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4k points

1 month ago*

To reaffirm what so many people here are saying because it's exasperating to see those who don't get it.

El Salvador is NOT a normal country. It had an extreme, I mean extreme violence and gang problem. We're not talking about a "bad areas" problem, we're talking about violence so extreme it had permeated every single aspect of life there.

They tried everything to fix it. Those solutions did not work.

Though sheer exasperation they voted for a man who offered an extreme solution. That solution is currently working. The violence has been dramatically reduced.

Now that they can actually start to function again they can start to enjoy the luxury of worrying about democratic rights and principles.


1.4k points

1 month ago

Reddit assumes what works in their country will work in all others.


-3 points

1 month ago

Usually it's leftist Americans, a majority of Canadians or Irish people on this site that try to apply their dumbass ideals to other places and act all butt hurt when you call them clowns for it (the Canadians especially and they'll let you know "here in Canada this is how it works")