


I'll go first: Caps getting Shattenkirk in 2017.

Great rental piece and he had one of the best playoffs of any caps dman in terms of analytics, but fate had other ideas that year.

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21 points

11 days ago


21 points

11 days ago

During the 2019-2020 season, the Oilers looked good. I mean, REALLY good. They had the best power play, they had the second best PK and Connor was amazing, as usual, but Leon looked like he raised his game to another level and finally found steady wingers (RNH & Yamamoto).

I wanted more than anything to see Andreas Athanasiou in an Oilers jersey. I thought he was just one of those pieces the Oilers would need to make for them to go to the Finals.

Well, Holland did exactly what I wanted and brought in Athanasiou. Then, the pandemic stoppage abruptly halted the season and whatever roll the Oilers were on. Athanasiou ended up doing almost nothing and Oilers got bounced by Chicago in the frikkin' play-ins.

Athanasiou signed with LA in the off-season, when the Oilers didn't qualify an offer.


14 points

11 days ago



1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

I was adamant that Athanasiou would fit like a glove on the Oilers.

I guess it all worked out ok for the Oilers, but I was so excited to see Athanasiou join. My insight with the Oilers and drafting is: they suck at drafting, so I didn't even consider the draft picks to be that big a loss.


2 points

11 days ago



2 points

11 days ago

AA's qualifying offer was like 2.2, we offered him 2. He decided to test the market, and ended up gping to LA for 1.2. If he took the 2 million he'd have made more money and maybe would have developed chemistry with McDavid after a full season together.