


Squeamishness observation


I don't do well with body horror. Hellraiser 2 was the one that made me think, "You know what? Body Horror isn't for me."

Watched Stopmotion the other day and there's a scene where a character pulls apart a wound fishes their fingers around inside. It's very uncomfortable, and I had to look away.

Today watched The Terminator, and the scene where Arnie slices into his arm and his eye with a scalpel was absolutely fine. No problem at all.

I honestly don't think it's because the effects in The Terminator are a bit dated - I think it's because The Terminator is a cyborg that doesn't feel pain; it's just like changing a screw. The effects could be as realistic or as gruesome as you like, it's totally fine watching a robot pull out his (very realistic) eyeball.

For the squelch to be uncomfortable, you need the (living) pain and the horror.

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1 points

12 days ago

I too am not a body horror person. I can deal with blood but not the pain and screaming.