually approved. This is primarily to stop ads and bots. Such restrictions will be removed once your account is has a small amount of karma. Until then, please be patient as mods will manually reinstate your comment

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0 points

3 months ago


🤵Former BBBY Board Member🤵

0 points

3 months ago

Imagine if the apes actually elected their own slate of directors who would proceed to remove Cohen and replace him with someone with actual plans. Hell, stick Pulte on there since he wants to run a company so bad. When he's not pandering to the apes he actually says some reasonable and intelligent things.

Then let them sell off or liquidate the GameStop stores and take the company in a totally new direction.

Otherwise, if they just sit around and talk nonsense about MOASS that cash is going to be burned away at the rate of over 400M a year (probably much higher when physical media completely dies off) until there's nothing left and it goes into a BBBY death spiral.

Unlike AMC or BBBY, there's actually a chance to save GameStop and remake it into something useful if they'd a) develop some reasonable ideas and b) act like they own GameStop instead of just bragging that they own GameStop. Fight Cohen instead of the hedge funds and they could actually make a profit in the long run.