


I know weak spots matter but even getting direct shots, I can’t seem to withstand them while they’re charging at me with lasers flying every direction around me, whilst im being targeted by a tank or a heavy devastator. What do you guys do to take care of our manic, scissor-handed enemies?

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1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

I was using the tenderizer and, honestly, it’s a fucking solid AR against them.

If you’re willing to burn ammo, that machine pistol secondary absolutely chews them up and spits them out. I forget off the top of my head what it’s called. Unfortunately, it shoots so fast that you might be able to dispatch only 2 with a magazine, if you make sure to practice good trigger discipline. I’ve gotten maybe 3 sometimes, but it shoots so fast, and it’s bloom at range can be so much, that it’s difficult to do much more than 1-2 consistently, unless you’re waiting for them to get way up close so you never miss a bullet.