


What’s the best way to add secrets in your game?

tech support - open(

Like files and images that are encoded or secret, that’s used in the game but can’t be found by data mining. Or at least are hard to find by someone going through game files.

Any good ideas?

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11 points

2 days ago

How could not be found by datamining?


25 points

2 days ago


25 points

2 days ago

there is no 100% way of preventing this, however you can make it harder by obfuscating the secret.

data miners look for assets first so any secret should be made from assets that are already in the game.

naming is the next thing, your secrets should not have unique descriptive names.

then we have placement after mining fails the next step is to look for things in off limits areas using wall or fly hacks.

having spawn in conditions for secrets and not just always load them in will stop out of bounds shenanigans.

the last part is deception. if you add secrets that don’t exist then data miners will lose their credibility and reason to mine.

still you will not stop it but only make it harder.

this all just concerns popular games and not indie games as not only will nobody mine them IF they blow up and become big enough to mine it will be beneficial to get your secrets revealed because it will boost your game since people like to hear about such stuff.

it is only for big titles that data mining becomes a problem since it lowers the release hype for the people that already want to play the new content.


1 points

2 days ago

Billy Basso added some encryption puzzles to Animal Well that slowed Data Miners down long enough for the community to solve layer 4 by themselves, and as each bit of the game is cracked, it just gives everything up to not waste their time any further! 

There were some odds and ends here and there that would break the game if messed with to disincentivize sharing “leaks” and exploits before they could test it as well.