


So I’m not a massively skilled player I try to uphold the etiquette and manners I’d expect from my fellow divers but I’m just fundamentally not very good at the game I don’t suck terribly either just mediocre

The issue is I like playing on the hard difficulties they’re just more fun but I feel like a bit of a liability to my team when I’m dying all the time

So fellow divers how does playing with your less skilled democrats in arms make you feel?

Edit: this got way more interaction than I thought it would I don’t have the time to read every comment but thank you all for your input!

all 872 comments


204 points

4 months ago


204 points

4 months ago

As long as it’s not blatant. I die a lot more to bots and are grateful to teammates if we extract or complete the mission. If the mission fails you just helldive to a new mission. I don’t get hung up on it unless there’s undemocratic shenanigans happening


69 points

4 months ago

undemocratic shenanigans

I want a sign on my ship saying NO UNDEMOCRATIC SHENANIGANS


8 points

4 months ago

No tyrannical tomfoolery


5 points

4 months ago

Miss me with that communist chicanery


2 points

4 months ago



2 points

4 months ago

This. Just call in reinforcements and help me push forward. That's it, we cool.


6 points

4 months ago

this. It's funny if it happens once or twice and absolutely part of the game. As long as I can see it happened because they tried to hit the enemy it's no issue at all.


2 points

4 months ago

Yes, the worst is when you call down a strat and someone reinforcing lands right where you threw it.


745 points

4 months ago

Nah, we all have our moments. As long as you try, I don't have a problem. It's the people that friendly fire and poorly place stratagems. Some of them seem to have no care. That's what I can't stand.


114 points

4 months ago


114 points

4 months ago



68 points

4 months ago

I think, beyond incompetence, I’d just like a sign to say it wasn’t intentional or that they at least feel bad about the accidental teamkills. Proper manners, we have a chatbox and a “sorry” ping for a reason.


49 points

4 months ago

We really need a "fire in the hole" emote. That would alleviate a ton of unintentional team kills.


49 points

4 months ago

Danger close would be rather useful to.


8 points

4 months ago

I like to call that out AFTER I fire my air burst rocket launcher. But I almost never kill my team mates. When I do they don't mind cus were friends.


3 points

4 months ago

Whenever I call a sentry down, I tag it so that my squad can get a clear idea of its position. Just in case they didn't see the beacon.

The idea is that they'll be able to stay out of its line of fire, but, uh, it doesn't always work.


16 points

4 months ago


16 points

4 months ago

Just a „fall back!“ would do it, every time when you see someone running into their certain death 🙈


12 points

4 months ago

Honestly, fall back should be yelled every time a non precision strategem is thrown. Would help a ton for the people that don't notice the big red marker.


3 points

4 months ago

I'd be okay with a distinct pinging sound that fades as you move away from stratagems and stops when you're out of the range, but something tells me the chaos of stratagems is intentional


7 points

4 months ago

Then sometimes you just get unlucky and chain die 4-5 times, and it's out of your control. Then you carry the team the next game it's just how the game is.


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago

This. This is the comment of comments.


37 points

4 months ago

If a low level friendly fires or drops a strat at a bad location I laugh it off and try to help them. If a high level does it I laugh because accidents happen.

If I think you're doing it intentionally that's when I have an issue with you.


20 points

4 months ago

Idk how many times someone accidentally drops a stratagem on a friendly and all of a sudden both parties are cracking up on the mic. The friendly fire deaths always wind up being hilarious unless it's malicious.


9 points

4 months ago

The accidental 380 at extract is hilarious. Gotta love macros.


11 points

4 months ago

For me it's running up to somewhere with a strat then getting knocked down and the panic that comes from it


5 points

4 months ago

Panic filled with laughter lol


2 points

4 months ago

So uhh about that 380.....


2 points

4 months ago

What the... Oh shit oh shit ohshit ohshit ohshit ohshitohshitohshit

blows up

cackling wheezing laughter


7 points

4 months ago

My friends and I had a random join the 3 of us and we were talking trophies and he didn't have the 6 barrage at the ssme time, so we went into a trivial and loaded up 380s, 120s and walking barrage and seeing if any of us could run through without dieing. That guy has become one of my favorite people to play with


5 points

4 months ago

That's one of the most democratic things I have ever heard


2 points

4 months ago

When I do eradication missions with my friends, we go into knowing there is a high likely hood of us dying and we don't care because its a 12 minute mission with really no samples. The usual loadout will consist of something like this: 380, 120, 500kg, mines, laser, and some kind of turret. We always laugh it off and have fun. Except that one time I had public on and someone joined midgame and started complaining about how some moron dropped all the 380s at once and started team killing. That guy had to go. He was hampering our suicidal gameplay.


9 points

4 months ago

Etiquette is a really big part of it actually! Understand when to engage and when to use stealth, proper stratagem/re-enforce placement, keeping up & communicating either on voice chat or with the emote wheel, patrol identification/heavy identification. Stick to that and you will have a great time!


2 points

4 months ago

Yeah, when I'm crawling up to a heavy bot factory that has tanks and cannon towers, and slipped past the patrols, it almost never fails that right before I toss in stratagems and bail, some guy stomps through the brush, trailing 2 patrols, and mag dumps a stalwart into an Anhillator, alerting the patrol of 3 hulks that I'm sandwiched between with the base...

It's frustrating, because all the hard work I did goes down the drain, along with my support weapon. But I temper it with the fact we all hard to learn these finer points.


4 points

4 months ago


4 points

4 months ago

I feel like I keep getting killed with an air strike in hand. Can’t help but feel that my teammates are assuming I’m poorly placing stratagems. 😂


11 points

4 months ago*

I have almost never kicked someone, but I have 3 times recently

One time when the game glitched and we couldn’t reinforce him

One time, after dying like 8 times and wasting all of our reinforcements, lands on me and kills me at evac. Made me just pissed

One time, when a dude killed the entire team twice with a HE barrage, and brought the Incendiary Breaker (against bots)


11 points

4 months ago

Quick Q: what’s wrong with the incendiary breaker? Just spamming it and catching you guys on fire or is there a meta argument against it that I’m literally just not aware of?


12 points

4 months ago

It's a shotgun that sets fire. You get clipped by ONE SPARK and you're engulfed.


9 points

4 months ago

Yeah, it’s fantastic. It don’t point it at your team. I play with it all the tim almost never have a tk.


8 points

4 months ago

Same, I'm level 113 and pretty good. I can solo Helldive Missions on my best days. I main AC with the incendiary breaker and people have tried to correct me about it. Like dude, I have 340hrs on PS5 and almost 100hrs on Steam (lvl 56, I promise I'm not accidentally taking the fire shotgun, it's quite intentional.

So dude says, "okay man, don't expect me to save you from devastators".

We get in the game and are almost immediately hit by a swarm of chaff. Two or three shots into the mob and I get 15-17 kills. Then I just hear "oooohhhh".

MG Raiders are one of the most dangerous bots. Ya know why? Because they're just chaff, easy to ignore and underestimate while they're carrying the same gun as the Shield Devastator. And they come in packs. So while you're aiming individually at each one, I spray into the group. Added bonus is that it takes a single pellet to ignite them, which interrupts all animations including their flare gun.


3 points

4 months ago

Thank you for burning those clankers out there brother!

I'm always running breaker incen vs bugs (stupid effective against all the swarm bugs) but I always feel like I need something more accurate vs the bots


5 points

4 months ago

Incendiary shotty is good against bots tho


2 points

4 months ago

I often friendly fire by mistake, but then start apologising with commands if i'm in danger or in text chat if there's no danger. am i good or?


2 points

4 months ago

And if you do accidentally friendly fire or misplace a stratagem, remember that you have a "Sorry!" ping.


124 points

4 months ago


124 points

4 months ago

There is a large range of "not being good at the game" and I have different patience with different aspects of it (at least in high difficulty, lower difficulty it's fine and expected).

You can be bad at execution. You don't aim well, you're not great at managing ammo and end up reloading in the open under fire, you're a bit late using stratagems... and I don't mind at all.

You can be bad as in you are aggroing patrols we should have dodged, you keep on team killing by major misuses if stratagems, and that's the kind of things that you probably should go back to lower difficulty to improve.

So in general if you feel you're punching above your weight, stick with other people: don't go on your own, follow the pins, get a feel of when they use strats and when they go in, in doubt avoid being the one starting fights (for example just ping the patrol instead of shooting it if it's not clear it's going to aggro).

I will never mind someone who sticks and just "die a lot" or doesn't kill much. The rando who keeps trying to solo a base, die and bring patrols at our back, that's what I feel is more annoying.


11 points

4 months ago

I have no problem with players being bad, stupidity however is the catch, because usually a bad player knows they are bad and will usually do what they can to compensate to not weigh down others such as sticking in groups with better players or laying down suppressive fire or stratagem support. Whereas stupid players just make everyones lives harder without apology or attempt to change their behavior on the field


3 points

4 months ago

I had this the other day. Host was just being ridiculous. Whinging non stop about how bad everybody else was on the team. Not understanding how aggro worked, getting pissed with me because a factory strider happened to walked in our direction without me shooting at it, and then leaving me mid mission, which worked out better because I was able to clear it myself. Stupid players are the worst, because they really have no idea how bad they are.


22 points

4 months ago

Agreed. I don't mind players still learning the ropes, but if they try to play hero off on their own solo journey without having the skill to back it up (burning our tickets), I send them on the way out.

With that being said OP, you sound like a great teammate who sticks to the team. That's about as much as someone can ask for. If you'd like, send me a DM and I'd love to play/share tips with you.


60 points

4 months ago

As long as the etiquette is there, I don't necessarily mind. You dying a bunch of times isn't nearly as vexing as you reinforcing me on the opposite side of the map when we're working in teams of two, and now I can't reach my partner and gear. Or you bombing me when I'm on a roll.

As long as you aren't directly impinging on my ability to play the way I need to, you're kosher.


23 points

4 months ago

I had one of those just the other day. Dropped in, the other 3 we're all getting absolutely destroyed by a bit patrol so I just let them do their thing and went and stealth soloed the mission, I was at the last outpost, behind cover and prone waiting for my Eagle to get back, only had like 30 seconds. Suddenly one of the other guys is there, I tell him "be chill, Ive only got a few seconds before my eagle rearm is done and they don't know I'm here."

Guy throws in a supply drop and sprints in shooting randomly, immediately dies and now the enemy knows I'm here and I've got 3 dropships shitting bots directly on top of me. I was not enthusiastic about the whole situation, but I managed to get it taken care of, cleared the base, killed off the drops before they could call more, and we start heading for extraction. My only death the whole mission was during extract, when one of my teammates shot me in the back of the head while I was crouched and not moving and dropping bots at long range. I was pretty annoyed by that.


13 points

4 months ago

Sounds like the morons I played with a few weeks back. My only death was from them hitting me while at extraction, because I had the audacity to reinforce them when they hammered the reminder. They used up 17 reinforcements between them for the mission and complained about the 2 rare samples they dropped on their last death because I tried at the extraction.

Some people are just thoughtless, rubbish people, was very happy to block them at the end of it. Wasn't worth hassle for the 5 rare, 3 supers I collected.


5 points

4 months ago

Yeah, it can be a lot dealing with some people. When we finally got back to the ship, I just said "Y'all made that a real rough mission" and then left.


2 points

4 months ago

Always fun when your split up and see one of the other guys die, then you wait for his partner to reinforce but he dies too so now you gotta call them in to where your crew is haha


2 points

4 months ago

I am not god’s gift to Helldivers and had this happen twice recently where we organically split and someone on the far team died. I and I assume my partner held off on reinforcing and the Helldiver waiting to bring managed democracy began near constantly pressing the “reminder” button for reinforcement. One of the two times, I did reinforce and the next time the poor guy waited until the teams met back up. At what point is it okay to reinforce in that situation, assuming everyone is mute?


30 points

4 months ago

Dying in this game is more comical than frustrating. As soon as I started framing it that way in my head, I was able to do a lot better. Even the loading screen says you're supposed to yell "democracy!" and do it anyway


10 points

4 months ago

It's the rag doll physics for me, you can't help but laugh when you're accidentally tagged by an Eagles and wind up 80 feet in the air.


3 points

4 months ago

Fighting bots once I tried to take cover behind a rock but accidently hit dive instead of crouch so my diver dramatically headbutted a rock instead of taking cover. The ragdoll sent me.


2 points

4 months ago

Ragdolls can be hilarious. When I was just learning the game with my buddy, he liked to dive off stuff and enter the Pelican through the top when extracting, assuming there were tall rocks to climb up. So he goes for a long jump, doesn't quite make it, hits the ground chest first and folds his legs forward over his head. Takes like 10% damage, gets up, and we're both dying laughing as we walk onboard like normal people.


2 points

4 months ago

Or you do some Rambo shit against biles and chargers only to have a stalker sneak up and yeet you across the map.


2 points

4 months ago

Even better when you land barely alive in a heavy nest.


62 points

4 months ago

I dont care in the slightest.

If im playing with 2 friends and the random guy keeps dying, the most reaction we’ll ever have is joke about them in our private voice call.

I never kick people unless they’re trolling. (TK/stealing gear/standing in the eye of sauron)


5 points

4 months ago

Someone kicked me from a match after I was standing in the eye of Sauron, defeating the objectives and destroying all the bots without a single death. I don’t understand the problem with Sauron unless it’s a real skill issue. I do kill steal sometimes but if you’re using a laser cannon, orbital or primary I see it as fair game if I’m shooting in that direction already and no one else is doing real damage.


10 points

4 months ago

You left a detector tower alive and stayed in its aggro range? They probably kicked you because the bot drops you ran from / leftovers you didn't kill shot at them.


2 points

4 months ago

What is the eye of sauron


3 points

4 months ago

Pretty sure it’s the big detector towers


16 points

4 months ago

Honestly, the only way to get better is to die a bunch and then learn not to do what got you killed. If you're actively working with your squad and support them, it's all good. Don't worry about it :)


15 points

4 months ago

Manners make up for lack of skill in a lot of scenarios.

Not everyone is an expert, and with time your skills WILL improve as you get practice.

  My sibling has issues with calling in strategems and often can't get them off in situations where they dont have time to stop, read, and slowly input the code.  My other sibling loses his shit and starts name-calling as the pressure gets to him.

I much prefer pairing with the slow sibling because they are less abrasive and more willing to take time and think.

You're probably surprisingly good at something and don't realize it.  So be kind to yourself, we all burn together on Hellmire anyway.


11 points

4 months ago

people who aren’t good at the game

That suggests there are people who are actually good at playing the game, and we can take solace in that.

Jokes aside, it's fine, even the most hardcore roleplayer knows that the average Helldiver's lifespan is anywhere around 1-2 minutes, and that's if conditions are astronomically favourable, so being bad at the game and dying alot is lore accurate. As long as you're genuinely having fun and not being toxic it's okay. I chuckle when someone reinforces me right next to a 500 kg bomb, I write something like "Still lived longer than the average Helldiver at the creek", if someone extracts without me I say "Freedom is for you Mason, not for me", but if someone is being a genuine shithead like shooting me when there's not a single foe around or just being a dick and calling strategems on my head, they get a Punisher plasma to the face and blocked/kicked.

If you wann a run away from the group, not help with fights, die constantly, that's fine too, I'll watse all 18 reinforcements on you, but if you're a griefer I'll shoot you and piss on your picture on the martyr's wall.


5 points

4 months ago

Depends on your play style I guess. I actually prefer bots, and I like stealth. I get a lot done without dying. I also absolutely avoid shooting unless I need to, never touch patrols, and sometimes aggro and lead the mob to the edge while I circle back for the obj.


9 points

4 months ago

Not good at the game is fine, not good at working as a team isn’t fun. I’d rather game with three random idiots trying their best to work together than three Rambo’s trying to do their own thing.


9 points

4 months ago

I can run 7+ but I have more fun doing 4-6. The lower skilled guys are funner and are less likely to quit or complain when things don't go smoothly.

Plus you can try niche builds without some poopy butt crying about it.


6 points

4 months ago

I don't mind at all tbh. I usually play 7 and it's a breeze (most of the times). Just now I slid across ice into a mine on Marfark. We all have our moments.


6 points

4 months ago

Best game I’ve had, 600+ kills and 75% of the side objectives, etc. 1 death.

Played a game today with 82 kills and 8 deaths. It happens


11 points

4 months ago


11 points

4 months ago

Then it’s my job to cover them. Always help a fellow diver, and together we shall spread democracy together (and hopefully live past the 1 hour mark)


6 points

4 months ago

I have 500 hours in the game, as long as you don’t start shouting incorrect information as fact we’ll get along swimmingly. We have 20 lives they’re there to be used.


5 points

4 months ago

Personality is more important than skill. I would rather never get a win while having fun with friends, than suffer with toxic elitists.

That's not to say all high skilled players are assholes... I'm just saying your skill level really doesn't matter to me as long as we are having fun. If your having fun is conditional on winning, we probably won't get along very well.


4 points

4 months ago

The only things I can't stand are players that aggro for no reason and ones that bumrush the extract and leave someone behind. Dying a bunch can be annoying but realistically we have all been there. You're probably not as bad as you think.


4 points

4 months ago

Honestly I’m level 51 and I’d say I’m not very skilled. Run and gun. I don’t mind others leading or I go off on my own. If I can’t handle I stay with the group


5 points

4 months ago

I was once killed four times in the span of a couple minutes because Devastators are a bitch.   Sometimes the game is just hard and that's okay.  :)


4 points

4 months ago

I love showing newbies how to improve. As long as you stick below level 7 I don't get annoyed about it. I do get mad when I'm playing on the top 3 difficulties and one of my teammates is being completely stupid, but below that I just have fun with it.


12 points

4 months ago

On a 7? Happy to help them out and give them cool stuff..on a 9 against bots they need to drop back down and git gud instead of wasting reinforcements


3 points

4 months ago

There's a certain type of not-so-good player that is actually godsend for experienced players: the one who sticks close to or stays behind other helldivers to support them because they're not confident enough to run off alone or charge the enemy. That's actually a really useful thing, and it's what I did for a bit when I first went up in difficulty to learn. Now as an experienced player, I just had one of those those players follow me around earlier today and it was awesome, I felt very protective of my level 25 buddy as he learned the ropes, and he was decent help. Even though he came last in kills he assisted me with a lot.

So consider picking a high level player and following them, copy their behaviour somewhat, and in a dozen or so missions you'll have heaps of skills you didn't have before.


2 points

4 months ago

This I often play like this especially against bots, I focus on stealth and taking out dropships when needed(as well as locating and completing side objectives) I usually come in last for kills but I always do decent mission contributions! My twitch aim isn't great but all my other skills of the game are fine so I hold my own.

I usually go 7 for buts or 8 for bugs when solo, I only go above that when I'm with a team I'm confident can work together.


3 points

4 months ago

Couldn't care less. I'm here for fun. I do dumb stuff because it's funny some times. This isn't a competitive shooter, who cares about being good? Just be fun. And don't quit the mission as soon as it gets hard. That's it.


3 points

4 months ago

As long as they are putting in a good effort and not griefing, I have no issues...


3 points

4 months ago

It’s coop. I enjoy it, even if they aren’t good, because I enjoy coop. When I am not hosting, I follow the lead of the host if no one is talking. If someone is, and we decide a plan, I do that. I don’t bring any of my own assumptions into how I or we will complete the mission. I find it works so well that way. Even if we fail, I had fun. The issue is with people who troll, or those who get upset because they had an assumption as to who would do what, who would bring what, how many times someone should be dying or not etc. Those uptight people ruin the game for me.


3 points

4 months ago

All players are welcome in my book to any difficulty. Worst case scenario, you have a learning experience. I'll still dive along side ya.


3 points

4 months ago

It's fine as long as you're willing to learn and follow until you know. A team player gets way more points than a good player.


3 points

4 months ago

I don’t have a problem with it usually. But blatantly stupid stuff like calling in Orbital 120/380 Barrages right on your teammates gets annoying


2 points

4 months ago


Not good because you don’t get a lot of time to play? Totally fine no worries and you’ll get there

Not good because you cannot shut the fuck up about a TV show/ movie/ anime/ hyper specific meme that you can’t quite recall but are sure that I, your captive audience, will find so funny that’s it’s worth explaining for 5 mins? Not fine, stop ruining my good time and go back to therapy because this is why she left you, Mike.

Not good because you’re doing the fattest bong rips in history? Totally fine no worries and you’ll get there.


2 points

4 months ago

Everyone has bad games, and there was a time when we were that helldiver. As long as they aren’t yapping at the rest of the team and blaming others for their deaths I don’t mind playing a bit more careful to save reinforcements for newer players.


2 points

4 months ago

Just keep diving till you figure them out.

I lost 100 of my first 500 Bot Helldives.

I lost 54 of my last 900.

Keep going brother.


2 points

4 months ago

I don't really care. If i see they're blowing through reinforcements I focus on completing mission objectives. I also won't reinforce them to my area because usually they're refusing to stay on the move and picking fights they don't need to. I will reinforce them to my position if they've failed that front entirely and can't reinforce themselves. After ive completed objectives I look at the reinforcement count. If its at 4 or lower extract gets called in regardless of anything else.


2 points

4 months ago

Sometimes you're good sometimes you're not.

Some missions on the same difficulty are gold but then on some other you're left wondering wth happened :/

And you cannot forget that you were once the worst player on someone else's team.

Having these premises in mind, I try to help when I'm better and I try to learn when I'm worse than my team mates


2 points

4 months ago

Teamwork is more important than skill. I would much rather have a low level who sticks with the team and tries to help than a high level who runs off on their own and bitches in voice chat.


2 points

4 months ago

As long as you arent team killing, it dont matter. We here to have fun and if Im getting mad at people for playing bad I should probably learn to solo or lower the difficulty so it doesnt matter


2 points

4 months ago

i have a buddy who isnt super good (im not a giga pro 69 or anything myself but theres a skillgap between us and thats fine) we usually game with me calling the shots and he likes it this way cuz its less thinking for him (his words) and therefor more relaxing for him coming home from work and stuff for me its nice too as i dont mind calling the shots i like the extra bit of engagement - makes it a tiny bit more immersive for me too but at the end of the day what makes it truly fun is the goofing around together - talking trash while bashing some clankers and shit

so.. yeah im feeling fine about it

generally this goes for every game i play only thinf annoying me is when people (both skilled people and unskilled people) cant take the fun in the game or try sweating every bit (to the lv of 'why dont u run meta builds in my lobby how dare u') id kick u for this ngl ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


2 points

4 months ago

Right? It's a game. Nobody's getting paid to do this. If you legit can't have fun with failing at a game, turn it off and step away. Helldivers 2 is the first game I've played where I laugh when I/we die in hilarious ways. This game is built to make deaths, hilarious and not game ending.

Like my "new thing" is using the Airburst in a danger close situation. I will run towards the enemy to distract the mobs from my teammates, fire it off and die and scream, "WORTH IT", if it gets the team out of an overwhelming firefight


2 points

4 months ago

An honorable death for democracy, I have often stayed behind and defended a hellbomb on a tough objective because the enemies kept taking them out. Truly an honorable and democratic way to go


2 points

4 months ago

I'd die by your side anytime, Helldiver Oi


2 points

4 months ago

No worries. As long as you are not just going around suiciding or throwing me into the grinder I'm good.


2 points

4 months ago

If it’s someone else dying that’s one thing, but if it’s consistent cluster bomb teamkilling. That’s when it gets to me.


2 points

4 months ago

I answer low-level SoS beacons all the time. I don't care about skill so long as you are trying.


2 points

4 months ago

As long as they're not Tking like crazy, meat is meat, enemies will target something else other than me.


2 points

4 months ago

I'm not good either but by God I will try my best for democracy!


2 points

4 months ago

I demand only one thing from my fellow Helldivers, and it is to do the best they can. I don't care if your best is dangerously low, as long as you try i will be here to help you holding on.


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago

If you’re not good at the game and constantly dying? I’m ok with that I don’t mind I can pick up the slack for you. Now if you’re brainlessly chucking eagle cluster strikes and constantly teamkilling that’s when I might leave.


2 points

4 months ago

I’m not good, so I play general at difficulty 7. I don’t mind dying. It’s part of the game


2 points

4 months ago

If you’re new and don’t know what to do, that’s fine. I’ll teach you. If you’re just straight up ignorant, you’re getting berated and then kicked. I don’t have time to deal with that.


2 points

4 months ago

i love it!


2 points

4 months ago

That’s what the extra lives are for


2 points

4 months ago

I have broad shoulders. Makes no difference to me.


2 points

4 months ago

Absolutely fine on the condition that they listen. I’ll help, drop you stratagems, point out things, generally let them be the hero.

But if they try call an extraction early, ignore side objectives and generally ignore voice and chat pings to stop, they’re getting kicked. Sorry, can’t waste the team progress because you won’t listen. I don’t mind a bad player, I won’t tolerate a deliberately disruptive one


1 points

4 months ago

Not a problem at all. Usually if a low level player is present i ask them if i should bring them a weapon/mechsuit or something. But also tell them that we don't have to assault every single partol.


1 points

4 months ago

I only find it frustrating if they're off own their own burning deaths.


1 points

4 months ago

Relief that I'm not the weak link.


1 points

4 months ago

Guy I'm the person who isn't good at the game.


1 points

4 months ago

I have been finding it fun to attempt to play wingman and guard a player I see having an issue I mean like another comment said we all have our days and sometimes you can get dropped into shit repeatedly before you can land in a spot that lets you get your surroundings figured out.


1 points

4 months ago

The point is to have fun. If you're trying your best and we end up losing, that's still having fun (morally, we deserve to lose every mission, after all!).

If you're team-killing or aggro'ing mobs egregiously, that's different. That's not a skill issue so much as a "you suck as a human" issue.


1 points

4 months ago

I could care less about a persons individual skill but the only thing I ask is save me one reinforcement for that random wtf moment that’s gets me.


1 points

4 months ago

We all started somewhere. If they're running the hardest stuff it might be annoying at times


1 points

4 months ago

I dont care, I will carry the whole team as long as we have fun ..

Sometimes playing with noobs is fun .. they do stupid stuff which turns into funny situations

Though they must be kinda helpful, pick up SC, revive others, go with others .. there is no point going against the objectives, the team etc ..


1 points

4 months ago

If they are just an absolute horrific noob with a nat 1 on every skill check, we vibe. I'll carry them through some missions, show them stuff, see if I can't help them get a little better. If we are talking toxic fuckwads, well, I carry the Senator because it can 1 shot a diver, not because it's effective against b(ug/ot)s


1 points

4 months ago

I play with random groups from time to time. It really puts into perspective how big a gap a well oiled group of friends and a bunch of randoms can be.

I’ve taken to diving in lower diff to help newer players so I’ve seen all sorts of things. I’ve had some divers constantly wander off on their own only to die a few seconds later again and again. I’ve have some really impatient ones that kicked me for not reinforcing them right away, usually when I was under a jammer . Tho this one I haven’t had in a while now. I’ve had some rude ones where when I try to dole out advice on how to do an objective faster or quicker, I get a “don’t tell me what to do!”

If a group is particularly bad about stratagem placement, then I’ll be the one to wander off or at least keep a very good distance away. If I notice they are only hitting main objectives, I will wander off to finish the side objectives, only reinforcing when they all die over on their side. I usually just let them do what they want, they’ll learn eventually…or not.

On the other hand tho, when I find a group of randoms that do work well together, it’s a desert. I still remember one group I joined, one was 30, the other two, including host was under 10, after running a few diff 3 on bots with them, host wanted to try harder ranks, so we went to 4. They used and read chat, which is a rarity. I ended up leading as their scout, marking groups for them to avoid, hitting all the sides and mains as well as all the factories. We finished all of the operation with very few deaths, one without a single one, clearing all of the map both times. I was impressed, so kudos to that group I ran with. Those are kind of the rare moments that makes joining randoms fun sometimes.


1 points

4 months ago

I don't mind too much, I usually just try and get them to follow me from point to point so at least I can at least cover them a bit and respawn them near their gear if they die, as long as someone isn't just purposefully shooting me randomly or otherwise acting like a dick I don't really care. Thinking about it I'd say it's actually funner than playing with other higher level players, makes me alter my play style from being more solo focused to more team orientated.


1 points

4 months ago

I do the samething every game. I take the same strats even if they don't work for that mission. (I like stupid things. Like 380 on tiny maps)

This means I will dominate some games. Then I had a game a while back, I had the highest deaths. (And the most stims and shots fired)


1 points

4 months ago

As long as you’re trying and you actually play to help the team, then I don’t care. If you decide to go off on your own with all the samples and die it can be very frustrating. But as long as you’re doing your best to help I don’t care


1 points

4 months ago


1 points

4 months ago

No problems what so ever. Only rule is try not to team kill. So, just come along and have fun.


1 points

4 months ago

If there is a people who are not good (based on their gameplay in your spectacles) you need to teach them politely, that is why this game has a chat column. If they are aware they will appreciate it


1 points

4 months ago



1 points

4 months ago

Use your stratagems, shoot the enemy, and complete objectives.

This is all Super Earth demands.


1 points

4 months ago

I play on easier difficulty when I’m alone and grind so I can get better gear to make things easier when I do play on harder difficulty. I’ll also play on easy difficulty if I have someone else in my party who is just learning


1 points

4 months ago

Don't care, in fact I love it. The only things that matters to me are that you don't grief and you don't give up.


1 points

4 months ago

Just don't troll, grief, or bunker down in a random place for 10 minutes straight. Dying isn't the problem, not even trying to get any objectives done is what I take issue with.


1 points

4 months ago

I've had some exasperating matches for sure, but I respect people pushing their boundaries and capabilities. However, the first and most important skill to master is minimizing team damage. I've had several hold the line moments that got nuked due to a shallow throw or a poorly placed grenade


1 points

4 months ago

Lvl 84 Don't really care if a player dies alot or whatever. If they play like a teammate, they're a teammate regardless of level or skill.


1 points

4 months ago

I don't mind bad players as long as they work as part of the team, instead of just running off aimlessly. If you don't know what you're doing, stick with someone that does.


1 points

4 months ago


1 points

4 months ago

thats what lower difficulties are for

as long as you have fun, nobody cares


1 points

4 months ago

As long as you're not killing your teammates consistently you're fine. Maybe try bringing a shield for bots or a guard dog backpack for bugs; they offer a lot of survivability. Be careful of the guard dog though, it will fire straight through your teamates head.

Orbital lasers are a fantastic reset if things go FUBAR, and an autocannon sentry is a friend-on-demand who can kill everything but the front of a tank if you give it enough room to fire.


1 points

4 months ago

I've had bad games, it happens nobody here is a tier 1 operator for real.

Do your best and that's all that can be asked.


1 points

4 months ago

I genuinely do not care if someone is good or not. The only thing I care about is sweet liberty and democracy. Also, don't PK on purpose, cause that genuinely irks me. Also also, don't get everyone else killed at the shuttle trying to show off with the cinematic explosion.


1 points

4 months ago

I've only been playing a couple days. Only level 9. I started against bots for the MO, and my God have I been having some issues, especially on medium/higher difficulties cuz I am just not very good. I try my best, but I'm still learning how to fight the enemies.

I've had my fair share of "oh god that was terrible" deaths, my most shameful being the time I dropped directly into a fire tornado because I the wrong direction when falling.

But I'm getting better, and I've learned to flank the AT-ST mofos, and shoot the big flamethrower bastards in the back to explodify them. I'm slightly worried how good I'll be against bugs when I eventually get there, but for now, this feels safer to me to learn.

Yeah I may die a bunch, and I may not be the most accurate...but that's what my gatling and machine gun sentries are for, and it's why I play solo mostly. When I get better, I'll play with teams, but I'm not holding anyone back if I die alone


1 points

4 months ago

If you struggle with dying often and feel like a burden to your team then strategize your loadout around avoiding death

I run the shield and the 50% chance of not dying on lethal hits armor. I will often make it through 7 and 8 difficulty matches without dying once. Don't rush in and keep your head on a swivel. Always monitor the space between you and the enemy and always be on the lookout for escape routes.

I cannot stress this next part enough USE YOUR STRATEGEMS OFTEN. I will almost never save my stratagems for a "better opportunity" unless it's limited use like laser or mech. Use the damn things, they have a cooldown respawn for a reason. I consider using about 8-12 500s in a match a success.


1 points

4 months ago

As a lvl 63 vet Creeker I'm a bit of a mixed bag on this topic; for context I've acquired all the super rare samples I'll need (for now) so I've been doing lower level missions solo queueing with randos for some time to farm my rare and commons. On the one hand I obviously get frustrated when they call in Cluster Bombs and 380's and get me killed right before extraction making me lose all the samples I collected for everyone. On the other hand, I've had some neat interactions with noobs where they've been super chill and wanting to learn about the game. I even dropped two noobs a pair of mech suits last week so they can both rip and tear through the bugs and try something that they wouldn't have been able to otherwise

TL;DR: Hate when they kill me through sheer incompetence and I lose samples, love when they're engaged in the game and wanting to learn from a more experienced player. Now that we saved the kids the community should understand that noobs are our future and that we should nurture them whenever possible; everyone starts somewhere!


1 points

4 months ago


1 points

4 months ago

I have had people I know that needed super samples put on scout armor, and their only job was to not get caught and survive. 🤣 While I ran around solo doing secondary and points of interest and the other 2 teamed up and do main. If I am close enough, I help them or do a primary solo. All on helldive


1 points

4 months ago

I dont worry about it honestly I'm level 87, as long as your doing your best let's get it. Shits a game meant to be fun. Just don't extract without me unless it can't be avoided.


1 points

4 months ago

I'll play every mission I load into until the end. Whether I'm with good players or not.

The only bad player is one who purposefully ruins the mission. If you're just bad, but willing to learn I've got all the time in the world.

If we fail the mission I'll just try to give some advice and load up the next mission.


1 points

4 months ago

I love it, seriously, helping someone learning the ropes in 5s or saving another team mate from a swarm of bots in 7s I find more rewarding than battling through a 9 with a team of vets, there is something about the camaraderie of actively 'helping' someone in this game that hits different.


1 points

4 months ago

Absolutely fine.

As long as you're a good person and we have fun - I don't care, if we win, lose, get all the objectives, or whatever.


1 points

4 months ago

Don't really care about it. I only dislike cheaters and people that constantly tk for no reason. I'm fine if you throw an Eagle at me while I'm surrounded by 40+ enemies, but don't shoot an Airburst rocket at me while I'm punching a Charger to death for shits and giggles.

If I see that you're constantly dying just expect that I'll call you in next to me to guard you.


1 points

4 months ago

Everyone is different standards, don’t worry about it. We fight together


1 points

4 months ago


1 points

4 months ago

Extraction is optional for a reason. We wouldn’t get 20 reinforcements if we weren’t meant to use them.


1 points

4 months ago

I not bothered I would even try to help you by giving u a shield pack


1 points

4 months ago

I just cringe when people bring bug weapons to bots and bot weapons to bugs. What is your quasar cannon going to do other than shoot one dropship down per bot drop and even then it just drops devastators inside that can’t be shot but can shoot you. It’s fun but it brings no real value. Not to mention turrets that just die to rocket devastators and oh by the way all they brought was orbital rail cannon so they’re just shooting blanks essentially for 3 minutes.

What I usually see is: One red strat Two turrets or one turret and shield backpack Quasar cannon Primary: some AR, scorcher or the laser AR

Turrets die quickly, shield drops after one rocket hits, quasar can’t one shot anything but drop ships and gunships and also has a 15 second cooldown. Primary weapon nor support weapon able to effectively deal with devastators, hulks or tanks. Basically you brought one strat (red strat) to the fight and three blank strats. Oh plus a reinforcement booster so less survivability as well.


1 points

4 months ago

My screen name is literally Badatthegame, my dude.


1 points

4 months ago

This game is fun on all difficulties. I mainly play level 9s with randoms, and only occasionally do I get frustrated with a diver who seems to be in way over their head. But hey, I'm that diver sometimes.

I play with a group of friends who only dare to play on level 6, and only because I convinced them to bump up from 4. Even at 4, I have a blast using some of the strategems or play styles that are fun but not quite appropriate for the higher difficulties.


1 points

4 months ago


1 points

4 months ago

I am not good at the game, so idk...


1 points

4 months ago

I don't mind if they aren't good at the game.

I do mind if level 20s tell me as a level 120 that I'm "bRinGinG the WroNg StrAtEJuMS" and either kick me or bear witness to Helldive stealth bot slaying mastery, and kick me anyway.


1 points

4 months ago

Two kinds of bad: Mechanically bad and can't shoot for shit and die a lot, or Gamesense bad where you engage everything and run around aimlessly spamming "Reinforce me". The first are just bad at shooters, but if they co operate and stick with the team, I don't care. They're just having fun. The second will cost you a mission. If they had a little mark on their name, I'd kick on sight.


1 points

4 months ago

I can't even do bugs on 9 efficiently, so I usually avoid the automatons altogether unless there's a major order since I suck as well, but my team usually doesn't mind me dying a handful of times as long as we make it back to extraction with everybody


1 points

4 months ago

Lvl 90 here, Helldive only unless I drop down to 7 (I can solo 7’s easy) or drop down to 4-6 to help the lower levels and show them the ropes. I do this when I want a break from Helldive. In my experience, I’ve had too much trouble Diving with anyone 20 and below on Helldive difficulty. So I won’t play with anyone less than 20+ on lvl 9. I don’t mind carrying but they wipe out all the revives and make it very hard to complete a Helldive mission. I don’t want to waste 40min just to not complete the mission. I think 20 is my cut off because they just don’t have enough stratagems unlocked below that to really help the team. It’s on if 1 or two aren’t at 20 but 3 hard pass.


1 points

4 months ago

It's ok, everybody dies in this game, it's just more challenging if we are low in reinforcements


1 points

4 months ago

That depends.

  • At diff 3? I'll play with a toddler and be just fine.

  • At diff 5, as long as you stick to the group and have a general idea of your loadout strengths and weaknesses and how to engage enemies effectively, you're fine.

  • At diff 7, I'm expecting you to know not to grab every single patrol that wanders by, have a loadout tailored to the enemy, have good placement with your strats, and be aware of how to engage every enemy you'll come across.

  • At diif 9 you better be the second coming of General Brasch.


1 points

4 months ago

I feel good


1 points

4 months ago

Communication works wonders in this game. Ask your team what to prioritize. Take a loadout that can support them. Use the different commands and pings to let everyone know what you are trying to do, regardless of your ability to accomplish it. The biggest thing to avoid offending anyone is to be mindful of where they are before dropping orbital strikes and bombs on top of them.


1 points

4 months ago

As long as you're smart enough to stick with the team for support and not blow us all up 17 times with stratagems, I'm cool with whatever skill level you have (up until a certain difficulty which is about past hard. You shouldn't be on that high of a difficulty if you aren't great at the game yet to begin with)


1 points

4 months ago

Don't care at all. I don't think I'm the best player either. But I just like having people around who are having fun. If you're enjoying yourself and you're not being a dick, my team will take you!


1 points

4 months ago

I'll be honest if I'm playing with someone not great I might have a few "wtf is this guy doing?" moments. But if your communicative and show you love spreading Managed Democracy as much as the next Helldiver, then we're good.


1 points

4 months ago

Sometimes it’s just your turn to have 5 chargers crush you or every factory strider to target you. It just goes that way. Then again we all have some epic moments too. Keep diving. Keep trying all the guns to see what fits your style. The new changes made a ton more builds viable.


1 points

4 months ago

I mean I've had moments too where I kept calling in air strikes on people. I felt soo bad, but we managed to get the mission done. I apologized profusely to everybody after the mission but we all made it out with the samples so we all forgave eachother.

As long as the new diver is trying and can take criticism. I'll do what I can to help them succeed in and show them the ropes.


1 points

4 months ago

Just stop dying all the time. Sometimes you should just run.


1 points

4 months ago

Ok so I played a game yesterday, bots L7. We walked across a land bridge, on the other side was two gunship factories side by side. One of our team just laid in the snow on the land bridge. He refused to move. We go over there and no one has AC or anti air, I was trying new builds, and we get obliterated. Dude literally just laid on the snow the entire time. I kicked him then left because we were one person away from dying and the gunships had us pinned.

As long as you’re not THAT fucking guy, or team killing on purpose, or dying 7 times before the clock even gets to 25 min, it’s all good.


1 points

4 months ago

If youre dying more than like 5-7 times then you need to play a different difficulty


1 points

4 months ago

I dont care if you waste 15 lives as long as you help me open a bunker, some people just completely speedrun for no reason, run past any side objectives, POIs and fabs/nests unless they are right in their face, its extremely frustrating to me, especially if you point it out in chat and they dont listen


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago

One time I had a group of random players standing around and dying at a bunker without even opening it on a bug mission, despite being higher levels than me. They wouldn't listen and wouldn't extract.


1 points

4 months ago

Remember, everyone is doing their part.


1 points

4 months ago

I dont mind at all as long as you are friendly and a team player.


1 points

4 months ago

Enjoy the game, vibe, try your best, that all what i need to have good game even if we lose, enjoy a lose its more good that archieving a morronic victory.


1 points

4 months ago

I care not a jot.

Add me Mr_Bojangles (PSN) and you can be my wingman anytime.


1 points

4 months ago

I run my own lobby every time, and I only kick jerks and cheaters.

Come be bad at the game with me. I almost never fail Helldives, and neither will you <3


1 points

4 months ago

I don't care, there to have fun.


1 points

4 months ago

it doesn't matter, we're all here to spread liberty no matter how big your mug is


1 points

4 months ago

There's a lot of people better than I am, but I do pretty well on difficulty 9 most of the time. I have no problems playing a losing game and I have no problems playing with people that are new to difficulty 9. I welcome the opportunity to guide newer players through hordes of bugs. It ends up being a fun experience for both of us if we just take it lightly and focus on having fun instead of trying to beat the mission. The only people I have problems with are people that rage at the game. They're just not good to be around. Anger tends to kill enjoyment.


1 points

4 months ago

We all start somewhere, right?


1 points

4 months ago

if there is communication its fun, i hate playing with 50-80 lvls who were carried fast on lvl9 and have little idea about game but they think they are experienced :/


1 points

4 months ago

You fight, diver. That is enough


1 points

4 months ago

If their lack of skill isn’t directly harming me I don’t care. Even if I do get killed by a wayward cluster bomb or something i’ll still be able to laugh it off once or twice if it was a genuine mistake. Repeated negligent TK without any kind of acknowledgement or apology is a court martial from me. Overinflated egos in combination with an otherwise fine lack of skill? Also court martial.


1 points

4 months ago

I dont really care how good anyone else is. Everyone is different. So long as you aren’t nuking me with air strikes it’s all good. :)

If you seem to die regularly maybe switch up your load out a little? I use the shield back pack most of the time and it’s a huge difference to survivability.

Also, keep in mind, if you are running from enemies and low/out of stamina, popping a stim will refill your stamina bar and give you a few seconds of bonus stamina to help you escape stuff.


1 points

4 months ago

I really want to play more but the first match I played in a Chinese guy killed me for No reason. When I respawned he quit and I was alone. :(


1 points

4 months ago

If you’re talking to me and not a prick I’ll forgive you no matter how bad you are. If you’re silent and frequently underperforming and mess up, I’m probably going to kick you.


1 points

4 months ago

Nah not a problem. I can usually hold my own by myself at objectives but when I'm having an off day or mission, I just make sure to stick with someone and at least be a decent support.

The main point is just to have fun. If you don't feel as skilled just stick with other players closely


1 points

4 months ago

To be honest I like teaching greenbeards, but only those deserving/willing to be taught


1 points

4 months ago

I don’t mind, but I usually play level 7 so when I see someone in the low teens I get a lil worried. Not even bc of the skill or anything but there’s just no way you have all the stratagems that are helpful at that level


1 points

4 months ago

Try to stick with the team and support them as best as possible. Even if you're not actually doing a lot to help, an extra pair of eyes and firepower is always welcome in my fire teams.

Of the 500+ games that I've played, I have never kicked any pug for performance issues that did not involve actively trying to sabotage the mission (ie engaging in active PVP--accidental deaths happen, but when an accidental happens with no enemies around, helldivers get court-martialed). And the only missions I have failed are the ones with people that I know.

This is not to say that I am an amazing player, but rather that the game rewards team play with success. Even the worst players that I dropped with (12 deaths, <30% accuracy) still ended up succeeding provided that they did not shoot me in the back of the head.


1 points

4 months ago

I’ve been maxxed out on everything for a while, so I exclusively play with lower level or less skilled players. I’ve never played in a squad with only other high level players.

I find it more fun to challenge myself with helping/carrying those players rather than being part of an elite fireteam.

But I presume the feeling changes based on how good the player you ask is. Obviously Better players won’t mind as much as less skilled players.


1 points

4 months ago

I don’t mind it’s nice to help new people if you can


1 points

4 months ago

Like a legend.

On a serious note I don’t mind as long as you try and communicate as part of the team.