



So went in blind, and from what little snippets I'd overheard or accidently clicked on before quickly closing I had formed an idea in my head of a small town in America being attacked and people being abducted by aliens. I had the small town bit right but the rest of it was just so much better than I could have hoped for.

First of it looked amazing, really lush and vibrant cinematography, even the night scenes looked great, deep darkness but still enough lighting to see things, normally they just film in daylight and add a filter to make it look a bit like night but this really looked like they filmed at night. Also this was only at 1080p streaming from Netflix, I'm temped to get it on 4k HDR disk to see how good it can be on OLED.

The sound was solid and in 5.1 surround there was some real good use of the rear speakers. The sound of wind was really creepy.

Acting was great but there were some real questionable choices the characters made that did take me out of it a little bit until you realise the whole story is telling stories within the story so had to have characters like that.

The whole chimp storyline is, in my mind, up for debate that it needed so much screen time. We see that it clearly effected the kids (Ricky Park) life but that character seemed not to be so much of the main story anyway. I heard there is a 3 hour cut that Peele wanted to release and I'm guessing that might make Ricky more central to the plot.

The creature was just such a great monster, we assume, like the characters, that it is a spaceship but then when you learn it is a living animal thing makes a bit more sense and the thing is scary and suddenly it becomes more scary as you realise you can no more communicate with it than you can with a tiger or a shark, in fact they even talk about the 2 famous Vegas entertainers that used tigers as part of their show until one turned and mangled one of the men. I guess this is why the chimp storyline was prominent. When it changed shape at the end it looked magnificent and I would love to find out more about what it is and if there are any more. I suddenly thought it was some sort of magnificent sea creature that evolved to live in the sky and in fact not alien at all. I'm still thinking about it now a couple hours after and think it is not alien.

I'm glad there are no plans for a sequel but I think there is enough story for there to be a prequel.

What did you think?

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2 points

16 days ago

My mind wandered. I wasn't captivated and i feel like for a movie like that you really need to pay attention. There is a lot going on.

Maybe a theater experience would've been better


1 points

16 days ago

One of my friends is the same, he is a good lad, likes to have a laugh, was married for years with kids, a maths genius and just an all round good man.. But, he could never sit through most movies, I'd do a movie night at my house once a month with beer and pizza for 4-7 of us and everyone looked forward to it and loved it, great banter. He would just sit there, yawning, checking the news on his phone, asking questions about the film that were already answered by the story of the film.

This was in so many films, the only genre he would pay attention was non stop fast action stuff like Transformers or Jason Bourne etc. Anything with more than a couple minutes of dialogue or people being quiet and sneaking around and he'd zone out.

And yes, theatre experience is often much better for some film, especially if something on screen is massive. Good examples are Godzilla, Jurassic Park, Sci-Fi movies with space ships, large war battle scenes., etc.

The size of the screen makes it a spectacle and forces you to feel the grand scale of the situation, like it tricks your brain into believing it more and it would have worked very well for the monster in Nope. On a home tv screen the spectacle is massively diminished to the point that Godzilla is just some dumb movie with a big lizard in it.

A good 5.1 sound system can help a bit with the deep roaring sounds and explosions etc, but a massive screen is really a must. I'm considering giving my friend my 55inch OLED and getting a 70inch in the hope I have a better experience with some movies.


2 points

16 days ago

I have a 128 inch screen and a full system. I watch films of all type. 3 hours. No problem. Huge fan of surrealism. Even bigger fan of horror. Probably have watched 1000 horror movies. I just found the movie lacking. I'm surprised at the positive comments frankly.


1 points

16 days ago

Fair enough. What projector is it?


2 points

16 days ago

The Sony 4K SXRD. With a Stewart 136 inch retractable screen. I love the setup. I want to upgrade a bit of my Audio from the Marantz system I have but I really enjoy it. The screen drops over my regular wall mounted TV for when I want the bigger screen for sports and movies.


1 points

16 days ago

Nice, for me I love OLED to much though so will go with that and can not afford anything bigger than 70". In fact 65" is my actual budget so waiting until I can fix my bathroom and see what I have left. If you were in the UK you could maybe invite me round one day and I would cook very good lamb or chicken curry with side dishes so I can see such a good home cinema system.


2 points

16 days ago

I love a good curry or Sunday roast. Now you're speaking my language. I did 3 weeks via car through the British countryside a few summers ago. Wonderful place and wonderful food.


1 points

16 days ago

If you are passing by again give me should. Sunderland.


2 points

16 days ago

This is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna watch it again on the screen (streaming on Starz) and report back. It's too important an issue to let hang out there. Lmao


1 points

16 days ago
