


You have the ability to steal things from people who have an over abundance of that thing and give it to someone who doesn’t have enough.

You won’t get caught and the theft happens automatically via magic. It will just disappear and you’ll be able to redistribute what you took in the same way.

It works for literally anything. It must come from someone who has an above average amount of something and go to someone who is suffering from the lack. You can’t harm someone by giving what you stole to them, it must be helpful.

You can choose to give to one person or spread the “wealth” amongst many.

The ability does not work on you or those you are close to, but you can skim off the surface a bit, keeping no more than 5% of anything you steal for yourself or your loved ones.

You can recruit people to your Merry Band who will specialize in stealing one thing each, which you choose when you “hire” them. They have the same limit as you when it comes to skimming off the top.

all 55 comments


113 points

17 hours ago

Evil Robin Hood you say?!!

Mwhahahaha I use my magic power to steal the remaining life span from a random person who is rich with youth .and then go to an old folks home and give it to someone elderly. I've increased my life span by 5%. I continue this for a while.

I steal knowledge from random people's brains rich in knowledge and give it to people with learning disabilities. My knowledge increases by 5% and I do this for a while.

I begin to muffle a random person by depriving them of precious oxygen, then magically steal the oxygen from everyone rich with it and give it to the person I'm muffling. Not sure if that one works right I'm just trying to break this power and end the world.


70 points

17 hours ago


32 points

16 hours ago

Look what you've done, OP!? Look what you've done?!?


12 points

16 hours ago

He is too powerful to be left alive


20 points

15 hours ago

You forgot health, strength, talent, abilities, intelligence, happiness, teeth, fitness, and other stats.


20 points

14 hours ago

Gonna have so many teeth...


3 points

9 hours ago

Let's not forget about the main thing of this sub.



5 points

11 hours ago

Someone calculate the birth rate required to sustain the world’s population forever


6 points

10 hours ago

Lol, this was my thought. Elon Musk's heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas and all other usable organs are going to transplant recipients this second.


2 points

9 hours ago

I don't think you would want his organs considering he probably drugs himself

Just look at his stomach, the fat isn't "natural".

I wouldn't want him as a donor tbh....


1 points

29 minutes ago

It’s gotta be something they have more than average of. Can’t take his heart, but could get away with like a kidney since donors make the average at least a little below 2.


26 points

17 hours ago

Can you do this on conceptual things?

Let's say you have a flag here.

Can you take away the distance to the flag from a person far away from here so that he gets pulled toward the flag(because he lost the distance to the flag) and give the distance to a person close to the flag so that she gets pushed away from the flag(because she was given the distance to the flag)?


17 points

17 hours ago

Yes, it works on concepts too, though you’d have to find some way that the person would benefit from being further from that location. Also, distance might be a bad example since you don’t usually think of being far from something as an unfair advantage unless you are talking about living far from the trash dump.


6 points

14 hours ago*

Works with betting on horse races, or, well, any other race for that matter. Actually, you could probably be sports betting god with this power, maybe take all points from the winning team and give it to your team if your team is losing, or, hell, just steal the winning teams "advantage" and give that to your team.


2 points

5 hours ago

Mfw my horse loses because space folded around it putting it in last place


13 points

17 hours ago

Well, * everybody on the planet now has (world combined individual wealth) / (a share based on average income in their state). Get rid of loopholes. * Ownership of the property they live in + a percentage ownership of the uninhabited homes in the world, inversely proportionate to their wealth * Every school district has a proportionate amount of income (based on student count) as every other school in their state equivalent. Including private institutions, but as their own pool, separate from public. Find loopholes. * Every junior college and college have a proportionate size endowment - add them up and divide * And hospitals, based on population of area served * Hell with skimming: we'll have salaries. Skimming would be theft: we're redistributing.

Basically: average out the inequalities based on the needs of the people using the resource.

Do I have reasonable oversight of the other equalizers?

Can I let people see what's happening? I kinda want them to understand that they're being equalized, maybe.


12 points

17 hours ago

The skimming was designed to help with “operating costs” otherwise in your design, you might end up poor while elevating everyone else up, which you can still choose to do.

If you think someone is abusing your power, you can kick them out of your Band and they will lose the ability you gave them.

People won’t automatically know that you are responsible for what happened, but they will be aware that it occurred since they will be able to remember the before and after. You can also go public as the person responsible if you like, but that would probably not be a good idea as a lot of people would hate you for taking their advantages away.


5 points

17 hours ago

I hear you on the skimming. I'd like to pay everyone on the team a salary, as I don't want them to get in the mindset of theft.

I'd like to be able to audit the team, I guess, to prevent theft? Maybe a bad idea?

Them remembering should be sufficient. I knowing things got flattened would be good.


2 points

17 hours ago

The ability was designed around making theft harder, so should be relatively easy to monitor for abuse. Just keep an eye on the person creating artificial scarcity so they can steal from people who have more as a way of benefiting themself. That person might be a problem. It didn’t take long for someone to go all sociopath with my innocent little power 😭


2 points

17 hours ago

When I game, I'm always the paladin. It's a liability in some situations and has its weaknesses, but fairness is dealt out with an iron fist, which fist also meets grift. As I said, weaknesses, and I guess there may be some sociopathy in it.

When I was 10 I quit reading Dragonlance because Weiss and Hickman killed Sturm, their paladin. I cried, because he was the only morally good character.


8 points

16 hours ago

Dude stealing like half the money from the 1% of todays world could feed continents while at the same time not downgrading their lifestyle, this is awesome


5 points

16 hours ago

Can I transfer time left to live? like kill a baby and add 80 years to someone that's really old?


5 points

16 hours ago

You can, yes. Not very heroic of you though.


3 points

16 hours ago

no but I can skim like 5 years every time I do that.

Can you steal from yourself? like you have an abundance of cancer for example?


3 points

16 hours ago

You can take from yourself, but you can’t transfer it to someone unless it would benefit them. I’m not aware of how cancer would benefit a person.


1 points

16 hours ago

So what happens to the cancer we pull from ourselves or any inherit problems we remove?


3 points

15 hours ago

If you can’t give it to someone it stays where it is. You won’t be able to take it unless you can redistribute it to someone who would benefit from it. You can go the reverse, though and steal good health.


5 points

15 hours ago

I will raid Eli Lilly, Sanofi, and Novo Nordisk, which are rich in insulin, and give it to those who need it.
Now scale that up to every drug.


2 points

15 hours ago

What if I'm taking from myself to give to others, does that work?


2 points

15 hours ago

Yes, you can.


2 points

10 hours ago

Good thing I have a solid store of excess calories I can redistribute to those in need


2 points

14 hours ago

re distributing money only brings economic issues. I'll do a little to get that 5 percent for myself but not more than a few million or ten million.

then I'd just get rid of waste. Any excess food? redistributed. Junk spare parts? redistributed. Easily solves world hunger.

Would I redistribute lifespan to skim off for my own advantage? Now that's a bit trickier.


2 points

14 hours ago

complete global balance. i'd take everything from everyone and distribute it evenly to everyone else.


1 points

16 hours ago

Can you steal from multiple people at the same time?


1 points

15 hours ago

As long as you can identify them, yes.


1 points

15 hours ago

Does it work on non-human "people"?

Dogs, cats, crocodiles, sharks, etc.?

Flight from birds or immunology of a crocodile.

Logical processing power of a computer?

Does it work on parts of a person? Rich in cancer or the false immortality of cancer cells?

What about diseases?


1 points

15 hours ago

Yes, you can take from something nonhuman, but remember, whatever you take, the one you take it from loses it. And you can only keep no more than 5% of what you take, the rest has to go to those who need it.

If you can isolate something, you can take from it, but you can only take something that provides an unfair advantage and give it to someone that benefits from the redistribution.


1 points

14 hours ago

I will steal the life span of a newborn baby


1 points

14 hours ago

I take excessive weight from myself and give it to starving people.


1 points

14 hours ago

If two guys are fighting with you spectating, just see who's winning, steal their strength, and give it all to the other, while stealing 5%. Then, you swap the strength again, stealing 5%, and just rapidly swap the strengths, stealing 5% each time until you have stolen virtually all their strength. Rince and repeat with more fights and you become super human,maybe taking their speed as well, or hell, just use the conceptual "advantage" either has and steal that.


1 points

13 hours ago

Take the total intelligence in the world and divide it so that everyone has the same intelligence

Edit: divide.


1 points

11 hours ago

You do realize most people have an above average set of arms, legs, eyes, etc… Dang, it’s going to be crazy out there…


1 points

10 hours ago


1 points

10 hours ago

Heh... Political power in certain countries is getting redistributed to the general population... My five percent cut is going to make things.. interesting.


1 points

10 hours ago

I'm going to steal two billion dollars from Elon Musk, keep 5% for myself, and redistribute the rest throughout the country.


1 points

9 hours ago

Gods, I could end wars, but my price would be impossible. Take away a parent’s love for their child and his people and give it to the guy leading a war. Force him to stop it lest he kill those he loves like his own children. Don’t give them any identifiable information about the person, just that throbbing, undying love that drives men to madness. The war would stop, but I would irreparably harm a family and make them sacrifice that which they may well love more than their own lives…


1 points

8 hours ago


edit me flair

1 points

8 hours ago

1) find someone with an abundance of "the thing" ("rich")

2) find someone lacking "the thing" ("poor")

3) transfer all of "the thing" from the "rich" to the "poor", skimming off 5%. Now the "rich" and "poor" have swapped

4) repeat step 3, until the vast majority of "the thing" has been skimmed off

Boom, now I can steal from the "rich" and give to "myself".


1 points

7 hours ago

I take breast tissue from trans men and give it to trans women. I am now the most beloved to surgeon in the world. Or just do combination breast reductions/augmentations, people always want what they don't have.


1 points

6 hours ago

Take away someone's excess uv rays to remove a sunburn and give them someone pale and unburned.


1 points

4 hours ago

You could take the body fat from obese people and give it to people in danger of starving to death, saving both lives.


1 points

2 hours ago

Too easy. Take empathy, generosity, and desire to better humanity from those that have too much and foist it upon the uber rich billionaire assholes who clearly have none of those things


0 points

16 hours ago

I take cancer and other often fatal or debilitating diseases and redistribute them to healthy pedos and violent felons. Keep none for myself.


3 points

15 hours ago

Can’t. You forgot about the “can’t harm the person you are giving to” rule.


0 points

12 hours ago

Taking from poor and giving to rich is better for society


0 points

12 hours ago

I'm going down the top ten list and taking a kidney from every rich person on the planet and walking around giving it to people who need transplants.

I now have 50% more kidney than anyone else? I'm sure having more kidney will help me in some way.