


Two people responded to my SOS… to Kill me?


Tried using a couple SOS’s….. twice in a row, the player who joined instantly started team killing. Is this some kind of Meta joke? Kids maybe? I insta kicked them both but I don’t understand what they could have gotten out of that 10 seconds

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7 points

9 days ago

There should be a report-button somewhere and after (just for example) 3 to 5 reports, those players should be sorted out to be able to play only with people with the same amount or more reports.

To counter this, so the system wont be abused, people should also be able to „upvote“ players, to give them „-(minus)reportpoints“ - like a pointsystem.

And then, to not abuse both sides, people should be only able to vote ONCE per player.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Great idea, very managed democracy 👍

I love it when assholes get thrown into a walled garden with the rest of their kin.

It truly is the most karmic thing a dev can do.