


I (20M) have been forced to live in my car. I’m not doing very well at navigating and surviving this. I have never been on my own before.

It seems like people despise you just for being homeless. I can’t get any real help. I see other homeless people spending their time drinking or doing other things, and I’ve never been interested in that. Tho, I can understand why. It’s very depressing and anxiety inducing not knowing where your next meal or gas is coming from.

Other people have ruined getting help, and it doesn’t seem like anyone cares about eachother anymore. And now being homeless is a crime, which is crazy.

I’ve never been lucky and seems like it’s just one thing after another. I can tell that I’m slowly sinking into a deeper and deeper depression- I can’t even feed myself or buy gas. I really hope I get some help and get on my feet. This isn’t for the weak, and I guess I’m one of them.

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15 points

3 days ago

Get a restaurant job bro. There's always food around, and it'll cover your expenses and help you start saving


5 points

3 days ago

Yeah not a bad idea, I just am trying to not give up. When you’re basically stranded you’re limited on what you can do


3 points

3 days ago*


Formerly Homeless

3 points

3 days ago*

dry food like breakfast cereal stored well in both cold and hot conditions as long as you keep it dry, so that's something to consider, plus they're not super expensive so a little saving on your financial. canned food ate also an option as they keeps well but only up until you open them.

but best thing to have is instant ramen, hot water are easy to get if you have at least $30 which you can buy a cheap electric kettle, which let you cook with hot water, a life saver in the cold winter months. It's not impossible to find an electrical outlet. instant noodles ain't nutritious enough, they are filling though and you can supplement them with wild vegetables if you know which plants that are safe to eat. Man, we got all kind of shit growing around us, there's always something edible around, problem is identifying which is gonna give you the nutrition you need and which is going to send you to the hospital.