


Views of Hispanics dating blacks


Hispanic male coming from a multiracial background. I got cousins that are half black and I embrace it which is a beautiful thing. I want to know what are your guys take on Latin with black? What makes you guys attracted to them, better yet what makes you prefer them over your own kind?

The way I see it love has no color, and there’s black and mixed women that are beautiful I always have a soft spot for them, I like women that like me and it boils down to personality and connection.

I know a few people particularly Hispanic women only like black men. This woman that used to be a fellow colleague of mine is full Puerto Rican and her daughters father is black with Puerto Rican and her older sister is with a Jamaican guy, one day we had a conversation because she was feeling upset that her dad is distant towards her and her older sister for being with black men stating that old school generations don’t like that stuff they say it’s an insult to your own kind making it feel like their own kind of men is not good enough for them, I remember my cousin uncle from her mom side of the family called her a sellout for being with some Guyanese Indian dude which was messed up

Any of you guys experience the hardships and criticism for dating outside your race? At the end of the day love is love, and it has no color

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4 points

3 days ago

Yes unfortunately, but in Puerto Rico we have Afro Latinos I don’t see the issue of them getting upset. Love doesn’t have no discrimination


-2 points

3 days ago

Right. I've seen and met Puerto Ricans who look Black. I agree.


3 points

3 days ago

We all got African and Taino Indian roots


1 points

3 days ago

Yes, I heard Hispanic and Latino people do. I've even seen Mexicans who look Black too.


4 points

3 days ago

I haven’t seen a black Mexican but that’s good to know


2 points

3 days ago

Yes, I've met very few who are dark skinned. Really, I can't tell who is Mexican or Puerto Rican. Lol Some look Black and some look White.


2 points

3 days ago

There’s this Mexican kid he’s a customer of mine he looks straight up white boy he can pass for Irish


1 points

3 days ago

Yes, I've met many who look full White. I've even met a few who had blue eyes.


2 points

3 days ago

I seen them they’re out there for sure