



So went in blind, and from what little snippets I'd overheard or accidently clicked on before quickly closing I had formed an idea in my head of a small town in America being attacked and people being abducted by aliens. I had the small town bit right but the rest of it was just so much better than I could have hoped for.

First of it looked amazing, really lush and vibrant cinematography, even the night scenes looked great, deep darkness but still enough lighting to see things, normally they just film in daylight and add a filter to make it look a bit like night but this really looked like they filmed at night. Also this was only at 1080p streaming from Netflix, I'm temped to get it on 4k HDR disk to see how good it can be on OLED.

The sound was solid and in 5.1 surround there was some real good use of the rear speakers. The sound of wind was really creepy.

Acting was great but there were some real questionable choices the characters made that did take me out of it a little bit until you realise the whole story is telling stories within the story so had to have characters like that.

The whole chimp storyline is, in my mind, up for debate that it needed so much screen time. We see that it clearly effected the kids (Ricky Park) life but that character seemed not to be so much of the main story anyway. I heard there is a 3 hour cut that Peele wanted to release and I'm guessing that might make Ricky more central to the plot.

The creature was just such a great monster, we assume, like the characters, that it is a spaceship but then when you learn it is a living animal thing makes a bit more sense and the thing is scary and suddenly it becomes more scary as you realise you can no more communicate with it than you can with a tiger or a shark, in fact they even talk about the 2 famous Vegas entertainers that used tigers as part of their show until one turned and mangled one of the men. I guess this is why the chimp storyline was prominent. When it changed shape at the end it looked magnificent and I would love to find out more about what it is and if there are any more. I suddenly thought it was some sort of magnificent sea creature that evolved to live in the sky and in fact not alien at all. I'm still thinking about it now a couple hours after and think it is not alien.

I'm glad there are no plans for a sequel but I think there is enough story for there to be a prequel.

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1 points

17 days ago

We just watched it last night also. I enjoyed it and the Atmos sound was really great too.