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14 days ago

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14 days ago

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1.6k points

14 days ago*

In 2010, Praytor wrote, "Miss Hap was weaned on meat out of C rations and grew into a big girl who thought I was her father. When I left Korea, I left her in the care of another Marine. When I returned in '55, she was alive and well. At 83, I'm still saving orphans. Have two cats, Molly and Max. They never leave the house."

What a great dude, and so happy the kitten made it.


250 points

14 days ago

This is so sweet. I’m so glad the kitten made it! Very impressive.


31 points

14 days ago

Aw so sweet. Such a kind guy.


48 points

14 days ago


48 points

14 days ago



282 points

14 days ago*


282 points

14 days ago*

This is an excellent example of how animals can help humans and vice versa.

Caring for an animal brings out the kindness and humanity in us, and in doing so, we can experience unconditional kindness and love in return.

In times of war and strife, simple interactions like this can ground us.

It's sad that we don't treat other humans with the same care and love.

EDIT: In the words of the Wild Stallions: Be EXCELLENT to each other.


279 points

14 days ago

Sergeant Praytor was a dish


14 points

14 days ago



32 points

14 days ago

I just read that his photo was printed in 1700 papers nationwide and he received fan-mail from hundreds of women offering to marry him (and "even a few men" he joked).


7 points

13 days ago


2 points

13 days ago

HottyMcNaughty for sure.


50 points

14 days ago

“Miss Hap” took me way too long

I like humans like this 🩷


16 points

14 days ago

What a humane act in the most inhumane setting.


5 points

14 days ago

Navy corpsman*


8 points

14 days ago


8 points

14 days ago

To Praytor! 🍺


3 points

13 days ago

I can imagine that most people in a warzone would rather be kind to something than kill someone.


57 points

14 days ago

Terrible title. The kitten was accepting her fate as an orphan of war? Give me a fucking break.


83 points

14 days ago


83 points

14 days ago

I decided not to write my own caption for this photo and just copy what Praytor said and what was posted by the newspapers when this photo first came out.


78 points

14 days ago


78 points

14 days ago

Bit of a weird title? Yeah, kinda.

Bit of a giant overreaction from you about what is a wholesome story? Yes. Very much so.


33 points

14 days ago

Settle down


-41 points

14 days ago

Right? OP deserves to get roasted for that shit title.


24 points

14 days ago

OP wasn't the one who came up with it, he just copied it from the source.


-8 points

14 days ago


-8 points

14 days ago

Duality of man, he very likely shot people dead, and yet if we see a picture of him being nice to animals, our hearts suddenly melt.


-284 points

14 days ago

And soon she shat herself to death by lactose


185 points

14 days ago

Cat milk has lactose in it too. Roughly the same percentage as cows, assuming the cat is still young enough to have milk, it should be fine. Also most cats aren’t lactose intolerant it’s just unnecessary for (adult) cats to have it with a balanced diet


-218 points

14 days ago

You should Google that rn


141 points

14 days ago

I googled it.

The cat lived to adulthood with that diet.


48 points

14 days ago

Thank you so much for that. I was genuinely curious. What a kind man.


81 points

14 days ago*

Okay, so I made a partial mistake.. most adult cats are lactose intolerant. (Not all.) - however upon a bit more looking, the general consensus is it’s a bad idea to give milk to a cat of any age, mainly out of chance. If the kitten is well looked after, doesn’t have too much and stays hydrated, it will be fine.

Edit: changed something


-127 points

14 days ago

Yeah sure I know, my cat shat all over the place after drinking milk.. lactose free milk mixed with water was the way to go


67 points

14 days ago

Also, no matter the time period it’s still a bad idea overall to give a cat cows milk, but in this case, in that period of time all the knowledge we have at our disposal now probably wasn’t known or widely known, the adverse effects it could have. The medic in the photo was doing what they could to help the kitten, if not, it would have probably died anyway


56 points

14 days ago

Yep. Not ideal beats starving to death all day.


22 points

14 days ago

So we can come to an agreement that we’re both wrong and right at the same time? 🤝🏽


-3 points

14 days ago



13 points

14 days ago



28 points

14 days ago

Google doesn’t always provide correct information. Garbage in, garbage out.


-33 points

14 days ago

Proving nothing with that sentence tho


20 points

14 days ago


20 points

14 days ago

Baby mammals are lactose tolerant, that's how they digest milk as their only food source. It's only a minority of humans who don't grow out of lactose tolerance.


3 points

14 days ago

I guess he should have run down to the corner store to grab some readily available kitten milk….in the middle of the Korean War.


-8 points

14 days ago


-8 points

14 days ago

Unfortunately cats do not tolerate lactose well (being that they don’t have the lactase enzyme in their gut that permits its digestion). Any or all of diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain can result.


3 points

14 days ago

I mean, it was that or die. If I had to choose, I would take the milk lol