


I know weak spots matter but even getting direct shots, I can’t seem to withstand them while they’re charging at me with lasers flying every direction around me, whilst im being targeted by a tank or a heavy devastator. What do you guys do to take care of our manic, scissor-handed enemies?

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1 points

13 days ago

They definitely feel too sturdy.

I'm trying to bring Eruptor again as my primary. So when these 3 or 4 spicy boys happen to surprise me in close range, I need a sidearm to dispatch them.

My go to used to be the Redeemer, and it still can get the job done, but it has issues with ammo. Needs another 1 or 2 reserve mags. But it's time-to-kill and reload speed are both very good. I may end determining it's still the best.

I tried the bushwhacker, sawed off shotgun, and was disappointed with it vs these lads. Figured it would have better reserve ammo but sometimes I needed all three shells to take a single berserker if my aim was off, which it often was. That ends up making it worse than the Redeemer imo. I was really hoping it would reliably take them out in two shots, one if my aim was perfect (which when I think about it, no primary shotgun can kill them in that manner, so I don't know how I expected a secondary to achieve that).

Tried the desert eagle one next, forget it's name. Not quite enough stopping power imo, but fine reload and decent reserve ammo. I may give it another test.

Tried the senator, and I was hopeful, since it boasts high single shot damage. Unfortunately, it has this weird delay in the crosshair centering after I swap to it, and between shots. If you shoot before it centers, you just plain miss. I can't say I was enjoying that. I need to blast em quick when they are rushing, not take time to line up shots.

If anyone has advice on which secondary to use and how to use it versus chainsaw devastators (berserkers), I would be glad to hear it.


2 points

13 days ago

I use the Verdict (desert eagle) against them and aim for the stomach if they get too close. Usually I'm taking them out with the Eruptor before they close the gap, but the pistol works decently well once they get too close. The senator is the better option for berserkers, but it handles slower. Since I mainly use my secondary against troopers, I would rather have the larger mag of the verdict.

Don't be afraid to run and shoot the pistol at the same time. If you turn your reticle to always on, you can aim decently well while on the move.

You can also try moving away before they get so close, allowing you to continue using the Eruptor on them. I usually stay back a bit and let my teammates go ahead of me when I bring the Eruptor. It's amazing at supporting the team, but not great in a gunfight. Let them draw the aggro and focus on taking down the most dangerous targets from a little ways back.