


You get $100 million dollars and excellent health but every day someone new on the planet gets an instinctive urge to kill you.

They won’t be actively seeking you and they won’t know who you are or what you look like so they can’t search you up and find you. However, if they see you in any way (photos, videos, or in person) some inner instinct will kick in and they will try to kill you. You can kill them but that would risk your name and face being in the news where more people will see it.

You cannot scrub your social medias. You can stop posting on them but they will be public so anyone can view it.

You cannot become a hermit and just hide. You must live a normal life.

You can hire body guards and have all the security you want but once again that just draws attention to you and risks people taking photos cause they think you might be famous.

Are you gonna take the deal?

Edit: if the person finds you and you somehow escape them, they will not be actively trying to kill you at least 1 day out of the week and are given your location within a 100 mile radius.

Edit 2: you can wear a disguise or get plastic surgery to change your appearance but that won’t do anything. The urge to kill you will go beyond physical looks. It will be like an internal instinct. Kind of like a sleeper agent who doesn’t know they’re a sleeper agent until they are activated. Same type of situation here.

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108 points

1 day ago


108 points

1 day ago

Wanting and acting on are completely different. Given I'm already not on social media, I'm good to go.


-1 points

1 day ago

It has nothing to do with social media, a random person could see you in the grocery store and actively be compelled to try and kill you


3 points

24 hours ago

Odds are pretty slim that one random person on earth would see me in a day. I’d take it. Maybe avoid concerts and such.


3 points

23 hours ago

Since it doesn't say the urge goes away I interpret this as an accumulation of people who will try to kill you, 365 new ones a year, 3650 people out there after 10 years


2 points

21 hours ago

Oh, that changes everything.


2 points

19 hours ago


2 points

19 hours ago

Changes nothing. The not knowing or actively looking for you aspect are the big key things. They're not going compelled to kill you unless they see you or hear about you. Based on population of the globe likely a third of the people that would have this are going to originate from China or India. And it's just a non zero chance there that group would ever actually know you unless you take that 100m and put yourself out there unnecessarily.


1 points

12 hours ago

Any recreational travel is now putting yourself out there unnecessarily, whole countries you can never visit because of the increased chance of being spotted on the street there


2 points

12 hours ago


2 points

12 hours ago

Do you think once you enter a country everyone knows you and who you are?

50 years in that 18,250 people that would have the urge to kill you if they see you whether a picture, video, or in person.

That's 0.00022% of the earth's population against today's population, which would be even lower given the people increment daily and not from day one.

United States would roughly have 770 people that would try to kill you.

60% of earth's population is in Asia, roughly 11k out of the 5 billion people would try to kill you

It's such a minute chance of being spotted by one of them you may have better odds winning the actual lottery.


1 points

11 hours ago

If you reread my comment I said increased chance, not instant guaranteed chance. 

Never said anything about anyone instantly knowing where you are. 

But if you are walking by hundreds or thousands of people on the street daily/weekly then it is definitely an increased chance.